Village of Hampton Board of Trustees met December 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Members present:
President Richard Vershaw
Trustee Heintz
Trustee Hamilton
Trustee King
Trustee Van Dieren
Trustee Goodman
Trustee Adams
Supervisor McKay
Members absent:
Police Chief Terry Engle
Fire Chief David Johnson
President Vershaw called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Clerk Bergeson called the roll noting a quorum present.
President Vershaw called the meeting to order to discuss the following:
•Ordinance #816 An Ordinance Of The Village Of Hampton, Rock Island County, Illinois, Granting A Variance To The Number Of Parking Spaces Required For Certain Property; Motion was made by Trustee King seconded by Trustee Hamilton. Discussion was as follows: Trustee VanDieren was questioning where the entrance to the store would be. The entrance will be off Route 84. Roll call vote as follows: King, Hamilton, Heintz, Goodman and Adams: "Aye", VanDieren: "Nay". Motion carried 5-1.
•The board could not discuss the employee insurance policy as it was not available, board will have regular meeting 12/26/17 to discuss the same.
•Discussion and Approval to give Clerk Bergeson four (4) casual days to be used before the end of the fiscal year as appreciation from the Board for extra time worked by Clerk.
•Discussion of employee leave of absence; Motion was made by Trustee Hamilton seconded by Trustee Goodman to put a maternity leave with up to eight (8) weeks unpaid leave. Roll call vote as follows: Hamilton, Goodman, Heintz, King, VanDieren and Adams: "Aye".
It was motioned by Trustee Adams, second by Trustee Hamilton, to adjourn into closed session at 7:45 for discussion of personnel.
There being no further business, it was motioned by Trustee King, second by Trustee Hamilton, to adjourn until the next regular meeting. All in favor: "Aye". None opposed. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.