
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Rapids Committee of the Whole met February 20.

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Village of Rapids Committee of the Whole met Feb. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

President Mire called the meeting of the Committee of the Whole to order at 6:00pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call: Fiems, Clark, Fowler, Schneider, Rankin entered the meeting at 6:04pm

Absent: Robertson

Others Present: Ryan Bump, Benjamin Barber, Missy Housenga

This Committee of the Whole Meeting was held to discuss budget preparations for the 2018/2019 fiscal year, also to discuss Inter-funds Transfers and amending ordinances. 

President Mire addressed the Inter-funds Transfers first. Treasurer Barber has been in communications with the Village Auditor identifying inter-fund loans that been made in the past and noted on the Financial Reports since 2008 but never repaid. In order to reconcile the balances a vote will be made by the board. Mire explained Village Auditor Kent Klaurer recommended the transfers at this time as the Village is in a good financial standing and all accounts can sustain an operational balance once transfers are complete. Mire read the recommended inter-fund transfers be completed as such, General Fund will need to pay $52,634.40 to Water Fund, Sewer Fund will need to pay General Fund $86,892.25, Sewer Fund will need to pay Water Fund $1,344.13 and finally Sewer Fund will need to pay the Waste Fund $6,000.00. President opened the conversation to the whole Board for questions or comments. Barber noted cash funds will be moved but the budget will not be affected. Fiems motioned for the General Fund to pay Water Fund $52,634.40. Rankin seconded. All present voted yes. Motion carries. 

Fiems motioned for Sewer Fund to pay General Fund $86,892.25. Rankin seconded. All present voted yes. Motion carries. 

Fowler motioned for Sewer Fund to pay Water Fund $1,344.13. Schneider seconded. All present voted yes. Motion carries. 

Fowler motioned for Sewer Fund to pay the Waste Fund $6,000.00. Fiems seconded. All present voted yes. Motion carries. 

President Mire continued the meeting with a proposed amendment of the Water Ordinance. The shut off fee for water service is currently $150.00; Mire recommended the fee be reduced to $75.00. Public Works Director Bump explained the fee was for the locating of the valve and the action of shutting off the service. Clerk Housenga explained how the bill the fee has been handled in the billing system. Rankin motioned to amend Title VIII, Chapter 1, Section 5. 5.3 there shall be a Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) charge to turning water off. Clark seconded. All present voted yes. Motion carries. 

President Mire then addressed the Operating Budget portion of the meeting, items on the agenda were to discuss Community Services, Police, Parks and Recreation and Finance. Barber recommended a line item of 5195 be added to the expense portion of the budget titled Community Relations with an associated line item of 4095 in the income section with a zero amount. Mire asked the Board to consider an allocation of $2000.00 for the Veterans and Active Military Personnel Dinner, $1500.00 for the Thanksgiving Senior Luncheon and $3000.00 for other donations. Schneider had concerns about how much in donations the Village gives each year. Clerk Housenga provided a log of donations given previously. Mire noted a total of $925.00 was donated in the last fiscal year. Bump stated the Christmas banners along Route 84 and Christmas lights will also need to be replaced and should be budgeted for. Mire noted the Senior Luncheon was all paid by donation except $37.00, Mire did state he will be giving a $27.00 check and Fiems volunteered to donate $10.00 to cover the remaining costs of the Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon. 

The Hampton Police Contract has been renegotiated and cost has been identified for the next fiscal year at $103,992.00. 

Parks and Recreation portion of the budget was also addressed. It was identified the Village does own the bench that is to be placed near the flag at Village Hall. Additional funding will need to be set aside for the completion of the memorial site at Village Hall. Ball diamond fields are in need of maintenance, funds will be allocated to ensure projects are done. Mire would like to wait for Parks and Recreation head to be present to talk about other projects in this department. 

Boat dock dredging funding was briefly addressed, Rankin will follow up to see what can be done to obtain funding and protect the wet lands surrounding the area. Mire believes we need to subsidize the dredging of the boat dock. 

Mire continued the meeting to discuss Personnel and Finance. Clark inquired about training for all personnel. It was asked by the board that Bump and Housenga have training and travel costs detailed for the next meeting. A per day meal rate was established at $74.00. Clark continued the meeting with bonus and wages. Mire would like to come together with a good percentage for a bonus. All agreed to target wage increases at 3%, also budgeting for a 3% increase for bonus and wages. Performance appraisals were mentioned, Mire noted if the board does not want to do them the handbook just needs to reflect this change as the practice is now included in the employee handbook. The performance reviews were tabled at this time and are to be discussed at the next meeting. Mire had noted when discussing the personnel raises closed/executive session maybe required. 

Fiems clarified the proposed budget numbers on projects discussed at previous meetings. Rankin and Mire explained these figures were only presented so it could be identified what projects were desired and now projects will be prioritized. 

Bump revisited the previous discussion of cell phone reimbursement. Bump pointed out his cell phone is being used for the internet at the shop he also had to up his data plan to accommodate the extra usage. Housenga will price internet installation at the shop and the cost of a tablet. Rankin recapped the meeting, everyone will bring forward thoughts on the employee handbook, how reviews and raises and bonuses will be handled; a per day meal rate was established of $74.00; trainings are will be detailed out and presented at the next meeting; Cemetery discussion will be delayed as waiting for the department head; and finally internet service is to be priced out at the maintenance building. Mire added a detail of all expenses to be added to rough draft proposal at next meeting.

Schneider noted he will not be at the next two meetings.

Having no further business to conduct at this time, Schneider motioned to adjourn this Committee of the Whole Meeting, Fiems seconded. The motion passed, President Mire adjourned by consensus of the Board at 7:43pm.
