
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of East Moline Library Board met September 12


City of East Moline Library Board met Sept. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

PRESENT: Gary Koeller, Sue Blackall, Regina Nelson, Scott Bull, Colleen Rafferty, Diane Sommers, JoAnn Waldron, Dee Runnels

ABSENT: Wayne Smith

STAFF: Bryon Lear, Sue Wheatley, Kelly Giovanine, Lisa Williams, Jennifer Christiansen, Deborah Shippy, Marta Timbrook


I. Business Meeting Called to Order

President Koeller called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Platinum Room of the Moline Public Library.

II. Roll Call, Sue Wheatley, Recorder

Roll call was taken with Koeller, Blackall, Nelson, Bull, Rafferty, Sommers, Waldron and Runnels present. Smith absent.

III. Approval of Minutes 8 August 2019 Regular Board Meeting

Runnels moved to approve the minutes from the 8 August 2019 regular Library Board meeting previously distributed by e-mail/mail to each Trustee. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

IV. Correspondence

Included in Board packet.

V. Director’s Report (Lear)

• September is busy at the Library. The month is dedicated to Library Card Sign-up Month, National Passport Month and Banned Books Week.

• The Library participated in the hygiene drive sponsored by United Way. The over 900 products donated will go to Moline High School to disburse to students.

• Lear spoke to all the residents on 33rd Avenue who reached out to discuss the potential exit to 33rd Street from the library staff parking lot. All residents appeared to be happy that the library will not be pursuing the exit.

• Anita Mehuys, Librarian, appeared on Paula Sands Live to discuss the Citizen Prep Courses that are available at the library.

• Author Rebecca Makkai presented a program at the Library to 70 attendees. Thanks to Becca Bacon for putting the program together.

• Lear attended his first budget review session with Lisa Kotter, City Administrator Randi Haley, Interim Finance Director. The meeting was informational and the second round while be scheduled in the near future.

• Deirdre Brennan, RAILS Executive Director, will be at our library on Thursday, 26 September at 2:00 for a meet and greet. Please let Lear know if you will be attending.

VI. Financial Reports

The Board of Directors reviewed the list of library bills as of 31 August 2019. The payment of the individual bills, totaling $30,656.06 was approved and ratified upon the motion of Runnels. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

VII. Committee Reports

A. Executive Committee (Koeller, Blackall, Nelson)

No meeting.

B. Building and Grounds Committee (Bull, Waldron, Smith)

The committee met on 8 August. Minutes will be approved at the October Board meeting.

C. Policy Committee (Runnels, Rafferty, Sommers)

No meeting.

D. Art Committee (Nelson, Rafferty, Runnels)

No meeting.

VIII. Unfinished Business

A. Nominating Report

The Nominating Committee having determined eligibility and consent presents the following slate of officers for the 2019-2020 term:

President Sue Blackall Vice President Regina Nelson Secretary Diane Sommers Bull moved to accept the nominated slate of officers as the elected slate of officers. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

B. Other

After discussion with Mayor Acri, Koeller explained to the Board a path is being laid out regarding commissions of the various boards that support the City’s efforts in an effort to gain new perspectives.

IX. New Business

A. Library Closing Schedule

After discussion, Rafferty moved to accept the Library Closing Schedule for the calendar year 2020 as presented. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

B. Press Room Spotlight (Lear)

Lear demonstrated to the features on the new press room being used at the library. Thanks to Jennifer Christiansen for creating the page.

C. Other


X. Public Comment


XI. Executive Session

None XII. Adjournment

There being no further business brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 1:14 p.m.
