
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Cordova Board of Trustees met January 9

Webp meeting 04

Village of Cordova Board of Trustees met Jan. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order: Mayor James Boone called the Committee Meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Roll Call: Tammy Havens, Harvey Sothmann, Julie Hager, Barbara Myers, Pat Fidlar. Also, present Brittany Calvert, James Boone, Bob VanHooreweghe, Rock Island County Deputy.

Absent: Della Scott

Public Comment: Bob asked the Board about having a future Zoning Board Meeting about the proposed new cell tower site. Jim informed him the Zoning Board will be having an information meeting for the public on January 14, 2020 at 6pm.

Blackhawk Bank & Trust: Darci Toppert and Bruce Brookes came from Blackhawk Bank & Trust to talk to the Board about a future proposal.

Streets & Alleys: Harvey reported with the upcoming weather maintenance men will be working to keep up on the roads over the weekend.

Finance: Julie reported Feb 6, 2020 will be the Budget Meeting. She asked the Board to think about future projects and to make sure they budget for unforeseen events that might happen.

Park & Rec: Harvey reported the riverfront development is developing great. The Board asked about possibly taking the sign “Derby’s Landing” down. Harvey also reported Superior Seawall still has picking up to do and that the Village will not pay the rest of the money until everything is done.

Garbage: Pat had nothing to report.

Water: Barb reported she will be meeting with Steve from MSA on Monday about the water and sewer extension.

Sewer: Barb reported Scott from IMEG has been in contact with Kirk Brown. She will have more to report at the Board Meeting. She also reported receiving a bill from Art-O-Lite for $1260.00

Employee Handbook: The Board would like to address this in Closed Session.

Old Business: Pat expressed concerns of kids riding bikes on 3rd St. She asked the Deputy to see about patrolling a few more hours.

New Business: Jim reported a representative from the Sheriffs office will be coming to talk about a new contract. Julie reported Rileys Roadhouse would like to extend there hours for the Outage.

Closed Session: Harvey made a motion to go into closed session for Personnel, and legal at 7:30 pm, 2nd by Julie. 5 ayes

Harvey made a motion to come out of Closed Session at 8:15 pm, 2nd by Tammy Havens. 5 ayes

Pat made a motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm, 2nd by Julie. 5 ayes
