
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Rapids City Village Board met March 13.

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Village of Rapids City Village Board met March 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

This Regular Board meeting was called to order by President Mire at 7:00p.m.

All present joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Present: Clark, Fowler, Mire, Rankin,

Absent: Schneider, Robertson, Fiems

Also Present: Missy Housenga-Clerk, Ben Barber-Treasurer, Attorney Nick Mason, Chief Engle, Kristin VanDuyne, Adam Reece and Sarah Ford. 

Per Attorney Nick Mason it was permitted to conduct this meeting since a full quorum was not established as long as no contractual spending was voted on.

CONSENT “Omnibus” Agenda: Rankin motioned to approve 02/13/2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes, 01/16/2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes, 02/20/2018 Committee of the Whole Minutes, 02/2018 Treasurer’s Report presented by Barber, 03/2018 Monthly bills, Clark seconded. All voted yes. Motion carries.


PRESIDENT-Mire: Mire noted a thank you was received from the family of Harold French for the flowers sent from the Village

Mire proposed amending the Liquor Control Ordinance. Changes to the Liquor Control Ordinance are to read as Article 4, Licensing Procedure, Section 1. Prerequisites To Obtaining Initial License. 1.3 Paid the applicable fees as required by this Article. 1.4 Successfully pass a background check upon initial application as determined by the Liquor Control Commissioner.; Section 3. Persons Ineligible For Licenes. 3.6 A person whose license issued under this Article has been revoked for cause. However such person may in writing request a hearing with the Liquor Control Commissioner who has the authority to waive provision 3.6 and after conducting such a hearing may grant a license if applicant meets all other requirements. Such hearing must be granted within seven (7) days of request and written decision rendered within five (5) days of hearing. Applicant must post $750.00 cash bond to cover cost of proceedings; Section 7. Surety Bond Or Cash Bond Required For License; Amount; Forfeiture. 7.2 In lieu of posting a penal bond with satisfactory security as provided by Subsection 7.1 of this Section, an applicant for a license required by Article 3 may post Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) in cash, subject to the following: A. A cash bond shall be kept by the Village in a separate account, and the Village shall be entitled to all interest earned on the account. B. In the event that a licensee under this Article surrenders his license for a reason other than forfeiture, at a time when no violation of this Chapter has been charged against him, the cash bond shall be returned to him. Section 8. License Fees. 8.1 Before any class of license is issued pursuant to this Article, the applicant shall pay the license fee prescribed in the Section and applicable background investigation fees.; Section 12. Renewal Of License; Generally; Procedure. 12.2 The holder of a license issued pursuant to this Article, who is eligible for an initial license pursuant to this Division, desiring to procure renewal of his license shall perform the following acts: A. Surrender his old license certificate to the Liquor Commissioner., B. Pay the annual fees required by this Article., C. File the required bond, unless previous bond remains in effect., D. Amend his application to show any change in any of the matters stated in the first application., E. Licenses issued pursuant to this Article may be renewable annually before the first day of May., F. Successfully pass a background check every other year as determined by the Liquor Control Commissioner., G. Upon granting the renewal of a license issued pursuant to this Article, the Liquor Control Commissioner shall issue a new license.; Article 10 – Penalty. Section 1. Penalty. Any person, violating any of the provisions of this Chapter may, upon conviction, be fined not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) for each offense; and a separate offense may be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. Attorney Mason liked the changes President Mire had proposed. Fowler motioned to accept the changes as presented. Clark seconded. All present voted yes as well as President Mire. Motion carries.

POLICE REPORT - Chief Engle: Report as presented. Mire met with Chief Engle to arrange Tour DeBrew safety detail. Total cost for the detail will be $400.00; Village of Hampton will send an invoice for the charges.

ATTORNEY- G. Lee: Nothing to report at this time.

FIRE REPORT- Chief Carey: Report as presented. Rankin announced his new seat on the Rapids City Fire Protection Board.

DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Bump: Report as presented.

BUILDING, ZONING & Planning – Fiems: Nothing to report at this time.

PERSONNEL & FINANCE - Clark: Nothing to report at this time.

INFRUSTRUCTURE - Rankin: Rankin met with an ISO Field Representative with Building Inspector Dunbar, Clerk Housenga. The meeting was to account for building regulations within the Village. The Representive mentioned grants maybe available to help pay for a wanted storm siren. Mire noted he has also been in contact with Exelon asking for assistance in paying for the siren and is waiting for a call back.

ELECTIONS - Mire: Mire reminded everyone of the upcoming elections on March 20th, 2018 and to please vote.

PARKS, RECREATIONS & CEMETERY- Robertson: Nothing to report at this time.

ORDINANCE & LICENSES – Schneider: Nothing to report at this time.

COMMUNITY RELATIONS, EVENT PLANNING & PUBLIC SAFTEY - Fowler: Fowler explained all events are well into the planning process and going smoothly.


NEW BUSINESS: Adam Reece and Kristin VanDuyne thanked the Village Staff and Board for help with licensing.

PUBLIC DISCUSSION: Mire tabled the renewal of the auditor’s contract and executive session for another time since a full quorum is required.

Having no further business to conduct at this time, Rankin motioned to adjourn this Regular Board Meeting, Fowler seconded. The motion passed, President Mire adjourned by consensus of the Board at 7:24pm.
