
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Port Byron Board of Trustees met October 16.

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Village of Port Byron Board of Trustees met October 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The second October Board Meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by Mayor Bruce Peterson at 6:00 p.m. on Monday October 2nd, 2017.

Call To Order By Mayor Peterson

Roll Call / Establishment Of Quorum / Pledge Of Allegiance

Roll Call #1: Present: Trustees Brian Bitler, Patty Lindley, Gerry Meade, Wayne Oney, Dustin Sloan, Wes Wells

Absent: None

Mayor Peterson declared a quorum present

Also Present:Sarah Gorham, Attorney; Manny Rivera, RICO Sheriff’s Dept; Don Loy, Public Works; Debi Laleman, Treasurer

Gallery (Comments must be limited to 5 minutes per person, 30 minutes per subject.)

Tammy Knapp, President of Port Byron Tug Committee, presented a check to Boy Scouts of $1000, as the earmarked non-profit organization in 2017

Tora Cox, Den Leader, attended with 10 Cub Scouts, who attended to observe workings of Village government and chat with Mayor

Comments From Mayor:

Trick-or-Treat hours for Village are 5:00 – 8:00 pm on October 31st

The Annual Fire Department Halloween party is same evening, as is Knapp’s Great Pumpkin event

Mayor Peterson attended a meeting with State Representative Tony McCombie on 10/10/17, then attended a Quad City Illinois Issues forum at 5:00 that evening in Moline

Mayor will be gone for next meeting on November 6

Committee Reports

A. Public Information/Finance Committees

1. Green Committee

No updates

2. TIF Bruce Peterson

No updates

3. Village Finance Committee Wayne Oney

a. 0917 Treasurer’s reports, including P&L, Visa statements, and check registers (C/A Item D)

4. Economic Development Wes Wells

a. There will be a free Halloween movie shown at Blackhawk Bank on Friday 10/27

b. The Annual Christmas Walk will be Friday December 1st, 5-8pm

5. TUG Fest Committee Liaison Wes Wells

a. Presentation of 2017 donation – done at beginning of meeting

6. MSA

a. 9th Street Ct. N. Rehabilitation

1. Hope to have paving done by Friday

2. Contractor Payment Application #1

Trustee Oney made a motion to approve payment application #1 for $36,954.90 to Stichter Construction, seconded by Trustee Bitler

Roll Call #2: Ayes: Oney, Bitler, Meade, Sloan, Wells, Lindley

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

b. Downtown Planning & ITEP Grant

1. Project Update

2. Discuss Main Street Parking/Bicycle Path/Street Concept

a) have discussed with Planning & Zoning, but want Board approval

b) may be changing downtown parking

c) also may add bike path down Main Street

d) looking at redevelopment of boat parking lot and moving boat parking to area along Main Street

3. Set Public Hearing date/time (Propose Nov. 6th at 5pm)

Trustee Oney made a motion to set public meeting date to discuss Downtown Development on Monday, November 6th at 5:00 pm, seconded by Trustee Meade

All “Ayes”, no Nays

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

7. Planning/Zoning Committee Gerry Meade

a. Receive Minutes of 091317 meeting (C/A Item E)

b. Downtown Development plan

1. Already discussed by MSA

8. IRDC Committee Gerry Meade

a. Had abbreviated meeting

b. Most of time spent with property owners talking about water hook-ups

c. 9th St Ct N should be done soon

9. Ordinance, Grants & Audits Patty Lindley

a. Ordinance #17_____ for display of outside merchandise

b. Trustee Lindley requested Ordinance be deferred to Planning & Zoning

10. Personnel Patty Lindley

No updates

11. Public Health Dustin Sloan

a. Flu shots Tuesday 10/24 at Village Hall

B. Public Works Don Loy/Eric Sikkema

1. Bucket truck was purchased, inspected and is in good shape

2. Electrical outlets on poles downtown not yet installed

1. Recycling And Refuse Dustin Sloan

No update

2. Water/Sewer Brian Bitler

a. Repairs to the north lift station

1. Got bid from MVP to retrofit North lift station after they inspected

2. Would remove need to climb down into it

3. Equipment has not been updated in many years and in need of it.

Trustee Bitler made a motion to hire MVP to make updates and retrofit North lift station, at bid cost of $8700 to MVP, plus an additional amount to hire a vacuum truck, total cost NTE $9500, to come from TIF funds, seconded by Trustee Wells

Roll Call #3: Ayes: Bitler, Wells, Meade, Sloan, Lindley, Oney

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

b. Generator bids for downtown lift station and transfer switch for north lift station

1. Issue with last set of bids, not same specs, so asked for rebids

2. Tri-City rebid, Advantage did not

Trustee Bitler made a motion to purchase generator and transfer switch from Tri-City Electric, at costs of $27332 plus $5148.93 for North lift station transfer switch, plus additional $1000 for each concrete pad cost, all from TIF funds, seconded by Trustee Meade

Roll Call #4: Ayes: Bitler, Meade, Sloan, Wells, Lindley, Oney

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

3. Bldg. & Grounds/Streets & Street Lights Brian Bitler

a. Mid-American waiting on permits from State of Illinois for street light replacement

b. Where are we on mailboxes? Will check

4. Cemetery Gerry Meade

No updates

5. Administrative Bruce Peterson

a. Minutes from the October 2, 2017 Board Meetings (C/A Item A)

b. RI County Sheriff’s reports for September 2017 (C/A Item B)

c. RCPBFPD Report for September 2017 (C/A Item C)

Review Items On Consent Agenda

Item; Action; Description:

A; Approve; Minutes from the October 2, 2017 Board Meeting

B; Receive; RI County Sheriff’s reports for September 2017

C; Receive; RCPBFPD Report for September 2017

D; Receive; 0917 Treasurer’s reports, including P&L, Visa statements, and check registers

E; Receive; Minutes of 091317 Planning & Zoning meeting

Motion To Approve Consent Agenda

Trustee Bitler made a motion, seconded by Trustee Sloan, to approve the Consent Agenda

All Ayes, No Nays

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved



Old Business

Ice rink – Representative here from Illinois Municipal League (Village insurer) to examine proposed site of ice rink; said it will not increase our cost, but there are certain requirements, which he will send to us

Trustee Sloan received an inquiry about flooding due to bike path at north end of town, which was broached in a previous Board meeting by 2 residents – Trustee Bitler felt we could solve it by dredging at river by boat dock; Trustee Bitler will do further investigation, there are some differing opinions on how to correct the problem

New Business:


Gallery – Questions, Comments:



Trustee Lindley made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Wells

All Ayes, No Nays

Mayor Peterson declared the meeting adjourned at 7:12 pm
