
Rock Island Today

Sunday, February 23, 2025

East Moline School District 37 Board of Education Met June 22

East Moline School District 37 Board of Education met Wednesday, July 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President, Kai Killam at 6:30 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Present: Anderson, Killam, Pankey, Faralli, VanSpeybroeck, Beeding, Hughes

Absent: None

Administration: Kristin Humphries, Superintendent; Sheri Bentley-Peacock, Associate Superintendent for Student Achievement; Casey Kyser, Business Manager; Kelly Ronnebeck, Director of Curriculum; Branson Rasko, Technology Director; Jeff Fairweather, Bowlesburg Principal; and Chris Mueller, Human Resource Director Staff: 22 Media: 0 Visitors: 2

III. Communications

The BOE received a thank you card from the David Lamb Family and Sanchia Horst-Sommer for the plants sent to each of their parent's memorial services.

IV. Public Comment - None

VI. Consent Agenda

1. Approval of Minutes

It was recommended that the minutes from the May 18, 2020 regular meeting be approved.

2. Approval of Treasurer's Report

It was recommended that the Treasurer’s Report for May 2020 be approved subject to audit.

3. Approval of Accounts Payable

It was recommended that the Board of Education approve the payment of bills listed, received during the month of May 2020, to be paid during the month of June 2020 and quick pays during the month of May 2020.

Education 802,231.00

Building 49,721.74

Transportation 2,406.03

Insurance 1,541.67

Subtotal: 855,900.44


Education 10 10,597.16

Building (20) 2,961.64

Transportation (40) 6,397.53

Tort Immunity (80) 31,338.10

Subtotal: 51,294.43

TOTAL: 907,194.87

4. Approval of Destruction of Audio Tapes from Executive Session

It was recommended the Board of Education approve destruction of recordings from the Executive Session on August 20, 2018.

5. Approval of Personnel Change

a. Personnel - Licensed - Employment

Jesus Aguirre and Alejandro Rangel have been employed as Middle School Math teachers at Glenview, effective August 10, 2020.

Dania Bebber has been employed as a teacher, effective August 10, 2020.

Jo Vasquez has been employed as a counselor at Wells Elementary effective August 10, 2020.

b. Personnel - Classified - Leave of Absence

Laura Sanders has requested unpaid leave, for maternity and child care purposes, from August 12, 2020 through October 2, 2020. Ms. Sanders is employed as a playground aide at Bowlesburg Elementary.

c. Personnel - Licensed - Resignation

Mishal Bahadory has resigned as a teacher at Hillcrest and Ridgewood schools, effective May 28, 2020.

Nicole Vatnsdal has resigned her position as a Special Education teacher at Hillcrest Elementary, effective June 9, 2020.

Mariann Stanforth has resigned her positions as Grade 8 Science teacher and Volleyball Coach, effective June 10, 2020.

Mary Pat Hofmann has resigned as a Special Education teacher at Wells Elementary, effective July 24, 2020.

d. Personnel - Classified - Resignation

David Feuerbach has resigned as a four-hour bus driver, effective May 28, 2020.

e. Personnel - Classified - Retirement

Joann Snelling has submitted a letter of resignation from her positions as Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and Secretary to the Board of Education, effective January 3, 2021. Ms. Snelling retires with 30.5 years of district service.

6. Other Financial Reports

Enclosed with the Agenda Information is the May 2020 Activity Fund Report, the Budget Summary Expense Report, and the Budget Summary Revenue Report for May 2020.

Motion by VanSpeybroeck, seconded by Hughes to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Beeding Killam

Nays: Faralli was nay to any funds paid to Learning Science International. Motion passed by roll call vote.

VII. Committee Reports

1. BHASED Governing Board

Mrs. Faralli reported BHASED had reached a one year agreement with the union. BHASED will receive 100% of the orphanage act claim they submitted. Also reported was that the BHASED roof needed repair due to leaks and it has now been repaired. BHASED will continue to have the roof checked regularly.

2. United Education Foundation - None

3. Wellness Committee - None

4. Board Delegate to AFSCME - None

VIII. Informational Items

1. Instructional Specialists - Year End Review (Mary Peterson, Jodi Sierra, Jen King, Sara Geest, Kim Myers)

The five EMSD Instructional Specialists presented. They reviewed the highlights of the year which included coaching models, growing expertise, goals and scales, Assessment writing and remote learning. Elementary specialists attend all PLC meetings and support staff. Glenview has professional development during PLC time. Amy Linn will be joining Glenview as an instructional specialist in the fall. Several projects are being worked on which includes a student piece, and a teacher piece in ST Math. Tier 2 includes facilitated teacher data meetings and Tier 3 identifies student’s needs based on data. Goals & scales are set in ELA and Math which includes essential standards which is consistent across the district, and guaranteed viable curriculum at all buildings. Remote learning has supported PLCs, delivering lessons, and additional support. The specialists are the districts right hand and are the glue that holds the teaching staff together. The BOE thanked them for all their hard work.

2. Amplify Science Curriculum for 5th Grade

Amplify Science is currently being used in grades 6-8. This curriculum has an online component with many supports for Remote Learning. With this addition, both Social Studies and science will offer the same programming for grades 5-8. There will be consumable materials, access to digital print, teacher editions, professional development and the $58,068.48 cost will not come from the district budget. This will be paid through ESEA/Title I budget.

3. Fall Schooling Return to Learn Update

The Central office administrators have been working through scenarios, using fluid information without knowing what Phases would entail. In early June the building administrators were included in planning and vetting potential plans while surveying EMSD families about potential options, remote learning and bussing. In late June teachers were included. With continued tweaks with known information, staff was surveyed on concerns, for a potential fall return for students, families and employees. A focus group of approximately 20 teachers from across the district will be vetting potential instructional plans. Into July and adding employees from across the district, the group continued tweaks to the instructional plan from the focus group feedback. Volunteer employee working groups were formed from employees who volunteered from the survey. These groups will address procedures and processes around safety, instruction, bussing, food service, and communication. In July parents will also be included and adjustments to draft plans based on current information and feedback from working groups. The draft plan will be shared with families for feedback with adjustments being made based on family feedback. EMSD knows families need to plan and we hope to have a plan to parents before the July 27, 2020 BOE meeting. The State Board does not want districts to postpone the start of school, but proceed as normal with a plan in place. The final plan will be presented to the Board of Education for execution.

There was also discussion about bussing questions and social distancing. Bussing is the most difficult. Only 14 students can ride on a 74 passenger bus with social distancing in place. Mrs. Faralli asked about surveys being on line for parents. Mrs. Pankey asked about all students accessing hot spots for students that might be available in the community. Dr. Humphries and Branson Rasko has been working on this behind the scenes. Dr. Humphries will update the BOE as soon as he knows more. There city governments, and all school districts have been represented in these discussions.

IX. Central Office Report

1. Superintendent's Report

a. PBIS Recognition – Bowlesburg

Bowlesburg Elementary has been diligent with working and putting PBIS into action. Bowlesburg’s discipline numbers are amazing. Bowlesburg has gone from a bronze level to a Silver level. Bowlesburg school has an incredible team of teachers and staff that have worked very hard to receive this recognition.

X. New Business

1. Glenview Middle School Improvement Plan for Title 1003a

The Glenview Middle School Improvement Plan for Title 1003a was presented by Principal Tracy Anderson at the May 18, 2020 Board of Education Meeting.

Motion by Anderson, seconded by VanSpeybroeck to approve the Glenview Middle School Improvement Plan for Title 1003a as presented at the May 18, 2020 BOE meeting.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Beeding Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

2. Food Service Milk and Bread Bids

Motion by Pankey, seconded by Hughes to approve the Food Service Prairie Farms Dairy Milk bid and the Alpha baking Company Bread bid as presented.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Faralli, Beeding, Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

3. First Reading of Board policies: 2:125; 2:125-E1; 2:125-E2; 2:160; 2:160E; 4:50; 5:60; 5:150; 5:280; 6:135; 7:15; 7:130; 7:325; 7:70; 8:10; 8:30; 8:80

This was the first reading of these BOE policies. They will be adopted at the July 27, 2020 after the second reading.

4. Adoption of Amended Budget for 2019-2020 School Year

Motion by Anderson, second by Hughes to adopt the Amended Budget for the 2019-2020 school year as presented.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Beeding Killam

Nays: Faralli was nay to any funds paid to Learning Science International.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

5. Permanent Transfer in the amount of $250,000 from Working Cash Fund to Operations and Maintenance Fund

At the Budget Hearing in September, the BOE was informed that the projection of $289,325.00 would be a deficit in the Operations and Maintenance Fund and the district would have to do a permanent transfer from the Working Cash Fund to the Operations and Maintenance Fund. The projected deficit is less at approximately $238,000. Administration recommends a transfer of $250,000.

Motion by Pankey, seconded by Faralli to adopt the resolution for the permanent transfer in the amount of $250,000 from Working Cash Fund to the Operations and Maintenance fund as presented.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Faralli, Beeding, Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

XI. Unfinished Business

1. Adoption of Board of Education Meeting dates for the 2020-21 School Year

Motion by Beeding, seconded by Pankey to adopt the BOE Meeting Dates presented at the May 18, 2020 Board of Education Meeting.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Faralli, Beeding, Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

At this time, President Killam called a closed session and read the OMA exceptions. Dr. Humphries informed all parties signed in to the zoom meeting other than BOE members and Administration, would be placed in the Zoom waiting room until the BOE return to open session.

Time: 7:28 p.m.

XII. Executive Session

In accordance with Chapter 5, Act 120, Section 2, of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, an Executive Session will be held to discuss:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and a pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).

The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5).

XIII. Return to Open Session

Motion by Beeding, seconded by Hughes to return to open session.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Faralli, Beeding, Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

Time: 8:13 p.m.

XIV. New Business (continued)

1. Approve general wage increase for non-union employees

Motion by VanSpeybroeck, seconded by Pankey to approve the general wage increase for non-union employees.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Faralli, Beeding, Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

2. Approve Non-Union Salary Placement Policy for 2020-2021

Motion by Pankey, seconded by Hughes to approve the Non-Union Salary Placement Policy for the 2020-2021 school year.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Faralli, Beeding, Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

3. Approve 2020-2021 Guest Worker pay rates

Motion by Pankey, seconded by Anderson to approve the 2020-2021 Guest Worker pay rates as presented.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Faralli, Beeding, Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote

4. Approve pay for workers of athletic contests

Motion by Hughes, seconded by Faralli to approve the pay for workers of athletic contests as presented.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Faralli, Beeding, Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

5. Pre-K Director Job Description

Motion by Hughes, seconded by Beeding to approve the Pre-K Director job description as presented.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Faralli, Beeding, Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

XV. Adjournment

Motion by VanSpeybroeck, seconded by Hughes to adjourn.

Ayes: Anderson, Pankey, Hughes, VanSpeybroeck, Faralli, Beeding, Killam

Nays: None.

Motion passed by roll call vote.

Time: 8:18 p.m.



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