
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Moline City Council met October 24.

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Moline City Council met October 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation – Alderman Waldron

Roll Call

Consent Agenda:

All items under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussions of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which case, the item will be moved from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after the Omnibus Vote.

Approval of Minutes & Appointment:

Committee-of-the-Whole and Council meeting minutes of October 17, 2017, and the appointment made during Committee-of-the-Whole on October 24, 2017.

Second Reading Ordinances:

1. Council Bill/General Ordinance 3028-2017

An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “Motor Vehicles And Traffic,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Appendix 10 thereof, “Parking Prohibited At Any Time,” by including 46th Street, on both sides, at a distance of 75 feet north of 21st Avenue for a distance of 200 feet north.

Explanation: Traffic Committee reviewed request and recommends approval.

Fiscal Impact: n/a

Public Notice/Recording: n/a


2. Council Bill/Resolution 1162-2017

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to approve a Payment to the Illinois Department of Transportation related to the City of Moline’s Share of I-74 Bridge Contract 64C08.

Explanation: An Agreement between the City of Moline and the State of Illinois was executed on March 13, 2017, detailing the City of Moline’s cost share of the Illinois Department of Transportation’s (IDOT) Contract 64C08, I-74 Bridge from the Mississippi River to South of 7th Avenue. The Agreement stated that the City of Moline would reimburse IDOT for 80% of the City’s share of the contract upon award. A Resolution for Improvement was approved by the City Council on March 7, 2017, to use Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds for this purpose and to designate Section #17-00265-00-PV as the MFT section number. The City’s obligation at award is $491,541.44 with $393,233.15 (80%) due at this time. The remainder will be billed to the City upon completion of the project when the City’s total obligation is known. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal Impact: Funds are not budgeted for this expense; however, $393,233.15 is available in MFT Reserves for this project.

Public Notice/Recording: n/a

3. Council Bill/Resolution 1163-2017

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to approve a Payment to the Illinois Department of Transportation related to the City of Moline’s share of River Drive Advance I-74 Work from 19th to 23rd Streets, Contract 64J68.

Explanation: An Agreement between the City of Moline and the State of Illinois was executed on May 16, 2014, detailing the City of Moline’s cost share of the Illinois Department of Transportation’s (IDOT) Contract 64J68, River Drive Advance I-74 Work from 19th to 23rd Streets. The Agreement stated that the City of Moline will reimburse IDOT for 80% of the City’s share of the contract upon award, and the remainder will be billed to the City upon completion of the project when the City’s total obligation is known. The City’s total obligation is $1,497,053.74. A previous payment of $989,185.24 was made on February 24, 2015, with the remaining $507,868.50 currently due. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal Impact: Funds are available in 310-1716-434.08-45, Watermain Replacement, Water Contracts and 320-1840-433.08-30, WPC, Sanitary Sewer Contracts for the Water and WPC costs. Utility Tax Funds are not available for the street portion. Staff recommends General Fund Reserves be used to fund the $167,478.77.

Moline Const Costs; Plus 15% Engineering; Total Moline Share; Less Paid 2/24/16; Balance Due

Utility Tax- $149,715.35; $22,457.30; $172,172.65; $4,693.88; $167,478.77

Water- $261,767.50; $39,265.13; $301,032.63; $226,258.82; $74,773.81

WPC- $890,303.01; $133,545.45; $1,023,848.46; $758,232.54; $265,615.92

$1,301,785.86; $1,497,053.74; $507,868.50

Public Notice/Recording: n/a

4. Council Bill/Resolution 1164-2017

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to approve a request for an additional street light on 15th Street between 21st and 23rd Avenues.

Explanation: Staff received a request for an additional street light on 15th Street between 21st and 23rd Avenues. An investigation revealed that installing a light in this location is justified under the Residential Street Light Policy.

Fiscal Impact: Annual cost of a street light is approximately $93. $430,000 is budgeted for street lights in account #010-0843-435.04-16, Traffic Signal Maintenance, Utility Service.

Public Notice/Recording: n/a

5. Council Bill/Resolution 1165-2017

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to approve a request for six additional street lights on North Shore Drive between 16th and 25th Streets.

Explanation: Staff received a request for street lights on North Shore Drive between 16th and 25th Streets. An investigation revealed that six lights are justified under the Residential Street Light Policy. Fiscal Impact: Annual cost of a street light is approximately $93. $430,000 is budgeted for street lights in account #010-0843-435.04-16, Traffic Signal Maintenance, Utility Service.

Public Notice/Recording: n/a

6. Council Bill/Resolution 1166-2017

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to approve a request for two additional street lights on 34th Avenue between 34th Avenue Court and Black Hawk College.

Explanation: Staff received a request for street lights on 34th Avenue between 34th Avenue Court and Black Hawk College. An investigation revealed that two lights are justified under the Residential Street Light Policy. Fiscal Impact: Annual cost of a street light is approximately $93. $430,000 is budgeted for street lights in account #010-0843-435.04-16, Traffic Signal Maintenance, Utility Service.

Public Notice/Recording: n/a

7. Council Bill/Resolution 1167-2017

A Resolution directing the City Administrator to modify the non-union employee group benefit package to incorporate the changes as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto relating to health benefits.

Explanation: The City currently provides one health insurance plan, the Choice Plus 80/60 plan, to eligible employees and retirees. City staff has met with the employee health committee and union leadership and discussed cost saving options. This agenda item would modify the Choice Plus 80/60 Plan, as well as implement a high deductible health plan for the 2018 Plan Year. Modifications to the Choice Plus 80/60 Plan and the benefit structure of the high deductible health plan are outlined in Exhibit A. All four unions have agreed to these terms. These changes are expected to help control long-term healthcare costs and provide a cost savings to the City, the total amount of which is dependent upon enrollment in each plan. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal Impact: Savings to the Health Fund

Public Notice/Recording: n/a

8. Council Bill/Resolution 1168-2017

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Contract for Professional Services with National Research Survey Inc., for citizen survey services in an amount not to exceed $16,740 to administer, analyze and report results from a customizable citizen survey.

Explanation: The City Council, in its Strategic Plan Policy Agenda for 2016-2017, identified implementing and marketing the “Why Moline” Marketing Program as a high priority, and staff has created a Marketing Committee that is working closely with the City’s Website Committee in order to create a “Why Moline’ Marketing Program campaign that highlights the benefits of living, working, and playing in Moline with regard to this goal. Staff is currently working on ways to implement the “Why Moline” Marketing Program by increasing the City’s social media presence, increasing overall customer service, highlighting City services and branding the City; however, in order to measure service performance, assess community needs, evaluate community receptiveness to City government and gather community characteristics to assist staff in creating a long-term strategic plan for continued implementation of the “Why Moline” Marketing Program, an outreach effort by way of a citizen survey is necessary, and staff wishes to conduct a citizen survey. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal Impact: - $16,740 (Account No. 012-9901-418.03-22)

Public Notice/Recording: n/a

Omnibus Vote

Non - Consent Agenda

First Reading Ordinances

9. Council Bill/Special Ordinance 4045-2017

A Special Ordinance closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic, and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with the Moline Hungry Turkey 5K and 10K run/walk, sponsored by All Community Events, to be held on Sunday, November 26, 2017.

Explanation: This first-time event for Moline has been reviewed and approved by the Special Events Committee to be held on Sunday, November 26, 2017. The estimated number of persons to attend is 1,500.

Fiscal Impact: n/a

Public Notice/Recording: n/a

10. Council Bill/Special Ordinance 4046-2017

A Special Ordinance closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic, and authorizing use of public right-of-way in conjunction with the Lighting on the Commons, sponsored by the Commons Property Owners Group, to be held on Saturday, November 18, 2017.

Explanation: This annual event has been reviewed and approved by the Special Events Committee to be held on Saturday, November 18, 2017. The estimated number of persons to attend is 5,000 to 6,000.

Fiscal Impact: n/a

Public Notice/Recording: n/a

Miscellaneous Business (if necessary)

Public Comment:

Members of the Public are permitted to speak after coming to the podium and stating their names.

Executive Session (if necessary)
