
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village Annawan Village Board met May 12

Webp meeting 06

Village Annawan Village Board met May 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Annawan Village Board met at 6:30 PM in the Village Hall. Present via conference call were:

Trustees: President Tim Wise, Brent Heitzler, Audie Sturtewagen, John Davis and Kim Goodley Clerk: Sue Nelson

Also attending: Chief Doug Elliott, Kelsey Cathelyn, Mark Crosby and Marty DeDecker

Prior Month’s Minutes

Sturtewagen, seconded by Davis, made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion passed.

Monthly Bills

Goodley, seconded by Sturtewagen, made a motion to pay the monthly bills. Motion passed. The balance in the General Fund on April 30th, 2020 was $58,180.34

Police Report

Chief Elliott gave the police report showing 16 calls for service, 359 Self-Initiated Activities, 7 Traffic Enforcement Activities, and 5 Agency Assist for the reporting period. Training for the month included: Police Law Monthly Online Training; Online Training via Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board. Conference calls with ISP Director twice weekly. The full report is on file in the village office.

Parks and Recreation Report

Kelsey Cathelyn reported the Fitness Center is still closed. Everyone that had a membership expiring has been notified through the end of May. Kelsey said she will begin deep cleaning the entire Fitness Center & Community Center, so all will be ready when it opens.

Fun Days has been cancelled.

Baseball/Softball League was officially cancelled on Friday. Everyone was notified and monies refunded. Summer Recreation could be pushed back to July or possibly cancelled for the year.

The Howes Park Scholarship awarded Keagan Rico and Austin Earley both with $600

An activity permit and insurance was submitted to the DNR, so the Village could be approved for the Canal Ambush event. As of now, the DNR will not approve it until we know more with the status of events. This event may also be cancelled for this year.

Resolution 89 TIF Legal Expense to General

Heitzler, seconded by Goodley, made the motion to adopt Resolution 89, allowing the Village General account to be reimbursed by TIF for a portion of Legal and Audit expenses for the last fiscal year. Motion passed.

Library Letter

A letter was received from Michele Thurston, Director of the library, stating they decided to not have the Summer Reading Program and that they would not be asking for donations during this difficult time.

Electronics Recycling

A village resident had requested the Village look into another electronics recycling day like they did a few years ago. Since electronics can be taken to Eagle Recycling in Galva for processing, no action will be taken at this time.

Roof at Police Station

American Eagle has the bid for the roof. It should be going up in the next few weeks. The building has been demoed inside by various Village employees and is ready for Kennard to start the electrical work. The total cost at this point for new furnace, air, water heater, duct work, plumbing, a new sign, evidence lockers, new door & window, a generator, Dave VandeVoorde to do dry wall, framing & insulation and a drop ceiling is $44,707.00 and $25,000 can be deducted from this amount due to a grant received. Estimates are still needed for flooring & some painting.

Township Garbage letter received

Letters had been sent out informing Annawan & Alba townships that the Village was discontinuing the dumpsters for the Townships. Alba Township replied that they would like the Village to reconsider.

Health Insurance

Marty DeDecker was present to share the changes to the Village Health Insurance, since it is time for renewal of the policies. There is a 5.1% increase in the cost of the health policy with no increase in the Life, Dental or Vision policies. Sturtewagen, seconded by Heitzler, made the motion to accept the insurance with the increase and no other changes. Motion passed.

Catholic Church Building

Mark is getting the key so the building can be entered to have a look around to see any possibilities. Ratliff’s gave an estimate of $30,000 to $40,000 for demolition of old building. A final decision on this will be made at the June board meeting.

Sick Days Accrual

The Village has been working on amending the sick day accrual process so an employee will be able to use accrued sick time for IMRF retirement purposes. Also, it is added that if an employee is absent due to illness for 5 or more days, a doctor return to work slip, will be needed.

Sturtewagen, seconded by Heitzler, made the motion to accept the accrual policy as written and include the wordage that a doctor slip will be needed if absent 5 or more days. Motion passed.

Tabled for a future meeting

Recycling (Eco-Management) Catholic Church Hall


Heitzler, seconded by Goodley, made a motion to adjourn to Executive session.

After Executive Session

Motion passed.

There being no further business, Heitzler, seconded by Goodley, made a motion to adjourn. Motion passed.
