City of Colona City Council met June 8.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Call to Order: 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Public Comments:
Mayor’s Report:
Approval of Minutes:
Approve minutes from May 26, 2020 council meeting
Consent Agenda:
Approve payment of bills for the period May 27-June 8, 2020
Approve payment of manual bills for the period May 27-June 8, 2020
Approve payroll for the period May 26-June 10, 2020 NTE $70k
Committee Meetings:
Public Works Committee: (Alderman Swemline, chair; Aldermen Feliksiak, Jones, members, C. Lenth, staff). A copy of the minutes of the meeting is available at City Hall and on the City’s website.
Approve reinstating penalties and water shut-offs for nonpayment of bills
Approve a City-wide drop off for this year of tires, appliances, furniture and E-waste
Clerks Report:
Old Business:
Approve sexual harassment policy
Approve new labor contract between the Teamsters Union and the City of Colona
New Business:
Approve Resolution R-20-03 2020 MFT funds
Approve Maintenance Engineering to be Performed by a Consulting Engineer
Approve Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Colona and the Henry County Highway Department
Closed Session:
Per 5 ILCS 120/2, Section 2. Open Meetings, paragraph (c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.