City of Rock Falls Ordinance/License/Personnel/Safety Committee met Jan. 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Call to Order. – Chairman
2. Audience Requests:
3. Approve Minutes: Ordinance /License /Personnel /Safety Meeting November 30th, 2017
4. New Business:
a. Review changes to Sec. 32-1 Creation of Utility Office
b. Fiber OSP Supervisor position discussion.
c. Review and approval of the OSP Operations Manager job description.
d. Review of Section 16 Division 5 - Taxicabs
5. Old Business:
a. Discussion for allowing alcohol to be served in City Parks.
b. Discussion of carryout wine from restaurants.
6. Workers Compensation/Liability Reports
7. Department Safety Meeting Minutes Review
8. Committee Member items
9. Adjournment