
Rock Island Today

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Village of Milan Council met October 16.

Village of Milan Council met October 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Roll Call:

Roll call vote showed present, Trustees Jerry Wilson, Bruce Stickell, Jay Zimmerman, Harry Stuart and Jody Taylor. Trustee Jim Flannery was absent.

Pledge Of Allegiance:

Attorney Scott led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Addition To The Agenda:

Mayor Dawson asked to add Oath of Office for Deputy Clerk. Trustee Wilson so moved and Trustee Stuart seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Oath Of Office:

Village Clerk Barbara Lee swore in Ms. Hayley Stephens as Deputy Clerk and stated she would then be able to sign necessary papers and seal them in the absence of the Village Clerk.

Ms. Stephens read her oath of office. The Clerk Lee, Mayor Dawson and the Trustees all congratulated her.

Presentation Of Financial Audit By Carpentier, Mitchell & Goddard:

Mayor Dawson introduced Mr. Dave Grosse and Mr. Jim Taylor of Carpentier, Mitchell & Goddard Company LLC.

Mr. Taylor explained the village had a clean opinion by Government Accounting Standards.

The village’s governmental funds show decreased spending but have shown a larger amount of decreased revenue. The General Fund is the primary operating fund of the village which pays for services to the public. It is funded by taxes, investment income, service charges, income from grants, miscellaneous and capital contributions. A healthy fund balance to begin the fiscal year gave the General Fund a positive ending balance.

All other non-major governmental funds ended the fiscal year with positive fund balances with the exception of Garbage and Payroll. Due to a negative beginning balance the small positive revenue over expense at year end could not negate the beginning negative fund balance in the Garbage Fund. The Payroll Fund’s ending balance was a negative balance and the small beginning balance could not compensate for it. Both funds ended with a negative fund balance.

The village has two business–type funds, those being the Camden Centre and the Water and Sewer Funds. Camden Centre’s position is significantly better than last fiscal year even though it had a negative fund balance and Water and Sewer’s position shows a slight increase in revenue over expenses.

The two fiduciary funds are the IMRF pension which is currently in a good position and the Police Pension Fund to which the village has a large liability owing. The investments of the Pension Fund are not meeting expected returns which decreases revenue and increases the liability of the village. More police are retiring and benefits are increasing. The village uses 100% of its property tax to fund the Police Pension Fund. The obligation is much more than the property tax collected. If the village cannot increase their contributions, the funded portion of the pension will only continue to fall.

Mr. Taylor stated although expenditures have decreased in all funds compared to last year’s expenditures the revenue has also decreased. The net position of the village this FY is down $128,951 from last year. The net position is a measure of future income and future liabilities. It gives a forecast of how well the village will be able to meet its obligations.

Mr. Taylor is seeing this same struggle for most of the surrounding municipalities as the State has cut so much revenue to local governments.

Mr. Taylor mentioned two new additions to the audit this year. They are a list of TIF Abatements and the new GASB 75 Pension details.

Mayor Dawson stated after the regular council meeting the Finance Committee will hold a meeting to discuss the Tax Levy and the Police Pension Fund in an attempt to resolve the issues the village has with both

Mayor Dawson asked for a motion to accept the audit as presented. Trustee Stickell so moved and Trustee Taylor seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration Of The Minutes:

All Board Members received a copy of the October 2, 2017 Village Board meeting minutes. There being no additions or corrections, Trustee Wilson moved to approve the minutes as presented and Trustee Zimmerman seconded the motion. All Trustees voted "Aye". Motion carried.

Consideration Of The Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Mark Hunt was present and gave a copy of his report ending September 30, 2017 to all the Board Members.

Treasurer Hunt stated we are still spending faster than receiving. His report is the budget verses expenses with the remaining percent over or under budget.

There being no comments regarding the Treasurer’s Report, Trustee Stickell moved to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Trustee Taylor seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration Of The Semi-Monthly And Miscellaneous Bills:

Trustee Taylor stated there was only one run of bills this time. They are made up mostly of a Raycom bill which will be reimbursed to the village with the exception of 16%, a General Obligation Bond payment, utility cleaning by Enviromark at the Sewer Treatment Plant and the purchase of twenty four water meters.

October 16, 2017 There being no other comment on the bills, Mayor Dawson asked for a motion to pay the bills as presented.

Trustee Taylor moved to pay the October 16th list of bills presented in the amount of $179,563.36.

Trustee Zimmerman seconded the motion. Roll call vote showed Trustees Stickell, Zimmerman, Stuart, Taylor and Wilson voted “Aye”. Motion carried. The bills will be paid from the following accounts:

General $109,114.50

Garbage 8,706.62

Motor Fuel Tax 1,489.59

Camden Centre 3,360.57

Camden Centre Deposit 1,000.00

Water & Sewer 55,892.08

Total $179,563.36

Consideration Of A Joint Agreement For Enterprise Zone Application Assistance:

Administrator Seiver stated the application to have an enterprise zone which was submitted last year was denied by the State of Illinois. Since an enterprise zone is vital to bring in economic development, the cities of East Moline, Moline, Rock Island, Silvis and the Village of Milan and the County of Rock Island propose this agreement with Bi-State Regional Commission to give technical support to a new Enterprise Zone application.

Administrator Seiver stated the village would be responsible for $3,074 of the first phase of the application and if it is passed an additional $1,500 would be required.

Mr. Seiver stated Mr. Steve McClure of Opportunity Alliance LLC has been chosen by Bi-State to make application to the State for an Enterprise Zone for the applicants.

Trustee Zimmerman moved to direct Mayor Dawson to sign the agreement with Bi-State. Trustee Wilson seconded the motion. Roll call vote showed Trustee Zimmerman, Stuart, Taylor, Wilson and Stickell voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration Of Class D-1 And Class G-1 Liquor License Application – Smokin’ Joes:

Mayor Dawson stated an application for two liquor licenses a D-1 and a G-1 has been applied for by Tony Gripp of “The Outlet Inc.” They will be leasing the building at 230 10th Avenue West, Milan. Their plans are to have a smoking room, a liquor store where the G-1 license will be used and eventually a video gaming room where the D-1 license will be used.

A question was asked how many D-1 licenses will be given out. Mayor Dawson stated there is no limit on beer and wine licenses.

Mayor Dawson asked for a vote on the G-1 license. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Mayor Dawson asked for a vote on the D-1 license. Four Trustees voted “Aye”. One Trustee voted “Nay”. Motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Trustee Taylor stated the Finance Committee Meeting will be held on the second floor in the conference room. It is open to the public.

Mayor Dawson stated Randy Dennis is running the Inspection Department in the absence of Building & Zoning Officer Steve Moller. Mr. Moller was injured in an accident at home and will be in the hospital for some time.

Citizens Opportunity To Address The Village Board:

No one from the audience requested to speak.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Zimmerman seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.




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