City of Colona City Council met May 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
This meeting held virtually due to COVID-19
CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Lack, Attorney Wright, Aldermen Hillman, Feliksiak, Swemline, Holman, Shady-Dahl, Jones, King, Tapscott, Clerk Winegar answered present.
STAFF PRESENT: M. Swemline Police Chief (6:45 pm)
M. Winters Office Manager
C. Lenth Public Works
The Mayor informed the council that the next meeting in May will be held on May 26th because of the Memorial Day holiday on the 25th.
The Mayor received notification from IDOT today asking for a signature on a support letter for the Route 84 road expansion project through Colona. The Mayor stated that as he recalled we did not support this project. There will be a video meeting on Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 9: a.m.
There has been a tentative agreement reached on the Admin Teamsters contract. It will be on the next council agenda.
Alderman Holman made the motion to approve council minutes from the following meetings:
March 23, 2020
April 13, 2020
April 27, 2020
Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Roll call: Aldermen Hillman, Feliksiak, Swemline, Holman, Shady-Dahl, Jones, King, Tapscott voted yes. Motion passed with 8 affirmative votes.
Alderman Hillman made the motion to approve consent agenda items:
Payment of bills for period April 27 through May 11, 2020
Payment of manual bills for the period April 27 through May 11, 2020
Payroll for period April 26 through May 10, 2020
Alderman Tapscott seconded. Roll call: Aldermen Hillman, Feliksiak, Swemline, Holman, Shady-Dahl, Jones, King, Tapscott voted yes. Motion passed with 8 affirmative votes.
Public Works Committee: (Alderman Swemline, chair; Aldermen Jones, Feliksiak, members; C. Lenth, staff) A copy of these minutes is available for review at City Hall and on the City’s website.
Alderman Swemline made a motion to approve the purchase of a new generator for City Hall from Jackson Generator Services at a price of $11,020.33 and a 7- year warranty to be paid with TIF III funds. Alderman Feliksiak seconded. Roll call: Aldermen Hillman, Feliksiak, Swemline, Holman, Shady-Dahl, Jones, King, Tapscott voted yes. Motion passed with 8 affirmative votes. Alderman Hillman asked what the gas costs were. The Mayor replied this is the cost of hooking up the generator back to the gas after installation of the new generator. Jackson was the only bidder who included the cost in their bid. Alderman Holman inquired if the City had reached out and asked the bidders about extending their warranties. Chris Lenth replied yes, but the warranties offered are the manufacturer’s warranty for the brands they sell.
Alderman Hillman made the motion to approve a refund policy for the seasonal campers at Colona Scott Family Park. Alderman Swemline seconded. Roll call: Aldermen Hillman, Feliksiak, Swemline, Holman, Shady-Dahl, Jones, King, Tapscott voted yes. Motion passed with 8 affirmative votes. The refund policy is based on a daily refund based on the number of days the campground was closed out the of available 184-day camping season.
Alderman Feliksiak made the motion to approve renewal of liquor licenses for:
Express Lane, Lavender Crest and 7-11. Alderman Jones seconded. Roll call: Aldermen Hillman, Feliksiak, Swemline, Holman, Shady-Dahl, Jones, King,
Tapscott voted yes. Motion passed with 8 affirmative votes.
Alderman Holman made the motion to approve Ordinance O-20-08, Amending Title 6, Adding Chapter 9, Authorizing the Operation of Golf Carts and Neighborhood Vehicles on the City of Colona Public Streets. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Roll call: Aldermen Hillman, Swemline, Holman, Shady-Dahl, Jones, King Tapscott voted yes. Alderman Feliksiak voted no. Motion passed with 7 affirmative votes, l no. Alderman Jones stated he checked and in Illinois you can use hand signals to turn so why are we requiring turn signals on these vehicles. Chief Swemline replied that we are requiring turn signals because hand signals may not always be visible. Alderman Swemline asked what a neighborhood vehicle was; to which the reply was the definition is on page 2 of the ordinance.
Alderman Holman made a motion to enter into closed session per 5 ILCS 120/2, Section 2. Open Meetings, paragraph (c)(11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. Alderman Feliksiak seconded. Roll call: Aldermen Hillman, Feliksiak, Swemline, Holman, Shady-Dahl, Jones. King, Tapscott voted yes. Motion passed with 8 affirmative votes.
The council returned to open session at 7:01 p.m. under the same roll call as above.
Alderman Hillman made a motion to adjourn. Alderman Feliksiak seconded. An oral vote was called with all ayes received. Meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m.