City of Rock Island Park Board met May 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
President Fred Dasso called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
2. Attendance
Members Present: Fred Dasso, Bill Anderson, John McEvoy, Kate Hotle, Moses Robinson
Members Absent: Don Deleu
Staff Present: John Gripp, Parks Director; Todd Winter, Assistant Director; Kimberly Kruse, Parks Administrative Office Manager
Staff Absent: none
Audience: none
3. Minutes of the February meeting.
Mr. Anderson approved the February minutes; Ms. Hotle seconded. All voted yes.
4. Correspondence
Thank you from Children’s Therapy Center was acknowledged.
5. Monthly Report from Finance Department as of March
Some tax dollars were received. RIFAC had to close due to COVID-19 mid March and has remained closed. Around $400,000 estimate loss due to the pandemic and more to come. There will be reductions in numbers all around due to closures. However, the department is adapting and now offering virtual classes and events.
March Financials were reported to the board with a summary explanation of changes and discrepancies. There is a two month lag that will ensure that all revenues and expenditures are reported to give a more accurate look at the department financially.
6. Approval of the Bills for the Month of March for $112,863.27 and April for $115,837.57
Mr. McEvoy moved to approve the bills for the Month of March for $112,863.27 and April for $115,837.57. Mr. Anderson seconded. All voted yes.
7. Director’s Report and other reports
Staff are working a modified schedule due to social distancing requirements during this Pandemic. There will be no Spruce Up this year for RIFAC due to being closed for so long and able to do maintenance items during this time. Public Works have also been on a modified schedule. Meetings are all virtual. Contingency scenarios are being brought up of how to reopen with various conditions. Golf is open with restrictions such as carts only available for those who cannot walk the course. Douglas Park is nearly completed and looks amazing. The Kiwanis path will begin when the flood work is done. Schwiebert Park playground resurfacing is underway. The Weber Park sign has been removed and a nice stone one will be put in its place.
Golf lessons and first tee lessons are being offered virtually. It is hopeful that some golf restrictions will be eased to allow for more play and possibly in person lessons again. Women’s League is off the ground as it does follow current standards in place. Saukie Golf Course signs are getting replaced. The Recreation staff are taking a look through all the goals. Parks tasks lists are being updated with projects. In June, a formal presentation will be done of the Strategic Plan.
The Aquatics Manager, Ryan, is working to be prepared so Whitewater can be opened whenever restrictions are lifted enough to allow patrons. Phase 3 of the governor’s plan will be in effect May 29th. Ultimately, it will be up to the City Manager to make the call on opening the pool. Davenport and Moline have stated that they will be closed for the season this year. Depending on when pandemic restrictions are lifted and if the school sessions start later (for in person classrooms), the Whitewater Junction season could be pushed back.
Golf Courses look in amazing shape with the less foot traffic. It has allowed maintenance to concentrate on projects as well. Deep tine work has been done. Both golf courses are ready for more golfers.
Tennis and sports camps are available and following the Phase 3 guidelines. Summer and preschool camps are pending phase approval. The first Starlight concert of the season will be in front of Friendship Manor and will be streamed virtually. A drive-in movie is scheduled for June 13th at the Complex. Red White and Boom is still to be determined at this time.
Parks are popular and a record number of users walking the trails, biking and visiting. Some are over eager than others and a baseball game did unfortunately have to be told to go home as it violated the current regulations in place. The plant calendar is up and looks nice. Prescribed burns have been done.
8. New Business
Special Event Application: Ride the River (pending governor’s orders)
Ms. Hotle motioned to approve staff recommendation for the event as presented. Mr. Anderson seconded. All said yes.
Special Event Application: RI High School Bass Tournament (pending governor’s orders)
Mr. Robinson motioned to approve staff recommendation for the event as presented. Mrs. Hotle seconded. All said yes.
COVID-19 Update:
We take this situation very seriously. Revenue is at a loss but there is a strong value on recreation at this time. The team has been meeting regularly to look at ways to keep functions fiscally responsible and thinking through all the scenarios. Only projects that are currently grant funded are being completed.
9. Old Business None
Mr. McEvoy motioned to adjourn. Mrs. Hotle seconded. All voted yes. The meeting adjourned at 5:57 pm.