
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Moline City Council met July 23

City of Moline City Council met July 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation – Alderman Berg

Roll Call

Consent Agenda

All items under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussions of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which case, the item will be moved from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after the Omnibus Vote.

Approval of Minutes & Appointments Made

Committee-of-the-Whole and Council meeting minutes of July 16, 2019, and the June financial report.


1. Council Bill/Resolution 1092-2019

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Inter-Governmental Agreement between the City of Moline and the Illinois Department of Human Services setting forth the terms for acceptance of a grant award to the Police Department in the sum of $5,720.

Explanation: The Illinois Department of Human Services has awarded the Police Department a grant in the sum of $5,720 to conduct a retail education and enforcement program with Moline tobacco retailers. The program provides for three compliance checks to be conducted during the term of the agreement, July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal Impact: Grant award of $5,720 Public Notice/Recording: N/A

2. Council Bill/Resolution 1093-2019

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept a Deed of Dedication for Street Right-of- Way, more particularly described herein, to allow construction to proceed on Project #1314, River Drive and University Drive Traffic Signals.

Explanation: A Deed of Dedication for Street Right-of-Way is necessary and has been executed by McLaughlin Body Co., 2430 River Drive, Moline, to allow construction to proceed on Project #1314, River Drive and University Drive Traffic Signals. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal Impact: Rock Island County recording costs Public Notice/Recording: Engineering Department will record

3. Council Bill/Resolution 1094-2019

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Bush Construction Company Inc., for Project #1329, Captain’s Table Building Construction, for the amount of $2,337,600.

Explanation: Bids were opened and publicly read aloud on June 28, 2019, for Project #1329, Captain’s Table Building Construction, with the following results:


  Bush Construction Company, Inc.


Precision Builders, Inc.


  Valley Construction Co.


    Estes Construction, Inc

Pretasky Roach Properties, LLC, as lessee of Marquis Marina and the Captain’s Table chooses to accept Alternate #1 for an increase of $4,600 and Alternate #2 for an increase of $29,000. Both are reflected in the contract amount above. Alternate #1 changes the decking material for the outdoor seating from treated lumber to composite material, and Alternate #2 substitutes rubber flooring for quarry tile in the kitchen area. As per the terms of the Lease Agreement, Pretasky agrees to pay additional rent to cover the portion of the construction cost from $1,800,000 to $2,000,000 over 20 years at 3.5% interest and to finance all costs above $2,000,000. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal Impact: The project will be funded as detailed below:


Remaining Insurance Proceeds


Revenue Anticipation Note from General Fund


Pretasky Roach Properties, LLC



Public Notice/Recording: N/A

4. Council Bill/Resolution 1095-2019

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Consent Agreement between the City of Moline and GTP Acquisition Partners II, LLC to permit a modification of equipment for Sprint Nextel for City-owned property located at 4213 16th Avenue, Moline.

Explanation: The City of Moline has a site license agreement with GTP Acquisition Partners II, LLC (Lessee) to allow cellular facilities on City-owned property located at 4213 16th Avenue. The Lessee has notified the City that Sprint Nextel would like to modify its existing equipment at the site. Sprint Nextel is requesting the following: 1) install (3) three antennas and remove (6) six antennas; 2) install (6) six RRUs and remove (3) three RRUs; and 3) install (30) thirty jumpers, (3) three cables, (3) three fiber junction cylinders and (3) three power junction cylinders. All of this work will be performed within the existing lease site and no new easements are required. All equipment will be at the same height as existing equipment. Staff recommends approval of the request for consent. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal impact: N/A Public Notice/Recording: N/A

5. Council Bill/Resolution 1096-2019

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Consent Agreement between the City of Moline and GTP Acquisition Partners II, LLC to permit a modification of equipment for AT&T Mobility for City-owned property located at 4213 16th Avenue, Moline.

Explanation: The City of Moline has a site license agreement with GTP Acquisition Partners II, LLC (Lessee) to allow cellular facilities on City-owned property located at 4213 16th Avenue. The Lessee has notified the City that AT&T Mobility would like to modify its existing equipment at the site. AT&T Mobility is requesting to install (3) three antennas and remove (3) three antennas, and install (6) six RRUs and remove (6) six RRUs. All of this work will be performed within the existing lease site and no new easements are required. All equipment will be at the same height as existing equipment. Staff recommends approval of the request for consent. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal impact: N/A

Public Notice/Recording: N/A

6. Council Bill/Resolution 1097-2019

A Resolution adopting the 2019 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice for the cities of Davenport, Iowa; Moline, Illinois; and Rock Island, Illinois, as the City’s official guide to affirmatively furthering fair housing objectives; and authorizing the Mayor, as the City’s chief elected official, to execute the “Signature Page for Moline” of said Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice document prepared for the cities of Davenport, Iowa; Moline, Illinois; and Rock Island, Illinois, by Mosaic Community Planning, LLC.

Explanation: The City of Moline Planning and Development Department has conducted an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Study in accordance with Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act and Chapter 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice is attached. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal Impact: N/A Public Notice/Recording: N/A

Omnibus Vote

Non - Consent Agenda

First Reading Ordinances

7. Council Bill/Special Ordinance 4013-2019

A Special Ordinance amending Council/Bill Special Ordinance No. 4001-2019 for financing by the City of Moline, Illinois, by revising the Revenue Anticipation Note’s amount and issuance and payment dates; and authorizing the purchase of same by the General Fund of the City of Moline, Illinois, appropriating monies for said purposes, and authorizing execution of any related documents.

Explanation: On August 14, 2018, pursuant to Special Ordinance No. 4034-2018, the City Council approved a Revenue Anticipation Note for $800,000 to be issued by the Park Fund and to be purchased by the General Fund to partially finance the rebuilding of the Captain’s Table restaurant. Due to delay of the project, the Council subsequently approved an amendment (Special Ordinance No. 4001-2019, January 22, 2019) to revise the Note’s issue date from December 1, 2018 to April 1, 2019, and to extend the payment schedule from 20 years to 30 years to coincide with the term of the amended Lease Agreement between the City and Pretasky Roach Properties, LLC; the Note’s interest rate remained unchanged at a flat 3.5%. Insurance proceeds of $967,591 have been received to apply to the project. City staff has determined that additional funds are needed to cover the financing based upon the final project cost, and said adjustment is allowed per the rent terms of the amended Lease Agreement; the adjustment would be an increase from $800,000 to $1,174,995, at the same interest rate of 3.5%. The amended Note will reflect the increase and a revised payment schedule, with the first payment date being September 1, 2020. Additional documentation attached.

Fiscal Impact: Reduced interest expense to the Park Fund Public Notice/Recording: N/A

Miscellaneous Business (if necessary) Public Comment

Members of the Public are permitted to speak after coming to the podium and stating their names.

Executive Session (if necessary)
