City of Colona City Council met Feb. 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Call to Order: 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Public Comments:
Mayor’s Report:
Approval of Minutes:
Approve minutes of February 10, 2020 council meeting
Consent Agenda:
1. Approve payment of bills for period February 11-23, 2020
2. Approve payment of manual bills for period February 11-23, 2020
3. Approve payroll for period February 11-25, 2020 NTE $50k
4. Approve Treasurer’s report for February 2020
Committee Reports:
Public Safety Committee: (Alderman King, chair; Aldermen Shady-Dahl, Tapscott, members; M. Swemline, L. LaMantia, staff)
Finance/Admin Committee: (Alderman Holman, chair; Aldermen Swemline, Hillman, members; J. Legare, M. Winters, staff)
Clerk’s Report:
Old Business:
Discuss allowing golf carts on city streets
New Business:
Resolution R-20-02 Memorial Day Parade