Village of Orion Village Board met May 7.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. Call to order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call
IV. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held April 16, 2018
V. Annie Cox & Hayley Voorhees - Use of Love Park for flag football - insurance waiver approval
VI. Action on request to allow residents to permanently mount basketball posts/hoops on Village rights-of-way
VII. Act on recommendation by the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals to rezone to commercial the entirety of the property at 1209 Division Street, owned by Mr. Ben Woolley, to allow construction of a commercial storage building
VIIl. Discussion from the floor
lX. Committees:
A. Streets
1. Request by Darell Muhleman, Veterans Memorial Committee, to close 12th Avenue between 4th & 5th Streets from 8:30 a.m. to noon on May 28, 2018
B. Sewer
C. Water
D. Recreation
1. Recommendation to hire employee for parks/streets and set wage
E. Finance
1. Set Finance Committee meeting date
F. Police
1. Approve purchase of police vehicle
G. Bldgs & Grounds
X. President’s agenda
A. Declare May 26, 2018 Poppy Day in Orion as recognized by the Orion American Legion Women’s Auxilliary
B. Adopt Ordinance(s) approving the use of the 2018 International Building Code and 2018 International Residential Code with certain exceptions
C. Enter executive session to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, or performance of specific employees
D. Approve hiring part-time summer help and set wage
Xl. Adjourn.