South Moline Township Board of Trustee met November 7.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Present: Tracy Best, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Trustee; Mark Lundahl, Trustee; Brian Forsberg, Trustee; Bob Schultz, Road Commissioner; and Rob Vyncke, Clerk. Absent: Lisa Griffin, Trustee and Rick Mellinger, Assessor.
Meeting Called to Order — Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Supervisor Best.
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes — Motion by Anderson, second by Lundahl, that we approve the minutes of October 15, 2018. Motion carried, with all voting in favor.
Officials' Reports —
a. Road Commissioner — Fall clean-up is under way. We have been trimming trees. The culvert is in and work should commence soon. North Shore Drive will be closed near 16th Street while work is being completed.
b. Assessor — None
c. Clerk — None
d. Trustees — None
e. Cemetery — Long-term board member, Mike Cummings is resigning. We’d like to thank him for his years of service. If anybody knows of a replacement, please advise.
f. Seniors — The Halloween party went very well with over 45 people in attendance. Actually, attendance is up at all activities.
g. Youth — Share Joys, a program at Moline High School that donates clothes to the needy, has asked for a donation. Last year we donated $500.00. After some discussion, there was a motion by Forsberg that we donate $500.00. Second by Anderson. All ayes, motion carried.
Supervisor's Report —
a. GA: Pending 2, Active 11, Approved 1, Denied 2, Terminated 1, Withdrawn 2, Sanctioned1, for a total of 20. EA: Approved 1, Denied 1. WR: Approved 1.
b. Best passed out the 2018-2019 proposed levy for all. In summary, the bottom line will stay the same, it does not increase or decrease. Some line items do change and Best explained the specific line item changes. He asked all to review, as we need to pass said levy in an upcoming meeting. Concerning the Road District, Schultz stated that while trying to keep taxes as low as possible, but keep up with rising costs, he is proposing a 4% increase.
Unfinished Business — None
New Business — None
Meetings & Education —
Next Board Meeting: November 19, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
South Moline Township Hall, 2521 53rd Street, Moline IL
Trustees Approval of Bills by Funds —
a. Town Fund
1. TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATION — Motion by Anderson for approval; second by Lundahl. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
2. ASSESSOR — Motion by Lundahl for approval; second by Anderson. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
3. TOWNSHIP SENIOR CENTER — Motion by Anderson for approval; second by Forsberg. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
b. TOWN FUND — FICA — Motion by Forsberg for approval; second by Lundahl. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
c. TOWN FUND — IMRF — Motion by Lundahl for approval; second by Anderson. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
d. GENERAL ASSISTANCE — Motion by Anderson for approval; second by Forsberg. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
e. ROAD & BRIDGE / GENERAL FUND — Motion by Forsberg for approval; second by Lundahl. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
f. ROAD & BRIDGE / IMRF FUND — Motion by Lundahl for approval; second by Anderson. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
g. ROAD & BRIDGE / FICA FUND — Motion by Anderson for approval; second by Forsberg. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
h. ROAD & BRIDGE / EQUIPMENT & BLDG — Motion by Forsberg for approval; second by Lundahl. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
i. ROAD & BRIDGE / INSURANCE FUND — Motion by Lundahl for approval; second by Anderson. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
j. CEMETERY — Motion by Anderson for approval; second by Forsberg. Ayes: Anderson, Lundahl, Forsberg and Best. Unanimous.
Adjournment — Motion by Anderson, second by Lundahl, that we adjourn the meeting. Motion carried, with all voting in favor. Meeting adjourned @ 6:35 p.m.