City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met June 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes to call the roll. The following Aldermen were present: Larry Toppert, Gary Almblade, Nancy Mulcahey, Jayne O’Brien, Frederic Kotoku, Maria Tapia and Jose Rico. 6:45 p.m.
State Mandated Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment and Training Program (DougMaxeiner, City Administrator)
Public Act 101-0221 became effective in August of 2019 and amends the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. The Act specifies that each governmental unit is to adopt an amendment to its sexual harassment policy to provide a mechanism for reporting and independent review of allegations of sexual harassment made against an elected official of the governmental unit by another elected official.
The Illinois Municipal League has prepared a Model Policy and Resolution to approve the amendment to the policy to comply with the legislation. The impetus for the amendment was to add elected officials to those covered by the policy and provides direction on how to address allegations of sexual harassment made by one elected official against another.
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Staff recommends approval of the Illinois Municipal League's Model Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment.
A motion was made by Alderman Almblade, seconded by Alderman Mulcahey to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Tapia, Rico, Toppert, Almblade, Mulcahey, O’Brien and Kotoku. Motion carried.
An Ordinance Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement with Mutual Wheel Company Inc. (DougMaxeiner, City Administrator)
Mutual Wheel Company Inc. is in the process of purchasing the western most parcel of the former McLaughlin Body facility located at 321 12th Avenue (see PIQ on attached map). The building is approximately 88,000 square feet sitting on 107,000 square foot parcel. Mutual Wheel is planning on investing $775,000 on the facility and improvements which will be utilized as a logistics center and warehouse with the potential for an online retail sales center.
The developer (Mutual Wheel) has asked for assistance with the project. The parcel is located in the East Moline Glass Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District which was created in November of 2018. The incentive agreement calls for the reimbursement of the lesser of 25% of the total project cost or $193,750. Reimbursements would come from two potential sources: 1) Incremental real estate taxes generated solely on the property (TIF Increment); and 2) Retailer's Occupation Tax (sales taxes) generated from this sales center. The sharing of TIF increment is proposed at 80% (up to the maximum cumulative reimbursement) while sales taxes are rebated at 50% of the amount generated by this specific parcel.
The incentive agreement complies with the staff recommendation to make the incentives performance based (reimbursement only after the additional revenues are earned and received by the City).
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Staff recommends approval of the Economic Incentive Agreement for Mutual Wheel Company Inc.
A motion was made by Alderman Rico, seconded by Alderman Almblade to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Tapia, Rico, Toppert, Almblade, Mulcahey, O’Brien and Kotoku. Motion carried.
Disposal of Centre Station Dispatch Surplus Property (Chief Jeff J. Ramsey)
On 03/04/19 City Council approved Resolution 19-15 giving permission to dissolve the Moline and East Moline consolidated public safety communications agreement (CPSCA) which included any remaining property of the Centre Station Dispatch shall be declared surplus and disposed of by Moline in the manner most advantageous to the parties, whether by auction, sealed bid or otherwise. Moline would remit 40% of the proceeds from disposal of the surplus property to East Moline, which represents the last cost split for the operation of the Center. These were steps taken to move forward with the implementation of the consolidated QCOMM911 dispatch center.
Three Evans dispatch consoles with hardware remain that have been unable to be sold. These consoles have been removed from the Centre Station Dispatch and need to be disposed of. They are outdated and there is no interest from any potential purchasers. Moline also wants to move forward with the disposal of the remaining equipment. There is no cost associated with the disposal.
Attached are the minutes from the Committee of the Whole and City Council Meeting involving resolution 19-15. The involved actions are highlighted in the minutes.
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Approve final disposal of surplus property from the old Centre Station Dispatch facility.
A motion was made by Alderman O’Brien, seconded by Alderman Mulcahey to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Tapia, Rico, Toppert, Almblade, Mulcahey, O’Brien and Kotoku. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Alderman Rico, seconded by Alderman Almblade, to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Rico, Toppert, Almblade, Mulcahey, O’Brien, Kotoku and Tapia. Motion carried. 7:00 p.m.