
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

BISHOP HILL STATE HISTORIC SITE: Walt Whitman At The 2020 Bishop Hill Chautauqua


Bishop Hill State Historic Site recently issued the following announcement.

In preparation for this Saturday’s Bishop Hill Chautauqua, the BHHA will be previewing each of the afternoon performances. The first one begins at 12:30 at the park gazebo with Brian “Fox” Ellis portraying Walt Whitman.

Meet America’s pre-eminent poet as he shares the story of his life intermingled with the poems we have all grown to love. Hear eloquent selections from “Leaves of Grass,” and his philosophy of free verse. Listen to tales of the Civil War in poetry from “Drum Taps.”

 Celebrate the life of Abraham Lincoln in his eulogy “Oh, Captain, My Captain.” Few poets have transformed poetry or captured the voice of America like Walt Whitman. Spend an afternoon immersed in the mystical delight of the old gray bearded poet.

Due to Covid-19, this year’s Chautauqua is a reservation only event, with the Walt Whitman performance already fully booked. Hopefully, next year, we will have more spots available for our guests.

Original source can be found here.