City of Geneseo Committee of the Whole met June 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Mayor Kathy Carroll-Duda called the meeting to order at 6:12 pm. Alderman Paula Simosky, Sean Johnson, Jason Robinson, Craig Arnold, Bob Wachtel and Brett Barnhart answered roll call. James Roodhouse and Martin Rothschild were absent. Others in attendance included City Administrator Lisa Kotter, City Attorney Derke Price, City Clerk Loree K Phlypo, HR Brandon Maeglin, Public Works Director Chad VanDeWoestyne, Inspector Rick Mills, IT Director Garrett Griswold, Finance Director Jamie Matthews, Sergeant Jamison Weisser and Karen Russell. A Quorum was present.
Public Comment
Alderman Barnhart thanked all staff and elected officials that were involved in the Chief search process and Rhonda for organizing Music Fest. He also stated that at the swearing in he still noticed that there were people smoking around children and that people are just not going to be cognizant of where they are smoking and who they are around.
Discussion on Farmers Market Sign Request
This request is from the Coordinator Jill Darin, they would like to erect a permanent sign in the park in the area by the statue of the adult and child near the sidewalk. It would be similar to the old library sign. Concerns included what other organizations would ask to put up a sign, currently temporary signs are put up on Saturdays. City Attorney Price stated that as soon as one sign posts in the City Park all have to be aloud to post a sign. If the City would choose to put a sign up and the City owns it and controls it then they have the right to say who advertises on it. No action was taken due to no motion and second.
Discussion on Downtown Public Restrooms
Public Restrooms are located behind the old city hall on State Street, which is Vintage Redheads now. The access to the plumbing pipes for the restrooms are in the basement of the old City Hall building and the City has recently been told they no longer have access to them so the City either has to demolish the building or renovate and move the pipes out of the current location. This set of bathrooms would need to be totally renovated with new doors, paint, re-plumbed and bring the sidewalk into ADA compliance. One suggestion was to reduce each side to 1 stall each to reduce the cost of renovation. We currently have public restrooms at City Hall which are available 24/7/365 for use that are new, nicer and greater use of them would create more traffic into the area where the Chamber is located and all the brochures available about Geneseo and could become a Welcome Center. The estimated cost of moving the plumbing would be between $5,000 and $7,000 with additional costs for renovation and upgrade to sidewalks for ADA compliance. The utility bill from June 2017 to May 2018 for this location was $2,084.00, restrooms aren’t open in the winter time but have to be heated so pipes don’t freeze.
Motion by Simosky, second by Johnson to bring back to the Committee of the Whole reducing each side to one stall and bringing cost information for further discussion.
Roll Call
Ayes 6 Robinson,Johnson,Arnold,Simosky,Wachtel,Barnhart
Nays 0
Absent 2 Roodhouse,Rothschild
Motion Carried
Discussion on Resolution R-18-14 Confined Space Entry Policy/Procedures.
Discussions at the Safety Committee on updating the current Confined Space Entry Policy/Procedures were held. The current policy was adopted in 1997. Training with the Fire Department has taken place and the final item to be Osha Compliant is to have the City Council adopt this Resolution. Personnel must be trained to enter a confined space and a confined space permit will be required. The City will have pre-established confined spaces with a list that has been collaborated with the Fire Department. There is progressive discipline in place for anyone that violates the permit protocol. Motion by Barnhart, second by Arnold to recommend to City Council approval of Resolution R-18-14 which adopts a new confined Space Policy.
Roll Call
Ayes 6 Wachtel,Barnhart,Robinson,Johnson,Arnold,Simosky
Nays 0
Absent 2 Roodhouse,Rothschild
Motion Carried
Discussion on Humane Society Agreement to cover animal pound services.
Currently the City has a full-time employee that cares for the animals that are picked up by the City during the week and a part time employee that cares for them on the weekends. The Humane Society vacated the City building into their new building. We currently hold animals for 7 days and then turn them over to the Humane Society to enter into the adoption program, almost all dogs are picked up by their owners, but a lot of cats are left behind. The Humane Society has approached the City about taking the animals as soon as the City receives them. Animal owners that pick their animal up are charged $30 for the first 24hours and $10 for each additional day up to 7 days and after the 7th day the animal becomes adoptable. Possible recommendation would include that the City would pay the Humane Society $50 per animal and an agreement to contribute to approved vet bills for the first 7 days. It could be a trial period of 1 year and see how it is working for the City and the Humane Society and then we wouldn’t have to address the building right now due to the current building requiring repairs and improvements. One concern is if the City has an agreement and the Humane Society disbands or their structure changes how will that effect an agreement. Karen Russell, Director of the Humane Society prefers that the Humane Society staff care for the animals as they have more experience. The staff person to assess approved veterinary needs for the City would be the CSO Officer.
Motion by Wachtel, second by Robinson to recommend to City Council to enter into an agreement with the Humane Society for one year to provide service for immediate care of the animals during the seven days of custody by the city and that they would be paid $50 per animal and there would be a veterinary bill clause that we would agree to pay with approval by staff and that they would have the ability to pay veterinary bills that we refused during those seven days with Officer access to the garage area and that we would reimburse them on a monthly basis.
Roll Call
Ayes 6 Wachtel,Barnhart,Robinson,Johnson,Arnold,Simosky
Nays 0
Absent 2 Roodhouse,Rothschild
Motion Carried
Discussion on Park Reservation Fee Policy.
Currently if someone reserves a park location they are not required to pay for it to hold the reservation and there isn’t a cancellation policy in place. Staff is recommending that a policy be put in place requiring that shelter fees be paid at the time of reserving the space and that a refund policy be in place with a 50% retention if cancellation is less than 30 days. Also adding a $10 administrative fee for time spent on managing the reservations.
Motion by Arnold, second by Barnhart to recommend to the City Council to change the policies that all facility fees must be paid prior to a reservation being made and to create the refund policy as stated with a 50% retention if less than 30 days cancellation and a $10 administrative fee.
Roll Call
Ayes 6 Wachtel,Robinson,Johnson,Arnold,Simosky,Barnhart
Nays 0
Absent 2 Roodhouse,Rothschild
Motion Carried
Discussion on Future Ward Map Changes.
A review of the population after the census is needed to keep the wards as equal as possible. A review wasn’t done after the 2010 Census and annexations in the past have not stated the ward that the property should be added to so therefore the County has added the address to a ward. Roos Hill Road is in the wrong ward and there is now an island in that ward. Consideration has to be made as to not unseat Aldermen when adjusting boundary lines. It needs to be done prior to an election with enough time as to not create confusion and it will have to be done again in 2021 for the 2020 Census. Wards 3 and 4 are the largest. This would be a good summer project performing it with plenty of time before an election.
Motion by Wachtel, second by Arnold to recommend to the City Council to proceed with preparations of ward adjustments.
Roll Call
Ayes 6 Robinson,Johnson,Arnold,Simosky,Wachtel,Barnhart
Nays 0
Absent 2 Roodhouse,Rothschild
Motion Carried
Payment of City and Utility Bills
Additional Bills handed out.
Motion by Simosky, second by Wachtel to approve City and Utility bills as presented.
Roll Call
Ayes 6 Arnold,Robinson,Barnhart,Wchtel,Johnson,Simosky
Nays 0
Absent 2 Roodhouse,Rothschild
Motion Carried
Public Comment
Karen Russell stated that the information sign was removed due to IDOT saying it was to close to Hwy 6 and electrical issues.
It was thought that Idot wouldn’t allow an LED in that location because of being a distraction for drivers.
Motion by Rothschild second by Arnold to convene Committee of the Whole until after Special City Council at 7:36 pm.
Voice Vote. 6 Ayes. 0 Nays. 2 Absent.
Motion Carried
Motion by Arnold, second by Simosky to reconvene the Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:42 pm.
Roll Call
Ayes 6 Arnold,Robinson,Barnhart,Wchtel,Johnson,Simosky
Nays 0
Absent 2 Roodhouse,Rothschild
Motion Carried
Elected Officials Workshop
City Attorney reviewed with elected officials the responsibilities and limitations of their positions. OMA training is done every other year and all boards should take it. Consideration to use the Consent Agenda, this is a process of putting whatever items that you want on the consent agenda and then if Aldermen want to discuss something they can ask to have it removed to the regular agenda, the downside to this is that the Clerk has to read all items out loud. Then a motion is made to move them with a roll call vote. Elected Officials will move to using the online code for the City instead of the Paper Copy that the Clerk has to send out updates for, online code is updated as soon as the adopted Ordinances are sent to the Codifier. Strategic Planning topics will be discussed and assigned in August for the new Aldermen.
No Action
Motion by Wachtel, second by Arnold to adjourn at 8:23 pm.
Voice Vote. All Ayes.
Motion Carried.