
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Port Byron Board of Trustees met June 18.

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Village of Port Byron Board of Trustees met June 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Village Board Meeting was called to order by Mayor Bruce Peterson at 6:00 p.m. on Monday June 18th, 2018

Roll Call / Establishment Of Quorum / Pledge Of Allegiance:

Roll Call #1: Present: Trustees Brian Bitler, Patty Lindley, Gerry Meade, Wayne Oney, Dustin Sloan, Wes Wells

Absent: None

Mayor Peterson declared a quorum present

Also Present:Sarah Gorham, Attorney; Officer Hill, RICO Sheriff’s Dept; Deb Laleman, Treasurer; Eric Sikkema, Public Works

Comments From The Mayor:


Gallery (Comments must be limited to 5 minutes per person, 30 minutes per subject.)


Committee Reports:

A. Public Information/Finance Committees

1. Green Committee Sarah Ford

a. Farmer’s Market going well so far – had 4 vendors last week

2. Village Finance Committee Wayne Oney

a. 0518 Treasurer’s reports, including P&L Visa and check registers (C/A Item D)

b. Shared balances in each fund

c. Questioned how much of Capital Reserve fund could be used for projects

3. Economic Development Wes Wells

a. Minutes from 5/14/18 Economic Development meeting (C/A Item E)

b. Third Thursday will be June 21st and will feature live music from the QC Ukulele Band

c. Still need volunteers for Baby Blues Fest on Saturday, June 30th

4. MSA

a. J Fluhr spoke of the 2 possible additional projects and costs involved

b. Trustee Oney discussed the funding for the two projects, after consultation with TIF Attorney K Orr

c. The two-fold amendment to Task Order 00442048 will add planning/engineering from MSA for those 2 additional projects

1) James St sewer work ($13,750 to MSA), total cost for James St estimated at $140,000

2) Additional water main replacement ($19,100 to MSA) for Cherry St to Linn St, total cost for additional water main replacement estimated at $260,000

d. Projects won’t be okayed as part of IDOT bidding process, so we have to do a “local letting” and be prepared to pay for the costs ourselves, at a much sooner date, than the remainder of the Rt. 84 sidewalk project

e. We would then interview 3 different engineering firms for the projects

f. Permitting costs for the James St sewer part will run $2000

g. Trustee Oney said that we can pay for it because we have about $136,000 in Water fund and $64,000 in Sewer fund

Trustee Oney made a motion to approve amendment to Task Order 00442048 to add planning and engineering costs for (1) James St sewer work, at a cost of $13,750 to come from Sewer Fund, and (2) additional water main replacement, at a cost of $19,100, to come ½ from TIF funds and ½ from Water Fund, seconded by Meade

Roll Call #2: Ayes: Oney, Meade, Wells, Sloan, Lindley

Nays: Bitler

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

5. IRDC Committee

a. New Chair Wayne Oney discussed items they covered in their last meeting

6. Planning/Zoning Committee Gerry Meade

a. Minutes from 5/9/18 P & Z meeting on Consent Agenda (C/A Item F)

b. Discussion of latest ITEP grant

c. Should Village accept it and move on it? P & Z and IRDC met together, with IDOT representatives, to discuss and the consensus was that the Village accept the $97,500, which is funding for Phase 1 engineering

d. If we accept the grant, but do not do the project because state mandates are too cumbersome or excessive, we have ten (10) years to repay the funds at 0% interest

e. Village would have to advertise for engineering firm, figure out project limits, and get concept approved by Springfield

f. Then when initial plan is approved by the state, we can apply for the next ITEP grant

Trustee Meade made a motion to authorize acceptance of the ITEP grant amount of $97,570 for the purpose of the engineering associated with that ITEP Grant award, with the additional 20% commitment to be paid from TIF finds, seconded by Trustee Oney

Roll Call #3: Ayes: Meade, Oney, Wells, Lindley

Nays: Sloan, Bitler

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

7. Ordinance, Grants & Audits Patty Lindley

a. 2018 Prevailing Wage Ordinance #M181806

Trustee Lindley made a motion to approve the Prevailing Wage Ordinance #M181806, seconded by Trustee Sloan

Roll Call #4: Ayes: Lindley, Sloan, Wells, Meade, Oney

Nays: Bitler

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

8. Personnel Patty Lindley

No updates

B. Public Works Don Loy/Eric Sikkema

1. Recycling And Refuse Dustin Sloan

No updates

2. Water/Sewer Brian Bitler

a. Re-evaluate payment for relocation of water main for Rt 84 culvert work

b. Payment can be based on how many users are within or outside of TIF district

c. Felt that greater number of users and consumption amount are in TIF

d. Per Public Works, we have 2 homes outside of TIF, and 2 homes and Village Maintenance Shop within the TIF, as water users on that water main

Trustee Oney made a motion to pay the Village portion of the costs of water main relocation (in conjunction with the IDOT Route 84 project) at 60% from TIF funds and 40% from Water Capital Reserve Fund, seconded by Lindley

Roll Call #5: Ayes: Oney, Lindley, Wells, Meade, Sloan, Bitler

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

3. Bldg. & Grounds/Streets & Street Lights Brian Bitler

a. Replacement of 2 John Deere tractor tires

Trustee Bitler made a motion to approve replacement of 2 tires for John Deere 5083 tractor at a cost of $698.88 to Eastern Iowa Tire, to be taken from the Equipment Maintenance budget line, seconded by Sloan

Roll Call #6: Ayes: Bitler, Sloan, Wells, Meade, Lindley, Oney

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

4. Cemetery Gerry Meade

a. Cemetery retaining wall bids

b. Village personnel have equipment and ability to demolish and remove old wall, so that would not need to be part of purchase

Trustee Meade made a motion to approve Lifestyle Landscaping LLC for construction of the retaining wall at the cemetery at a cost of $8161, net cost after Village removal of current retaining wall, seconded by Bitler

Roll Call #7: Ayes: Meade, Bitler, Wells, Sloan, Lindley, Oney

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

5. Administrative Bruce Peterson

a. Minutes from the June 4, 2018 Board Meeting (C/A Item A)

b. RI County Sheriff’s reports for May 2018 (C/A Item B)

c. RCPBFPD Report for May 2018 (C/A Item C)

d. Approve Wayne Oney as Chair of IRDC (C/A Item G)

VII Review Items On Consent Agenda:

Item; Action; Description:

A Approve Minutes from the June 4, 2018 Board Meeting

B Receive RI County Sheriff’s reports for May 2018

C Receive RCPBFPD Report for May 2018

D Approve 0518 Treasurer’s reports, including P&L Visa and check registers

E Receive Minutes from 5/14/18 Economic Development meeting

F Approve Minutes from 5/9/18 P & Z meeting

G Approve Wayne Oney as Chair of IRDC

Trustee Bitler made a motion, seconded by Trustee Sloan, to approve the Consent Agenda

All “Ayes”, no “Nays” - Mayor Peterson declared motion approved



Old Business:


New Business:


Gallery – Questions, Comments:

J Ingalls asked if there was any new realtor on the old Academy property – not yet


Trustee Wells made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Oney

All Ayes, No Nays - Mayor Peterson declared the meeting adjourned at 7:11 pm
