
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Rock Island Labor Day Parade Advisory Board met July 22

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City of Rock Island Labor Day Parade Advisory Board met July 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Board Members present: Art Milton, Grace Shirk, K. Whitley, Bill Sowards, Edna Sowards, Patricia Vincent, Vicki Hess, and Mary Chappell

Board Members absent:

City Staff present: Linda Mohr

Guests Present:

The fourth official meeting to plan the 35th annual Rock Island Labor Day parade started at 12:06 p.m.

I. Introductions

M. Chappell read a 1995 letter from former Rock Island retailer Stanly Goldman that shared his impressions of the parade as a participant and as Rock Solid Rock Islander.

2. Additions to the Agenda

No additions were made to the agenda.

3. Approval of Meeting Summary

A motion was made by B. Sowards and seconded by K. A. Whitley to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2019, meeting. The motion carried.

4. Treasurer’s Report

No official report was presented as there has been no activity since the May 20, 2019, meeting.

5. Entries to Date

The current list of 29 parade entries was reviewed that included 10 marching bands or units. It was noted that there were several bands/musical groups that had yet to officially enter by returning their form.

6. Discussion of the 2019 Parade - #35

M. Chappell reminded members to be on the lookout for additional attractions for the parade. No response regarding the Weinermobile or the Wells Fargo and Stage Coach. Effort was underway to secure a horse drill team or some attraction for the beginning of the parade.

Discussion of a parade favor was held. Samples of previous cups were available for review. The idea of ordering lapel stickers to hand out was also discussed. A motion was made by K. Whitley and seconded by G. Shirk to order 1,000 red cups with white lettering for the parade. The motion passed with no objections.

A. Milton passed out information on new shirts. Following considerable discussion, the decision was made to order three types of shirts.

1) Volunteers/Radio Club Members: Motion was made by A. Milton and seconded by G. Shirk to order regular 50/50 t-shirts (number TBD) in red totaling no more than $600.00. Motion passed.

2) Long-term Volunteer Shirts: Motion was made by K. Whitley and seconded by G. Shirk to order 15 red, 50/50 shirts with logo and collar totaling no more than $300.00. Motion passed.

) Advisory Board Shirts: Motion was made by G. Shirk and seconded by K. Whitley to order 9 red collared shirts similar to a golf shirt/brand, made with polyester and open weave fabric, totaling no more than $300.00. Motion passed.

E. Sowards reported on the Citizen of the Year program. She reviewed the various categories and noted that all nominees have been invited to attend the August 12th City Council meeting when the category winners would be announced. The overall winner will be announced at the August 26th meeting. Members were encouraged the search to secure open cars.

7. Staging Items

A review was made of the various parade staging items. M. Chappell confirmed that the porta-potties had been secured. All three announcers have been secured. B. Sowards noted that he will be meeting with the new principal at Edison School to review the post parade clean-up particulars.

G. Shirk mentioned that she heard from local artist and school teacher Bill Gustafson who sent a possible logo idea created by a RIHS student. Given the timing of this information, it was decided that a new logo and other branding changes would be considered next year.

8. Parade Promotion

Members of the Advisory Board were invited to attend the study session of the city council later that day. A brief presentation was scheduled and would include history of the parade, staging elements and the Council’s responsibilities on parade day. The second past card was scheduled to be mailed ASAP. The updated slide was ready for the Access Channel.

9. Misc. Items of Concern/Public Comments

There were no additional items of concerns and no members from the public present.

10. Adjournment

With nothing further to discuss a motion was made by G. Shirk and seconded by P. Vincent to adjourn. Motions passed with no objections. Meeting ended at 1:18 p.m.
