
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Rock Island County Governance, Health, And Administration Committee met November 13.

Webp meeting 05

Rock Island County Governance, Health, And Administration Committee met November 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1) Call to order and roll call

Committee members present: Mia Mayberry, Pat Moreno, Kim Callaway-Thompson, Drue Mielke, Cecilia O’Brien (via phone), Ron Oelke, Mike Steffen, Scott Terry (arrived at 10:02 a.m.)

Committee members absent: None

Others present: Kurt Davis, Hayleigh Covella, Kenneth Maranda, Bill Long, Ginny Shelton, Gary Bryant, Ed Langdon, Darren Hart, Martha Smith, Karen Kinney, Amanda Van Daele, Chris Payne

2) Public comments

There were no public comments.

3) Approval of minutes from the October 10, 2017 meeting

Motion to approve: Kim Callaway-Thompson

2nd: Mike Steffen, Drue Mielke

Voice vote

Motion carried

4) Reports to the committee

County Clerk Ms. Kinney provided a copy of her vital records report from October. She noted that the numbers are running about average. They encounter some highs and lows depending on when kids go back to school and when people feel like getting married.

Ms. Kinney provided an elections update. Candidate filing begins on November 27 and ends December 4. She reminded everybody to get their petitions in order, though she’s sure they have. It’s quite a process. Ms. Callaway-Thompson noted that she though Ms. Kinney was getting ready to give them a whole list of dates. Ms. Kinney noted that she could, but everyone got the election calendar at a glance. If they didn’t, it’s on the state board website. That has everything they need to know and more.

Mr. Terry is present.

Health Department:

Mr. Bryant noted that Ms. Ludwig wanted him to share that the School Health Link Board voted last week to close the Silvis facility. They are consolidating everything to the Rock Island facility. Mr. Maranda asked if that is both Link and WIC. Mr. Bryant said it’s just Link.

Ms. Callaway-Thompson asked if there was any special reason for closing it. She has used that location before to help someone out. Mr. Bryant said he believes it was staffing reasons. They couldn’t get the Silvis facility staffed fully. They found themselves basically running two part-time clinics and thought it would be better to fully staff one clinic.

Ms. Callaway-Thompson asked if the people in that community have been made aware. Mr. Bryant said they will be made aware.

Mr. Oelke noted that he knew they were having trouble getting a Medical Director to supervise. Mr. Bryant confirmed that was part of the staffing issue.

Mr. Oelke noted that Henry County has opened a clinic. Ms. Callaway-Thompson said that is correct. She thinks they opened one in Colona. Mr. Oelke confirmed and noted that Colona’s not that far away. The superintendent said some of the kids have already been going there. That is going to remain a pretty good option for a lot of people on that end. Ms. Callaway-Thompson said it’s just a matter of making sure to communicate that continually so people are aware.

University of Illinois Extension:

Ms. Smith, Horticulture Educator at the University of Illinois Extension, provided updates on a couple of things that are coming up. Ms. Smith noted that the Extension will be expecting a visit from Dean Kidwell, the Dean of the College of ACES (Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences) on Tuesday December 5. She made a pledge to travel the state and visit all the offices and is holding to it. Ms. Smith believes some people should have received invitations for a luncheon to come and meet her. Dean Kidwell is a very dynamic individual and Ms. Smith is pleased that she is coming.

Ms. Smith noted that the Extension has some webinars coming up on local government education that she thought some County Board members might be interested in. Those are on November 16 and December 7. The webinars will take place over the lunch hour and are online, so you can sit at the computer, eat lunch, and watch the webinars.

The Extension is going to have a Master Gardener training starting in January. Ms. Smith said if anyone knows of anyone who may want to be a Master Gardener Volunteer, that will be held at the Milan office.

The last thing Ms. Smith has to update the committee on is the Extension’s PSEP testing, which is the Pesticide Safety Education Program. That’s for anyone who needs their pesticide license renewed. There will be tests at the sites listed on the card and in March the Extension will have a three-day training at the iWireless/TaxSlayer Center building. This would be for anybody who sprays buildings, rights-of-way, agriculture, any of that. They can go to the Extension’s website and register.

Mr. Maranda noted, to go along with the Extension’s report, that Mr. Terry and Mr. Deppe just got their certificates for finishing the program down in Springfield. They accomplished that.

Mr. Maranda added that last month, Mr. Terry brought to his attention Ms. Garner’s report of the children who placed at the state competitions. After talking to Ms. Garner and Ms. Baker, Mr. Maranda delivered certificates from the county to Ms. Garner. He was going to try to get them to one of the boards. He threw it on Committee of the Whole because it will be pretty busy at County Board with other stuff. He did deliver certificates for all of them. It’s for those in Group 7, which includes Henry County. Ms. Garner and Ms. Baker are going to distribute the [certificates]. They’ve got their big 4H banquet on the 19th. Ms. Garner didn’t know if they’d all make it to that either. He told her he always goes. It’s a great meal.

Mr. Steffen asked if the certificates Mr. Maranda spoke of for Mr. Terry and Mr. Deppe are from that same program he and Mr. Swanson graduated from last year. Mr. Maranda said yes. Mr. Steffen said that’s wonderful. They have four of the 25 members who have completed that now. Ms. Callaway-Thompson said congratulations. Mr. Maranda noted that Mr. Virgil Mayberry also graduated from that program. It’s quite an undertaking with the travel and everything else. Mr. Terry encouraged everyone to attend that can.

5) Review and consider proposal from GovHR for County Administrator search

Ms. Mayberry noted that in the packet is a proposal from GovHR. The county received this proposal. GovHR is the company the County Board used previously to conduct the search for the county administrator. They have offered a special rate not to exceed $22,000 to conduct the search this time. The County Board will need to decide whether or not to contract with a firm and if GovHR is the firm they’d like to use. The Chairman has consulted with the State’s Attorney’s Office. They have advised that the county does not need to go out for bids for this. Ms. Mayberry asked if Mr. Moreno had anything to add and noted that he was the chair of committee that did the search last time, so maybe he can speak to the job they did and the results.

Mr. Moreno noted that they really kind of led the committee by the hand because it was a new thing for Rock Island County. Along with them and Mr. Phillips, he thinks it is an excellent idea to go with these guys again. They have a lot of the county’s information already. There are a few things they may have to tweak, but they will be further along than where they started last time. He thinks it’s a good idea to go with them.

Motion to forward proposal to Finance & Personnel Committee for consideration: Pat Moreno

2nd: Scott Terry

Mr. Steffen asked, for the $17,000 estimate, who was in on the bargaining. He knows they were trying to get a deal from them since the person they helped the county hire was only here for two years. He said $17,000 doesn’t seem like that much of a deal when he thinks they paid $25,000 to get Mr. Ross. Mr. Moreno explained that they did ask GovHR to cut the rate a little bit and that’s what they came back with. Ms. Mayberry confirmed that they did cut the rate.

Mr. Maranda explained that Mr. Philips sat with them for the start of this. He went to the IACBM conference and saw Mr. Ross down there and talked to GovHR. He didn’t come back with the $17,000 figure. He had more. Then they sent this proposal that the committee has for $17,000. The other $5,000 would be if the county brought the [candidates] in and whatever. He just threw that $5,000 in for if they bring them in, put them up, and interview them when it comes down to it like they did for Mr. Ross and the others who applied the first time. Nothing has transpired until it goes to County Board for approval. Then, depending if the consensus of the Board is to use a consulting firm or go at it alone, they’ll see what’s going on.

Mr. Steffen said his concern is that $17,000 is a little bit high. He was hoping for $12,500, which is half of $25,000. Mr. Maranda said no, this is what they sent. Mr. Moreno noted that if they were to go with anybody else, wouldn’t give the county a deal at all.

Ms. Mayberry said she seconds what Mr. Moreno and Mr. Terry said as someone who was on the board when they did the search last time and saw what a professional job this company did. They brought the county qualified candidates. They led the county through this in a very professional manner. If they go with them again, and she hopes they do, the search would be led in a very professional way. Ms. Callaway-Thompson agreed.

Mr. Maranda noted that they won’t have Mr. Nollenberg this time. He won’t be available for this. Mr. Steffen noted that the proposal says it would be Ms. Katy Rush. Ms. Mayberry asked if she would take Mr. Nollenberg’s place. Mr. Maranda said yes. That’s in the proposal. He added that they probably won’t go out until after the first of the year because with getting this refinancing through the board, they’re into Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mr. Philips said not much happens between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so for everybody’s information, this will start after the first of the year. Ms. Callaway- Thompson said that seems wise. Mr. Maranda said that’s for whatever decision, whether they do it themselves or bring in GovHR.

Voice vote

Motion carried

6) Review of pending/proposed state legislation & policy matters affecting Rock Island County

Ms. Mayberry noted that she had Ms. Covella print out an article that was in the Argus in case the committee didn’t catch that. It is regarding the bail bond process in Rock Island County and how that’s changing. She asked the committee to take a look at that when they get a chance.

There is also a link in the packet to most updated version of the IACBM newsletter. Those are always very informational. Ms. Mayberry asked the committee to take a look if they get a chance.

Ms. Mayberry noted that Mr. Wilson is at a conference, but he wanted the committee to talk about an amendment being proposed with the State of Illinois to Senate Bill 871 concerning homestead exemptions. Ms. Mayberry was hoping Mr. Wilson would be able to call in to answer some questions, but the way she and Mr. Davis understand what is being proposed is there would be a lot more homestead exemptions and the county would be out a lot of money due to those exemptions. Mr. Wilson would also need more staff in his office to deal with those applications for the exemptions. He provided an update on where the bill was at. Last week the vote did not get called by the Senate. Ms. Mayberry assumes that it’s either tabled or just hasn’t been called yet. It might be called soon. It has already passed the House. Mr. Wilson did say that Senator Anderson would be the best person to reach out to. Ms. Mayberry discussed with Mr. Davis that maybe he can work with Mr. Wilson to draft a letter from the chairman and the board regarding how it would affect the county and the county board’s stance. Mr. Davis can speak with Mr. Wilson on that when he gets back.

Mr. Davis added that, basically, the general homestead would go up from $6,000 and the senior homestead would go up from $5,000. They also want to establish a long time homestead exemption if you live in house more than 8 years and make less than $100,000. That’s another freeze exemption. According to Mr. Wilson’s figures, that would affect the county by about $249,000, including staffing that would be required by the assessor’s office and how the exemptions would affect the county.

7) Committee member opportunity for brief comments (no decisions will be made)

Mr. Steffen said he has a concern that involves Ms. Kinney and rumors that she is spreading that the break-in at the Rock Island County GOP headquarters was a staged event. Mr. Steffen said, “You can run your campaign any way you want to, Ms. Kinney, but as long as it doesn’t adversely affect Rock Island County. One way it might is if you are making these accusations while you are being paid by the county. If you are doing it on personal time, I guess that’s the way you want to run your campaign. Thank you.” Ms. Mayberry said she’s not sure that was appropriate for a brief member comment. Multiple committee members agreed.

Mr. Mielke noted that the GHA Committee is the oversight board for Hope Creek, he believes, still and he knows they’re not hearing.things are in the public domain that the committee is not hearing about again. When Mr. Oelke was on the Health and Human Services Committee, they encountered this and people in the public or the media would contact a board member and ask for comments. Mr. Mielke noted that he hadn’t looked at the Department of Health’s site and guesses he’s going to, but he wants to be on record saying they should deliver this information to the committee and others. They should do it once when it occurs and they can go into closed session. Then there should be another when the report comes out. They should send the committee, at least, a link. He doesn’t know if it’s appropriate, but he would like to say that in these alleged incidences and alleged happenings, assault, he would like them to explain to the committee for what reason the police weren’t brought in to investigate. It’s horrifically serious to him that these things are happening. They really need to, as a committee and as a County Board too, fix this. They are not overseeing anything.

Mr. Mielke noted that he has another question, which Mr. Johnston mentioned to him. He asked how these fines are being paid. That’s another question to find out. He’s more upset about what happened than the fines, but he would also like to know how the fines are being paid when nothing comes to committee or county board to pay the fines.

Mr. Terry said he doesn’t necessarily want to dismiss these concerns. He thinks there could be some more coordination effort in bringing general information to this committee, but it is also important to note that the Litigation Committee does get a lot of this information. That’s a specialized committee for this purpose. Because a lot of these issues involve litigation, it is incumbent upon them as responsible county board members when they get these calls, to express right away to the press that there is a litigation component and explain that the county board is on top of the issues through its litigation process. Perhaps if there are particular members who have a need to get into those details every time they come up, maybe they should seek assignment to the litigation committee. Generally, he thinks Mr. Mielke has a point that there certainly could be more general information coming to this committee.

Mr. Maranda noted that to clarify this, and he certainly doesn’t have a timetable, when a complaint is made via the phone hotline or whatever the circumstances are, whether it’s a family complaint or something that gets the state’s attention, he’s not sure the timetable as far as when the state comes in and when they issue their results. He doesn’t think that $27,000 was a correct number. There again, he’s not going to dispute Ms. Hayden’s article. These things she was bringing up were six, eight, ten months old. Mr. Ross was handling stuff at that time. Mr. Maranda said he’s not making an excuse that nothing came to this committee, but at that time it was probably Mr. Ross’s decision as far as what to bring to the committee and how he was handling it. He’s not making excuses. Moving forward, he.Ms. Mayberry explained that she thinks what Mr. Mielke is suggesting is it seems the committee is not getting a monthly report on general things going on at Hope Creek and maybe they could get that to this committee. Mr. Mielke said he would like that certainly. It’s sorely needed. His opinion is if something goes to litigation committee, that is appropriate, but if it pertains to Hope Creek, what is GHA’s role as oversight? He thinks it should be at both. He knows litigation is for more than just Hope Creek. He thinks it’s appropriate for GHA to know.

Mr. Maranda asked, to clarify, what the committee would like him to do. Mr. Mielke suggested that if it’s brought to litigation committee, GHA should go into closed session to talk about it too because he wasn’t aware. This report came out in June. It’s been a while.

Mr. Terry said he believes these reports are posted online for the public by law. They have access to these reports, though he does concur that once those are released they should have them presented in the packet. He believes they are on the Hope Creek website. They have the opportunity to view these, but there should be discussion. Different from his last point, he appreciates Mr. Mielke bringing this up because he thinks it highlights why the county needs an administrator so bad for centralized information. The press is reaching out to 25 County Board members. With an administrator, they had that centralized message. Ms. Mayberry added that not only are they reaching out to the administrator, they are reaching out to members of an advisory board.

Ms. Shelton noted that this is why they have an advisory board. It’s hard to put a time schedule on it. They never know when the state inspectors are going to show up. When the inspectors come in, for one of the incidents here, it’s been addressed by the home. Regulations change in the State of Illinois as to guardrails and things. Ms. Shelton also pointed out that the meetings that the advisory board has are open to everyone. She would invite everyone to attend if they can. It’s the Monday before the full county board meeting.

Ms. Mayberry said, with all due respect to what Ms. Shelton is saying, they have this advisory board and they are doing a good job, but she doesn’t think board members should have to go to an advisory board meeting to receive information. She thinks the committee should be getting probably a monthly report like they used to when Ms. Callaway-Thompson chaired Health & Human Services. GHA doesn’t get a monthly report. The County Board gets a quarterly report from Mr. Hullon. They are not being advised monthly from people at the home. She thinks possibly getting a report from Ms. Baker at this committee monthly would be advisable so they have finger on the pulse and so what occurred in the media doesn’t take anyone by surprise and they’re all apprised of what’s going on.

Mr. Oelke noted that the monthly report should include if they had a visit by state inspectors and why they were there. They can always check on its status when it’s finished. Ms. Mayberry agreed and said it should also include general things like finances and keeping a pulse on what’s going on. She thinks they need to have more information.

Mr. Moreno noted that that’s what he was going to say, with finances especially. That’s a monthly thing they probably need to know every month. Mr. Moreno reminded the committee that another thing about litigation is that litigation committee is closed session. Anything that happens in there stays in there. Just so everyone knows, even if they know something they can’t go out and start telling everybody what happened in the meeting. Some of this stuff, the litigation part of it, that committee probably did know, but it was in closed session and still pending.

Ms. Callaway-Thompson agreed with Mr. Mielke, Mr. Terry, Mr. Moreno, and Ms. Mayberry. They certainly need more communication at this point and have to, she thinks, remember that when the advisory board was created it was created to work collaboratively with the management company, who in turn was going to be reporting to the committee. In light of how that all kind of diminished and dissipated, they probably need to take another look at the flow of communication. Ms. Mayberry agreed.

Ms. Shelton asked if the committee would like her to bring up at the next advisory meeting that they should present monthly rather than quarterly. Ms. Mayberry said she thinks that if the advisory board would like to consider presenting monthly she’d be open to it, but she thinks it possibly needs to be more than that. Getting a report from the director at Hope Creek directly to this committee would be helpful. Ms. Shelton asked, before she brings it up, if Ms. Mayberry would like the director to report monthly and the advisory chairman quarterly. Ms. Mayberry said it’s up to the committee and however they decide they’d like to do it.

Mr. Terry said he assumes the advisory committee approves the last meeting’s minutes. He proposed that the advisory committee minutes be included in this packet and that the director provide the committee report each month. She’s closer to actual operations. Ms. Shelton said she can get the financials. Ms. Mayberry said that’s a good idea.

Mr. Maranda explained, back to what he said previously, that Mr. Ross was in charge of the director and everything else. The new county administrator. he doesn’t want to see something cut in stone for Ms. Baker to be here every month if the new administrator s going to. he asked if there’s something Mr. Davis needs to deliver to the committee while the county is in this interim stage. Mr. Terry said he thinks it would be great to provide a summary report so if something comes up like this.Ms. Mayberry said she totally understands that Ms. Baker is new in that role, but maybe Mr. Maranda can ask if she’d be open to it. Mr. Maranda suggested putting the minutes from the previous meeting in the packet. He said to try that first to see if that pacifies the situation because there are reports in the minutes. Ms. Mayberry asked if he means the report from the advisory board. Mr. Maranda explained that there are a few of them that report to the advisory board at that time. He just doesn’t want to get something for the new administrator when they’re in the middle of everything.

Mr. Terry noted that the county administrator doesn’t make any decisions; he collaborates with her. The committee should still have information. Mr. Maranda said whatever Mr. Ross felt he needed to deliver to this committee on Hope Creek after he took charge of it.

Ms. Shelton noted that the Hope Creek Board meets on the Monday before the full county board. She asked if it would be helpful if she delivered a copy of the minutes and the financial reports and patient population to Ms. Mayberry, who in turn could present it to the committee. Mr. Oelke noted that they’d be a month behind then. Ms. Shelton agreed, but if there’s anything that needs to be addressed in an emergency she’s sure they could work that out. Ms. Mayberry said she also has concerns about how when someone comes and reports to a committee, the committee can ask questions. The fact that other people report to the advisory board, those people aren’t at committee to ask questions of. Those are the people there on the ground every day at Hope Creek and the committee being able to interact with them. She thinks that’s what Mr. Mielke is getting at.

Mr. Mielke agreed and noted, like he originally said, that there should be monthly reports and any ancillary information is all the better. More information is better. Ms. Mayberry suggested that the way she is hearing it, the committee should get a monthly report with just the minutes from the advisory board and can work on somehow getting a flow of communication to get someone here to report to the committee from Hope Creek monthly. Ms. Callaway-Thompson noted that those minutes are posted online as well. Ms. Covella takes very thorough minutes. Ms. Mayberry suggested maybe having those put in the packet each month for GHA. They would be from the previous month.

Mr. Steffen asked Mr. Davis if he’s seen the checklist of what to correct from the state. Mr. Davis said he has spoken with Ms. Baker and she says Hope Creek is in full compliance right now. A lot of this happened in January or February and the report came out in June. Mr. Oelke said there’s quite a lag between the actual visit and the final reports. Mr. Maranda said that’s what he’s saying. If they lay something out here and whatever transpires or is in the newspaper.

Mr. Moreno asked, if this came out in June, why the article came out in November. Ms. Callaway-Thompson said she doesn’t think the fine was assessed until just recently, so that is probably what triggered the article.

Ms. Mayberry asked if there is consensus as far as how the committee would like to be reported to so Ms. Shelton can report to the advisory board next Monday as far as getting the minutes from them in GHA’s packet and having someone report to this committee.

Mr. Terry noted that Mr. Oelke brought up a good point. They will be a month behind. Ms. Covella takes the minutes for their current meeting. He asked if she could provide the committee with the draft minutes. Ms. Covella said she can still send it, but they would still be a month behind. Ms. Mayberry said that’s true, because they meet after GHA, but it’s still better than quarterly. Mr. Moreno noted that it would be good to have someone here to ask questions so they can answer and the committee can get a response right away rather than no one knowing and having to wait for an answer until next month.

Mr. Mielke suggested, if it is an issue for the committee, that maybe they could move those meetings to be more in sync. Ms. Mayberry asked if anyone knows why they meet when they do. Ms. Covella said that it’s to help with Gabelmann & Associates and getting up to date financial reports. Ms. Shelton confirmed.

8) Adjourn

Chair Mia Mayberry adjourned the meeting at 10:37 a.m.




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