Silvis Public Library Board of Trustees met April 16.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The meeting began at 6:05 pm.
Present: Diane Madden, Beth Tepen, Marigrace Alonso, Teresa Cervantes, Crystal McCaw, Vikki
Soliz, Dee Nelson, Joyce Sensabaugh, Deb Berglund
Staff: Nancy Ashbrook
Public Comment: None
Notice: The library board was unable to meet on April 9, 2018 at the Silvis Police Department
because the change in meeting location was not posted properly for public notice. The Board
adjourned and rescheduled for the following Monday, April 16, 2018.
Minutes – Motion: Vikki Soliz Second: Dee Nelson
They were unanimously approved.
$13,273.82 in bills presented.
Motion: Deb Berglund Second: Beth Tepen
They were unanimously approved.
The Director gave her monthly report. The circulation statistics were presented. Nancy will be
returning from medical leave this month; part-time in the next week, followed by full-time shortly
after. Susan Sebille and Nancy Ashbrook will be attending PrairieCat Delegate’s Assembly meeting
in Malta, IL on April 25th, a requirement for membership in PrairieCat consortium.
Friends continue to pursue a 501c3 status; they are currently waiting on IRS approval. The Good
Friday bake sale fundraiser raised $1,045 in sales; an additional $1,000 was matched by Royal
Unfinished Business:
The Board reviewed how to accurate post a public notice (like a change in address of location
meeting). Information was sent in a mass email to each board member, City council members,
and appropriate public agencies like newspapers, radio, and TV by Jim Nelson. We now have that
list if we need to advise public of a change in our Board Meetings.
The Board passed a resolution for the schedule of next fiscal year’s board meetings.
Motion: Deb Berglund Second: Joyce Sensabaugh
The schedule was unanimously approved.
Nancy Ashbrook discussed the new hotspot service. Many questions were raised by board members.
The service is projected for the fall of 2018. Tabled to June meeting to gather more
The Board reviewed the projected library wage increases to be in effect May 1, 2018.
Motion: Dee Nelson Second: Teresa Cervantes
It was unanimously approved.
A motion was made to transfer library building funds to the operating fund.
Motion: Deb Berglund Second: Dee Nelson
It was unanimously approved.
A motion was made to transfer donations from last fiscal year to this fiscal year’s budget.
Motion: Joyce Sensabaugh Second: Vikki Soliz
It was unanimously approved.
The Board had nominations for officers.
President: Diane Madden Vice President: Beth Tepen Secretary: Marigrace Alonso
Motion: Deb Berglund Second: Beth Tepen
New Business
The Board was presented with a plan for a lock-in night. The lock-in will serve as a reward for the
Teen Advisory Board members. It is scheduled for July 20, 2018. Teens will have to submit a
signed permission slip to participate. More information to come.
The Board will review the Internet-Use Policy next month.
Teresa Cervantes needs to complete the Open Meetings Act certification online.
Library Wishes: none
The items on May’s meeting in unfinished business will be: the Rock River Library contract, hotspot
service, upcoming library lock-in, official election, library-internet policy, and OMA certification of
Teresa Cervantes. There will be no new business.
The meeting adjourned at 7:06 pm.