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Friday, January 24, 2025

East Moline School District 37 Board of Education met March 26.

Webp meeting 07

East Moline School District 37 Board of Education met March 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Kai Killam at 6:30 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Present: Anderson, Killam, Neff, Green, VanSpeybroeck, Hughes

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Administration: Kristin Humphries, Superintendent; Sheri Coder, Associate Superintendent for Student Achievement; Casey Kyser, Business Manager; Jim Franks, Director of Maintenance and Operations; Kristin Taylor, Associate Superintendent of Exceptional Programs; Tracy Anderson, Associate Principal, Glenview Middle School

Staff: 17 Media: 0 Visitors: 1

III. Communications

The Board of Education received a thank you card from Don Lannen for the card sent during the loss of his sister.

IV. Public Hearings or Petitions

At this time, the President of the Board of Education will recognize visitors and ask if any citizen of the community is interested in speaking to members of the Board of Education. Time allowed will generally be limited to five minutes for each individual, unless waived by the President. The President may limit the opportunity to address the Board in cases where a person has previously addressed the Board on the same or related subject. Issues brought to the Board prior to being channeled through the proper chain of command will be referred back to the appropriate level.

Belinda Rusch, paraprofessional and substitute teacher, addressed the BOE. She expressed great concern about the behaviors of students at Glenview Middle School in general and to herself in the school. She indicated that all behaviors have been documented and need to be addressed by Administration.

Tiffany Cumberworth-Neppl, teacher at Glenview Middle School, also addressed the BOE. She thanked the BOE for their support of all students in East Moline. She went on to talk about the good things and celebrations with students in the district. She mentioned one graduated student that will receive a Master’s Degree in May of 2018. She wants the district staff and administration to celebrate all the successes of the many East Moline students that have accomplished their dreams.

V. FOIA Requests

District 37 received one commercial FOIA request from SmartProcure requesting purchase order and vendor information for the dates 12-6-17 through 3-19-18.

VI. Consent Agenda

1. Approval of Minutes

It was recommended that the minutes from the February 26, 2018 regular board meeting be approved.

2. Approval of Treasurer's Report

It was recommended that the Treasurer’s Report for the month of February 2018 be approved subject to audit.

3. Approval of Accounts Payable

It was recommended that the Board of Education approve the payment of bills listed, received during the month of February 2018, to be paid during the month of March 2018, and quick pays during the month of February 2018.

Education 209,547.63

Building 58,243.34

Debt Services 475.00

Transportation 18,155.94

Insurance 1,541.67

Subtotal: 287,963.58

Quick Pays:

Education (10) 5,527.16

Building (20) 5,538.21

Transportation (40) 2,086.70

Tort Immunity 41,467.00

Subtotal: 54,619.07

TOTAL: 342,582.65

4. Approval of Destruction of Audio Tapes from Executive Session

It was recommended the Board of Education approve destruction of audio tapes from the Executive Session on May 23, 2016. 5. Approval of Personnel Change

a. Personnel– Classified – Leave of Absence

Rosemarie Dopler has requested unpaid leave from March 2, 2018 through April 6, 2018, for family medical reasons. Ms. Dopler works as a Title I instructional aide at Wells Elementary.

Diane Halligan has requested unpaid leave, from her responsibilities as a playground aide at Wells Elementary, from March 22, 2018 through April 3, 2018, for family medical responsibilities.

Nanette Waldon has requested unpaid leave February 22 and 23, for medical reasons. Ms. Waldon works as a general kitchen helper at Glenview and as a bus monitor.

Tonya Steagall has requested an extension of her unpaid leave from February 10 through April 11, 2018. Ms. Steagall works as a bus driver, and her request is for medical purposes.

Rachel Bell has requested to return from her unpaid leave of absence on April 30, 2018. Her original request extended through the end of the 2017-2018 school year, and was for educational purposes. Ms. Bell works as an instructional aide at Glenview Middle School.

Kelly Ramirez has requested unpaid leave from her bus driving duties from March 19, 2018, ending April 8, 2018.

May Turner has requested a total of 11.5 full and partial days of unpaid leave, from her duties as a Central Office Administrative Assistant. This request extends from February 26, 2018 through May 23, 2018. This request is for medical reasons. The end date of May 23, 2018 was amended to March 23, 2018 during the meeting.

b. Personnel– Licensed – Retirement

Susan Piatak has submitted a letter of resignation, for the purpose of retirement, effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year. Ms. Piatak is retiring under Option 2 of the 2016-2018 EMEA Collective Bargaining Agreement, with 22 years of teaching experience. Her current assignment is Special Education teacher at Bowlesburg.

Susan Randolph has submitted a request to amend her retirement from the end of the 2018-2019 school year to the end of the 2017-2018 school year. Ms. Randolph is retiring with 33 years of teaching experience. Her current assignment is Bowlesburg Kindergarten.

c. Personnel– Classified – Retirement

David Womack has submitted his intent to retire on May 31, 2018. Mr. Womack has worked as a bus driver for 14.5 years.

d. Personnel– Classified – Resignation

Alyssa Rea has resigned as Preschool Parent Coordinator at Wells Elementary, effective March 19, 2018.

e. Personnel– Classified – Employment

Lylah Lagerstam has been employed as an instructional aide at Bowlesburg Elementary, effective March 22, 2018.

f. Personnel– Licensed – Reclassification

Tonya Hanrahan has been reclassified from an administrative position to a teaching position, effective June 30, 2018

g. Personnel– Licensed – Honorable Dismissal

Christopher Lopez has been honorably dismissed as a Dean of Students at Ridgewood Elementary, effective June 14, 2018.

6. Other Financial Reports

Enclosed with the Agenda Information was the February 2018 Activity Fund Report, the Budget Summary Expense Report, and the Budget Summary Revenue Report for the month of February 2018.

Motion by Hughes, seconded by Anderson to approve the consent agenda as amended with the ending date of March 23, 2018 for May Turner’s unpaid leave of absence.

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by roll call vote.

VII. Committee Reports

1. BHASED Governing Board

Mrs. Neff reported. Three new paraprofessionals and three Program Interpreters were approved to be hired. One OT/PT Supervisor was approved to be hired on 6/30/18 and there will be one retirement 12/31/18. Other recommendations and approvals were: Infinitec software renewal, Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance renewal with 2.75% cost increase, Prevailing Wage Resolution, and the 2018-19 school year calendar with the first day of school being August 13, 2018 and last day of student attendance being May 23, 2019. The auditing report presentation from Gorenz & Associates was given to board member for their perusal. Next meeting will be April 17, 2018.

2. United Education Foundation – No report.

3. Wellness Committee – No report.

4. Board Delegate to AFSCME – No report.

VIII. Informational Items

1. Proposed 2019-2020 School Calendar

Dr. Humphries spoke briefly about the proposed calendar for 2019-2010. This BOE was asked to peruse the calendar for tentative adoption at the April 23, 2018 BOE meeting. Administration is hoping to do adopt two years at a time for future school years. This will help families with planning and keep the calendars in line with United Township High School. Staff and parents were overwhelming in favor of the Fall break for next year. Copies of the proposed calendar were available to parties in attendance at the meeting.

IX. Central Office Report – No report.

X. Unfinished Business

1. Second Reading of Board policies 2:260; 4:15; 4:110; 4:150; 4:170;5:20; 5:90; 5:100; 5:200: 5:220; 5:240; 5:290;6:50; 6:60; 6:150; 6:340; 7:10; 7:15; 7:20; 7:70; 7:180; 7:190; 7:250; 7:260; 7:275; 7:305; 7:340

Motion by Neff, seconded VanSpeybroeck to adopt the second reading of board policies presented at the February 26, 2018 BOE Meeting.

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by roll call vote.

2. Adoption of Math Curriculum

Mrs. Coder, Associate Superintendent and Tracy Anderson, Associate Principal of Glenview Middle School presented a PowerPoint presentation. The last district math adoption was in 2008. PARCC state testing shows low math performance for EMSD students over the last 3 years. A District K -8 Math Committee was formed in 2017. By December of 2017 the search was narrowed to 5 different companies. Final selections required strict criteria by the committee. The committee recommended Bridges in Mathematics for K-5 and Illustrative Math for 6-8 grades. Both of these align with district’s instructional vision of high academic success for All students. They are both tied to Illinois State Learning Standards. The Administration recommends adopting the committees above recommendation for Math Curriculum for the 2018-2019 School Year.

Motion by Anderson, seconded by Neff to adopt the Administrations recommendation of the new math curriculum as presented,

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by roll call vote.

XI. New Business

1. BHASED Cooperative Agreement

Moline School District has asked to join Black Hawk Area Special Education District once again to once again be part of the Cooperative. Due to this request, District #37 must approve the new BHASED Cooperative Agreement.

Motion by VanSpeybroeck, seconded by Neff to adopt the BHASED Cooperative Agreement as presented.

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by roll call vote.

2. Early Childhood Program Coordinator Job Description

The State of Illinois is changing the model of preschool programming into a blended program. If District #37 is approved to receive the Early Childhood Grant for the 2018-19 school year, an Early Childhood Program Coordinator job description would need to be in place. The administration recommends approving the Early Childhood Program Coordinator job description as presented.

Motion by Green, seconded Anderson to approve the Early Childhood Program Coordinator job description as presented.

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by voice vote.

3. Loan in the amount of $250,000 from Working Cash to the IMRF/SS Fund

Expenditures in the IMRF/SS Fund are currently under budget, however at the end of May the projection is that the fund will have a negative cash balance of around $250,000. The administration recommends the BOE approve a loan in the amount of $250,000 from Working Cash to the IMRF/SS Fund for cash flow purposes. The loan will be scheduled to be repaid to the Working Cash Fund by June 30, 2018.

Motion by Neff, seconded by Hughes to adopt the resolution re: the loan in the amount of $250,000 from the Working Cash Fund to the IMRF/SS Fund pursuant to the 105 ILCS 5/20-4 and 20-5.

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by roll call vote.

4. Permanent Transfer in the amount of $500,000 from Working Cash to the Operations & Maintenance Fund

At the September 27, 2017 Budget Hearing, the BOE was informed that we were projecting a $500,000 deficit in the Operations & Maintenance Fund and would have to do a permanent transfer from the Working Cash Fund to the O & M Fund. At the end of March the Operations & Maintenance Fund will have a negative cash balance. The administration recommends a permanent transfer in the amount of $500,000 from Working Cash to Operations & Maintenance Fund.

Motion by Anderson, seconded by VanSpeybroeck to adopt the resolution abating a portion from the Working Cash Fund and directing the transfer of $500,000 to the Operations & Maintenance Fund.

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by roll call vote.

5. Navigate Prepared Software

Dr. Humphries Presented a PowerPoint presentation about the Navigate Software platform that is used for school safety and emergency preparedness. The present crisis plan for the district is in paper form. If this software is adopted, we would no longer need to do a paper crisis response plans. This software is accessible anytime and anywhere. Information is at your fingertips with or without an internet connection. Alerts can be sent on a mobile device which is good for administrators even away from the building, bus drivers, teachers on field trips, etc. The software syncs with the district Skyward program so the program would have accurate student accountability with real time visibility. The software provides visibility of every room in a building, is color coded at a glance, and the data would show locations of life safety item, exits, AEDs, cameras and more. The initial costs is $15,000 the first year and $6,000 after the first year annually. The administration recommends the purchase of Navigate software for all District #37 schools.

Motion by Green, seconded by Anderson to approve the Navigate Prepared Software for District 37 as presented.

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by roll call vote.

XII. Press Time – no press in attendance.

At this time, Mr. Killam stated that the BOE would be going into closed session and read the reasons below. There would be no action following closed session.

Motion by Neff, seconded by Anderson to adjourn to closed session.

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by roll call vote.

7:27 p.m.

XIII. Executive Session

In accordance with Chapter 5, Act 120, Section 2, of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, an Executive Session will be held to discuss:

Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meetings. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).

Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2).

Student disciplinary cases. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9)

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

XIV. Return to Open Session

Motion by Neff, seconded by Anderson to return to open session.

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by voice vote.

Time: 7:45 p.m.

XV. Adjournment

Motion by Green second by Anderson to adjourn.

Ayes: Green, VanSpeybroeck, Neff, Hughes, Anderson, Killam

Nays: None

Absent: Westbrook-Carpenter

Motion passed by voice vote.

7:46 p.m.
