
Rock Island Today

Friday, November 22, 2024

City of Rock Island Park Board met January 21


City of Rock Island Park Board met Jan. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

President Fred Dasso called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

2. Attendance

Members Present: Fred Dasso, Bill Anderson, John McEvoy, Don Deleu

Members Absent: Moses Robinson, Kate Hotle

Staff Present: John Gripp, Parks Director; Todd Winter, Assistant Director; Kimberly Kruse, Parks Administrative Office Manager

Staff Absent: none

Audience: none

3. Minutes of the December meeting.

Mr. Anderson approved the December minutes; Mr. McEvoy seconded. All voted yes.

4. Correspondence

Thank yous from First Tee, QC Parrot Head Club, Friendship Manor, Orion Education Foundation, and Spring Forward were acknowledged.

5. Monthly Report from Finance Department as of November.

All areas with the exception of Admin are in the black. This was an exceptional feat considering the challenges with weather. The staff did an outstanding job with managing the numbers and making adjustments where needed to maintain. RIFAC is at an all time high. Schwiebert Park will be positive for the first time ever.

November Financials were reported to the board with a summary explanation of changes and discrepancies. There is a two month lag that will ensure that all revenues and expenditures are reported to give a more accurate look at the department financially.

6. Approval of the Bills for the Month of December: $100,972.29

Mr. McEvoy moved to approve the bills for the Month of December in the amount of $100,972.29. Mr. Deleu seconded. All voted yes.

7. Director’s Report and other reports

The Director, City Manager and Assistant Director along with Moline staff got together to see how to build on the current relationship and to figure ways to work better and how to be in less competition with each other along with Illinois wide services. Evaluations were completed for Nikki and Tanner, both are excellent. December is a time for several people off work for much needed vacations.

There were several challenges this past year with weather. However, the year ended on a positive with making smart choices with staff and expenditures. The preliminary 2019 numbers are promising. Douglas Park has fencing and dugouts and will be installed in the spring. Hauberg electrical work is complete. Kiwanis bike path and Schwiebert Park playground resurfacing will also be in the spring.

The Assistant Director hired a consultant to do one on one interviews with staff and will reach out to park board members with help on finishing up the strategic plan. Jobs are getting posted for summer positions. Staff is working with HR to make sure the payroll raises are in effect from the minimum wage increase.

Ryan Ballard is back to being the aquatics manager. Staff is looking at leasing for fitness equipment upon the conclusion of the current lease. Some new programs are being offered such as golf stretches and several others. The Fire Department used the pool for some training in their new wet suits.

Chris and Tanner are going to Orlando for a golf maintenance conference. Ash trees are being addressed. Bids are going out for taking down the larger trees.

The mother/daughter princess party went well even with the unfavorable weather. There were more than 100 people in attendance. Dan and Todd manned a table at a MLK event. Carrie met with all the managers to go over marketing goals for the coming year.

Basketball has started and there is a new pre-k section now that has gone well. A cheer program has been started too with several participants.

Marc and David have ag lime in the fields and mulched along getting garbage lids on. Annuals have all been ordered. The Webber Park sign is going to be replaced. Mowing contracts are going to be reviewed. Douglas steps and ADA is done.

8. New Business

There is some new interest in Realtor’s Park to extend backyard lots but nothing solid yet.

Recreation Managers will be gone to the IPRA Conference in Chicago to learn about the latest trends to bring back to the department. It is always a very educational time and necessary to be able to provide the best services possible to the community.

The late Mrs. Woodward has donated $2.1 million to the Rock Island Community Foundation Grant that will be available on an application basis. Rock Island Parks & Recreation is one of the organizations eligible to apply.

Johnson Controls is suggesting new boilers and changing over the HVAC. FBG came through and did a thorough analysis a couple years ago and the first step was LED lights upgrades. The City Manager has agreed to help cover gaming funds to cover the potential shortage of the initial installation costs. However, there will be major savings in the long run.

9. Old Business

The Sylvan Slough portion is no longer an option to buy. There will be a purchase of the easement and it will stay as a park.

Mr. Anderson motioned to adjourn. Mr. Deleu seconded. All voted yes. The meeting adjourned at 6:03 pm.
