City of Aledo Zoning Board of Appeals met June 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Call to Order / Roll Call:
Zoning Board chairman VERNON JOHNSON called for roll call were the following
Zoning Board members answered present:
Also present were, Director of Public Works & Utilities, JUSTIN BLASER, and City Clerk, JAROD DALE.
An attendance sheet has been marked Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and made a part of these minutes.
Minutes: Motion made by JIM RIDDELL and seconded by STEVE NELSON to approve the ZBA Minutes of 06/15/2017 as presented. A Unanimous voice vote followed in agreement.
The following was discussed:
New Business:
A. Public Hearing: Case No. 2018-01 (City of Aledo, Aledo Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) from D, Heavy Industrial District to C, Light Industrial District for property located at 906 SW 3rd St., 1006 SW 3rd St., 1010 SW 3rd St., 302 SW 12th Ave., 308 SW 12th Ave., 1011 SW 4th St., 1009 SW 4th St., 1005 SW 4th St., 305 SW 10th Ave.)
Petitioner: City of Aledo, 120 N. College Avenue, Aledo, IL., 61231
Application: The applicant, City of Aledo, has made an application for a Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) from D, Heavy Industrial District C, Light Industrial District for properties listed above.
DPW Blaser summarized the Zoning Board of Appeals Memorandum outlining the case background, applicable regulations, issue, analysis, and the staff recommendation. The memorandum included a copy of subject property maps, the application, and certificate of publication, which have been attached hereto and made a part of these minutes as Exhibit “B”.
CHAIRMAN JOHNSON requested the Public hearing be opened for Case No. 2018-01 at 5:02 p.m.
DPW Blaser read the public hearing notice aloud to the ZBA and was published in the Times Record on May 23, 2018.
DPW Blaser reported the following:
• The properties are currently zoned D, Heavy Industry. It is the intent of the City of Aledo to prevent further heavy industrial uses and development in this area.
• The subject properties are located at (addresses listed on page 1, under new business, item “A”.) The subject properties include five (5) single-family dwellings, and one 91) empty lot. The other properties include the Mercer County Sheriff’s office and three (3) storage buildings.
The surrounding neighborhood consists of a varied mix of single-family dwellings, commercial properties, and industrial facilities. The land to the north includes a gas, oil, and propane storage facility; and two (2) businesses. The land to the east includes a mix of single-family dwellings, and office buildings.
The land to the south includes single-family dwellings. The land to the west is rural and not in the City limits.
• The subject properties are zoned D Heavy Industry. The surrounding land to the east and south is zoned C Light Industry. Lands to the north are zoned D Heavy Industry. In staff’s opinion, the granting of the rezoning request would not likely impact the surrounding neighborhood or uses of the existing property.
CHAIRMAN JOHNSON inquired if there was any additional testimony from those present in the audience. Garrett Gibson and Denise Dyer inquired on property taxes and the effect of. It was noted by ZBA member JIM RIDDELL that industrial zoned property taxes would be different compared to commercially zoned properties taxes.
Red Stancliff noted he is grandfathered in to heavy industrial and wanted to verify there would be no change in current use. DPW Blaser affirmed Mr. Stancliff’s statement noting no issues would be had for current property owners.
Motion was made by STEVE NELSON and seconded by WILLIAM NEWSWANDER to close the public hearing for Case No. 2018-01. A Unanimous voice vote followed in agreement at 5:10 p.m.
The ZBA discussed Case # 2018-01 further. It was inquired on the status of how the application came about. It was reported an Alderman had recommended review by the ZBA and a motion was made by the Aledo City Council to send the application to the ZBA for further review and consideration.
DPW Blaser reported the intent was to not allow further heavy industrial in the area and to encourage new industrial businesses to focus their establishment in the Progress Park industrial area.
DPW reported one (1) phone call was received by the Mercer County Sheriff’s office inquiring if the change would affect their current operation. It was reported by DPW Blaser the change would not affect current practices.
Finding & Facts: the Aledo Zoning Board finds that the following Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) is necessary and proper. For: the Aledo Zoning Board of Appeals finds that the following Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) from D, Heavy Industrial District to C, Light Industry District is recommended for Approval to the Aledo City Council.
Finding & Final Order: Motion was made by DONALD KARCH and seconded by STEVE NELSON to approve the finding of fact as presented. A Roll call vote was recorded as follows:
YES: Johnson, Newswander, Riddell, Nelson, and Karch. NO: None. Motion carried. 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Motion was made by JIM RIDDELL and seconded by WILLIAM NEWSWANDER that the Zoning Board of Appeals Case No. 2018-01 (City of Aledo, Aledo Zoning Map
Amendment (Rezoning) from D, Heavy Industrial District to C, Light Industrial District for property located at 906 SW 3rd St., 1006 SW 3rd St., 1010 SW 3rd St., 302 SW 12th Ave., 308 SW 12th Ave., 1011 SW 4th St., 1009 SW 4th St., 1005 SW 4th St., 305 SW 10th Ave.) and to send to the Aledo City Council for final approval. A Roll call vote was recorded as follows:
YES: Newswander, Riddell, Nelson, Karch, and Johnson. NO: None. Motion carried. 5 yeas, 0 nays.
There being no further business, motion was made by STEVE NELSON and seconded by JIM RIDDELL to adjourn the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. Unanimous voice vote followed in agreement and Motion carried.
Adjournment followed at 5:18 P.M.