
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Rock Island Milan School District #41 Board of Education met January 8

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Rock Island Milan School District #41 Board of Education met Jan. 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Preliminary

A. Call to Order and Roll Call

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Approval of Board of Education Minutes... Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the special meeting of December 8, 2018 along with the executive session minutes, to remain confidential; regular meeting of December 11, 2018; special meeting of December 15, 2018 along with the executive session minutes to remain confidential; and special meeting of December 18, 2018.

II. Reports

A. Board Members

● Voting Members

● Student Members

B. Superintendent

C. Rock Island Education Association President

III. Communications

A. Requests from persons wishing to speak on certain agenda items will be called upon at the appropriate time.

B. Citizens wishing to address the Board of Education on items not on the agenda.

Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. (Matters regarding specific employees or students are of a confidential nature and will not be heard in open session.)

IV. Action on Routine Matters

A. Approval of Additions and/or Deletions

B. Approval of Agenda

C. Nomination of Future Agenda Items

D. Blanket Motion

Opportunity will be given for the selection of items that need no discussion to be approved at the appropriate time on the agenda. The following items are recommended for the Blanket Motion:

V. B. Fundraisers VI. E. Bills for Payment

VI. A. 2017-18 Audit VII. A. Certified Appointment

VI. C. Technology Acquisition VII. D. Non-Certified Appointments

VI. D. Financial Statements

V. Operations

A. Enrollment Projections.Information

Five-year enrollment projections will be presented.

B. Fundraisers.Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the fundraisers as presented.

C. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request.Information

The administration received the following Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and responded within the 5-day time limit: 1) Kaza Rhan from LocalLabs requested information regarding the names, terms and email addresses of the School Board Members.

VI. Business/Finance

A. 2017-18 Audit.Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the 2017-18 audit as presented.

B. 2018-19 Budget Amendment.Information

The Chief Financial Officer will present recommended changes to the 2018-19 approved Budget.

C. Technology Acquisitions.Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the acquisition of 45 Chromebooks, 2 charging stations, and management software, for Edison Junior High School, from CDW, Vernon Hills, Illinois at a cost of $12,718.25.

D. October and November Financial Statements... Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the October 2018 and November 2018 Financial Statements.

E. Bills for Payment... Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education authorize Bills for Payment dated December 15, 2018 in the amount of $2,937,588.87 and December 31, 2018 in the amount of $ 3,705,681.28.

VII. Personnel

A. Certified Appointment... Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the certified appointment of Christine Rice.

B. Certified Resignation.Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the resignation of Michael Oberhaus as of March 15, 2019.

C. Certified Termination.Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education terminate the contract of employee 19/25/03.

D. Non-Certified Appointments.Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the non-certified appointments of Angel Baker, Darshika Reed-Mahonie, Tracy Goldsberry, Sharel Doyle, Trey Bishop, William Schnarel, Justin Rodriguez, Charles Pugh and Austin Braud.

E. Non-Certified Retirement 2018-19.Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the non-certified retirement of Ascension Padilla during the 2018-19 school year.

F. Non-Certified Retirement 2019-20.Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the non-certified retirement of David Luckey during the 2019-20 school year.

G. Non-Certified Resignation.Action

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the non-certified resignation of Juan Lara-Cardoso, Black Quick and Madison Binder.

IX. Executive Session

It is recommended that the Board of Education move to executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

X. Adjournment
