
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village Annawan Village Board met April 14

Webp meeting 07

Village Annawan Village Board met April 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Annawan Village Board met at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, April 14th, 2020 in the Village Hall.

Present via conference call were:

Trustees: President Tim Wise, Brent Heitzler, John Rico, Audie Sturtewagen, John Davis , Kim Goodley and Mitch Heisler

Clerk: Sue Nelson

Also attending: Chief Doug Elliott, Kelsey Cathelyn and Mark Crosby

Prior Month’s Minutes

Goodley, seconded by Sturtewagen, made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion passed.

Monthly Bills

Rico, seconded by Heisler, made a motion to pay the monthly bills. Motion passed. The balance in the General Fund on March 31st, 2020 was $53,383.02

Police Report

Chief Elliott gave the police report showing 27 calls for service, 421 Self-Initiated Activities, 3 Traffic Enforcement Activities, and 3 Agency Assist for the reporting period. Training for the month included: Police Law Monthly Online Training; Online Training via Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board. Chief Elliott continues his weekly school walk-through with Superintendent Nordstrom. The full report is on file in the village office.

Parks and Recreation Report

Kelsey Cathelyn reported due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all Community Center rentals have been cancelled through the month of April.

The Fitness Center is closed and all memberships that are expiring during the shut-down have been notified and members will be contacted regarding renewal when the Center is re-opened. All members will get their membership extended 4, 6 or 8 weeks depending on the length of the shut-down or members will be given a refund if they don’t want to renew.

There are no events that can be held at this time, however, links are being posted to the Village Facebook page each week with activities kids can access to do at home.

The decision on whether to cancel Fun Days will be decided on May 1st. There have been 2 applications turned in for Little Miss Village of Annawan and have received $525 sponsor money.

Soccer season has been cancelled.

Baseball season is on hold.

Summer Recreation starts the week of June 8th. Forms will go out at the beginning of May. Tim commented that Jaydn and Kennadi would like to help with Summer Rec this year.

Amara & Kelsey no longer want to work on the Canal Ambush, so I will be organizing the event for 2020. There’s $1200 to award for the Howes Park Scholarship. There were 4 applicants. Keagan Rico, Kaley Peterson, Austin Earley and Josh Sims. The winners will be announced in May.

Insurance Changes Howes Park Baseball Dugouts

Insurance policies are now up to date.

Ordinance 397

Sturtewagen, seconded by Goodley, made the motion to adopt Ordinance 397, allowing the annexation of school property to the Village of Annawan. Motion passed.

Ordinance 398

Heisler, seconded by Rico made the motion to adopt Ordinance 398, approving the Woodhull Enterprise Zone Request to amending their enterprise zone. Motion passed.

Village Wide Yard Sales

At this time, the Village wide yard sales will not be advertised.

Engineer Decision for Water/Sewer Ext.

Sturtewagen, seconded by Davis, made the motion to hire Giffin Engineering for the Patriot Way water/sewer extension project. Motion passed.

Roof at Police Station

Heisler, seconded by Sturtewagen made the motion to approve a bid for up to $54,500 for a new roof at the Police building. Motion passed.

In order to square up the building and get away from the issues of a flat roof, the new roof will be pitched and have asphalt shingles. There will also be attic space. It has to be determined if the existing roof needs to be removed as there are concerns on how to attach trusses to the existing structure and the weight of the construction.


The contract is up with Anderson’s for mowing for the Village and a letter has been received from Andy Anderson stating that they were going to discontinue their mowing service. After some discussion, it was decided mowing would be done for the 2020 season by Village employees using the equipment we have. Terry will do the baseball diamonds using his mower.

Township Garbage

Sturtewagen, seconded by Davis, made the motion to discontinue the dumpster for the Townships as of July 1st, 2020 and to not charge the Townships for April through June for the service. Motion passed.

Village Clerk

Dyann Wancket has elected to not continue with the position of Village Clerk.

Other Discussions

There are some concerns that residents are not using, or possibly not aware of the fact, that they need to use Village yard waste bags and that there are limits to size/amounts of garbage collected.

Mitch reported that the Village should have their rate study in a couple of weeks.

Also, this is Mitch Heisler’s last board meeting since his family is moving out of the area. There will be a position open for a trustee on the Annawan Village Board.

Tabled for a future meeting

Recycling (Eco-Management)


Sturtewagen, seconded by Goodley, made a motion to adjourn.

Sue Nelson Clerk. Motion passed.
