
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Moline Committee of the Whole met December 12.

Webp meeting 06

City of Moline Committee of the Whole met December 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Present: Mayor Stephanie Acri (Chair)

Alderman Quentin Rodriguez (Ward 1)

Alderman David Parker, Jr. (Ward 2)

Alderman Mike Wendt (Ward 3)

Alderman Richard “Dick” Potter (Ward 4)

Alderman Lori Turner (Ward 5)

Alderman Kevin Schoonmaker (Ward 6)

Alderman Mike Waldron (Ward 7)

Alderman Sonia Berg (Alderman At-Large)

Absent: None.

Staff: Doug Maxeiner, City Administrator

Maureen Riggs, City Attorney

Amy Saunders, Deputy City Clerk

Ray Forsythe, Planning & Development Director

Alison Fleming, Human Resources Manager

Lori Wilson, Parks Recreation Director

Don Goff, Information Technology Manager

Bryon Lear, Library Director

John Hitchcock, Interim Chief of Police

Jeff Snyder, Interim Fire Chief

Scott Hinton, City Engineer

Kathy Carr, Finance Director

Jeff Anderson, City Planner

J.D. Schulte, Public Works Director

Tony Loete, Utilities General Manager

Dave Mallum, Fleet Manager

Kris Johnson, Fire Engineer

James Hudson, Fire Engineer

Scott Houzenga, Fire Engineer

Nathen Paxton, Firefighter/Paramedic

Justin Mitton, Firefighter/Paramedic

Marco Leone, Firefighter/Paramedic

Various Fire Department Personnel

Others: John Barrett, USI Insurance

Tim Kearns, True North

Friends and Family of Fire Department Personnel

Ron Miller, Resident

Gerold Shelton, The Dispatch

Mayor Acri called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.

Oaths of Office & Appointments:

Oaths of office for promotion of Fire Engineers Kris Johnson, James Hudson, and Scott Houzenga to Fire Lieutenants effective January 1, 2018.

Appointments of Firefighter/Paramedics Nathen Paxton, Justin Mitton, and Marco Leone to Fire Engineer effective January 1, 2018.

Questions on the Agenda:

There were no questions.

Agenda Items:

1. A Resolution authorizing the Utilities General Manager to approve Change Order #8 with Williams Brothers Construction Inc., for the North Slope Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project, in the amount of -$5,803.93. Tony Loete, Utilities General Manager, indicated that Change Order #8 consists of 17 individual changes to the North Slope Wastewater Plant Improvements Project and includes many miscellaneous additions or deletions. Said change order reflects adjustments to meet field conditions encountered during construction or enhancements to the efficiency, functionality or longevity of the completed project that are summarized in the attached documentation. Change Order #8 decreases the current contract amount of $38,005,085.23 to $37,999,281.30. A motion was made by Alderman Turner to approve. Seconded by Alderman Potter. Motion passed unanimously.

2. A Resolution authorizing approval of a sole source purchase from Swaploader U.S.A. LTD., for a Hooklift Hoist and Accessories in the amount of $109,009.60. Dave Mallum, Fleet Manager, stated that in 2016, Fleet Services budgeted to purchase a hooklift hoist and attachments for installation on four (4) new cab and chassis units for the Streets Division. The continued use of SwapLoader U.S.A. LTD., Hooklift Hoist and Accessories will maintain the versatility of the City’s Fleet by allowing the reuse of existing attachments. The City’s use of SwapLoader U.S.A. LTD., Hooklift Hoist and Accessories began in 1996, and since then, the City has been allowed to purchase these items at dealer pricing. Staff requested and received a quote from SwapLoader U.S.A. LTD., for four (4) hooklift hoists and accessories in the amount of $109,009.60. A motion was made by Alderman Waldron to approve. Seconded by Alderman Potter. Motion passed unanimously.

3. A Resolution authorizing the Interim Fire Chief to accept a quotation from Sandry Fire Equipment LLC, for the purchase of 30 MSA G1 SCBA Airpacks in the amount of $219,789. Jeff Snyder, Interim Fire Chief, shared that the Fire Department has budgeted annually for a number of years into a special fund for the purchase of airpacks. This fund currently has a balance of $210,160.83; however, the Department has sufficient funds budgeted in the Station Alerting Fund to cover the excess of $9,628.17 needed to make the purchase. Sandry Fire Supply LLC, based in DeWitt, Iowa, is the only authorized local distributor for the MSA G1 SCBA with a thermal imaging camera integrated into its design. The sole source acceptance of this quotation is recommended pursuant to Chapter 27, Sections 27-3105 and 27-4101, of the Moline Code of Ordinances. This item also appeared on the City Council Agenda on December 12, 2017, under “Items Not on Consent.” A motion was made by Alderman Potter to approve. Seconded by Alderman Wendt. Motion passed unanimously.

4. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement with USI Insurance for liability, property and workers’ compensation insurance for a period of one year commencing on December 31, 2017. Alison Fleming, Human Resources Manager, explained that USI Insurance is the current broker for the City’s liability, property and workers’ compensation insurance. USI has submitted an Agreement to provide coverage from December 31, 2017, through December 31, 2018. At $788,982, the proposal is 0.80% ($6,257) more than the amount budgeted for 2018. The increase from 2017 is 3.1% and is due, in part, to the increase in employment practices liability, property and workers’ compensation premium expenses. Of note, the cyber liability coverage was enhanced in 2017 for a premium of $11,753 and is not included in these figures because that policy does not expire until May 23, 2018. The cyber policy will be adjusted to a calendar year starting in 2019. A motion was made by Alderman Parker to approve. Seconded by Alderman Wendt. Motion passed unanimously.

5. A Resolution authorizing the Human Resources Manager to execute a policy with UnitedHealthcare-BP to provide reinsurance coverage for medical and prescription drug benefit claims for a one-year period commencing on January 1, 2018. Alison Fleming, Human Resources Manager, shared that a request for proposals was published, and UnitedHealthcare-BP provided the proposal most advantageous to the City. UnitedHealthcare-BP will provide specific and aggregate reinsurance for the City’s medical and prescription drug benefit plans for active employees and their dependents, as well as retirees under 65 and retirees’ dependents under 65. The City’s insurance is secondary to Medicare for medical claims of retirees 65 and older and retirees’ dependents 65 and older. This group will be shifted to a fully insured prescription drug plan (Employer Group Waiver Plan – EGWP) in 2018 with no change in benefits. Due to this transition, they are not being included in the reinsurance policy, because the exposure to the City is low. Expected annual costs for reinsurance total $275,117. The proposal reflects a 13% increase from 2017 rates, but is 20% ($70,693) less than the amount budgeted for 2018. Additionally, the fully insured prescription drug plan is estimated to save the Retiree Health Fund $120,327 in 2018. A motion was made by Alderman Wendt to approve. Seconded by Alderman Parker. Motion carried with Alderman Waldron abstaining from the vote.

6. A Special Ordinance adopting a City of Moline policy entitled Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment. Maureen Riggs, City Attorney, indicated that the Illinois General Assembly recently enacted Public Act 100-0554, dated November 16, 2017, which mandates that all Illinois governmental units adopt an ordinance or resolution establishing a policy to prohibit sexual harassment. The policy is to be adopted by January 15, 2018. Per the Act, all prior existing sexual harassment policies enacted by the City of Moline shall be superseded upon adoption of the new policy. This item also appeared on the City Council Agenda on December 12, 2017, under “Items Not on Consent” for first reading. A motion was made by Alderman Parker to approve. Seconded by Alderman Wendt. Motion passed unanimously.


Capital Improvement Program Funding. Scott Hinton, City Engineer, presented a history of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), including the City’s methods of addressing the various water, sewer, streets and stormwater projects that arise. Upon discussion, Alderman Wendt made a motion to direct staff to look at the conflicts on John Deere Road and I-74 to determine how much money has been spent by the CIP for street repairs in these areas due to utility conflicts that were not otherwise scheduled to be completed and to bring said figures back to the Committee. Seconded by Alderman Parker. Motion passed unanimously. City Engineer Hinton will return to the Committee next week with said figures. Mayor Acri shared that she would like staff to devise a funding policy concerning how the City manages these types of projects and how said policy should be adjusted in the future. City Engineer Hinton will come back to the Committee on the second Tuesday in February 2018 to present his suggested funding policy. Alderman Schoonmaker made a motion to reallocate funds as indicated on the attached spreadsheet. Seconded by Alderman Wendt. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

The meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m.
