
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Annawan Alba Township Library Board Met July 21

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Annawan Alba Township Library Board met July 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Annawan Village Board met at 6:30 PM in the Village Hall. Present via conference call were:

Trustees: President Tim Wise, Brent Heitzler, John Rico and John Davis

Clerk: Sue Nelson

Also attending: Chief Doug Elliott, Jim Yerkey, Paul Wyffels and Dwayne Shaw

Prior Month’s Minutes

Heitzler, seconded by Davis, made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion passed.

Monthly Bills

Rico, seconded by Heitzler, made a motion to pay the monthly bills. Motion passed. The balance in the General Fund on June 30, 2020 was $119,765.17

Police Report

Chief Elliott gave the police report showing 47 calls for service, 382 Self-Initiated Activities, 16 Traffic Enforcement Activities, and 14 Agency Assists for the reporting period. Training for the month included: Police Law Monthly Online Training; Online Training via Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board. Conference calls with ISP Director 2 times a week; Yearly policy review-Use of Force/Deadly Force and Yearly firearms qualification. The full report is on file in the village office.

Parks and Recreation Report

It was reported that the Community Center had 3 free and 1 paid rental in June.

All memberships at the Fitness Center were extended due to the shutdown. There won’t be an accurate number of members for a couple months.

The Canal Ambush Mini Triathlon has been cancelled for this year. We didn’t hear back from Springfield with approval for the event.

Trey Hannam is doing the kids Baseball Camp on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Ages were split up how they play in Park League. Younger kids go a day for 1.5 hours, older kids a day for 2 hours. There’s a $10 fee. Trey gets $7 per child and baseball diamonds gets $3. More than 50 kids signed up!

Ordinance 399 Annual Appropriations Ordinance

Heitzler, seconded by Davis, made a motion to adopt Ordinance 399 for the Village fiscal year beginning May 1, 2020 and ending April 30, 2021. Motion passed.

Catholic Church School/Hall

The Village received a letter from Fr. Engelbrecht at Sacred Heart Church stating that they did not accept the Village proposal and there was no counter offer.

Street Work 2020

Heitzler, seconded by Rico, made the motion to approve the 2020 HMA Paving Program for streets Pleasant View Drive, West South Ave to Tamaroa and First Street. Motion passed.

Rental Fees for Community Center

Heisler, seconded by Davis, made the motion to increase the fitness center fees for non-residents by $5 and the room rental fees for non-residents by $50. Motion passed.

TIF Requests for Fire Dept. & School

A TIF request for $75,000 was received by the Fire Dept. for steel siding the building. This will be for next year.

The school has requested $80,000 for lights, press box and tennis courts. Davis, seconded by Heitzler, made the motion to give the TIF Awards to the school at $40,000 in 2020 and $40,000 in 2021 with the option to go up to $60,000 in 2020

New Village Attorney

Robert T Lesage III of the law firm Ward, Murry, Pace & Johnson PC will be the new Village attorney. He may come to the August board meeting for introduction.

Alba Township Supervisor

Jim Yerkey, Paul Wyffels and Dwayne Shaw were present to ask if the Village would reconsider the choice to discontinue the township dumpster site. They presented ideas of possibly having a garbage truck present on a certain day for a few hours so residents could bring out their trash or possibly a chain link fence with padlocks confining the dump area. The ideas are good and the board will consider them.

Other Discussions

Water tower has been cleaned.

A new mower is needed for the Village. Rico, seconded by Davis, made the motion to pay for the mower from the gaming funds account. Motion passed.

The value of the scoreboards was increased on the property schedule.

Tabled for a future meeting

Recycling (Eco-Management) Water Rate Study

Adjournment to Executive Session

Heitzler, seconded by Davis, made a motion to adjourn to the executive session.

After Executive Session

Motion passed.

Heitzler, seconded by Rico, made the motion to allow the President of Annawan to negotiate land acquisition at the Police station property lines. Motion passed.


Heitzler, seconded by Rico, made a motion to adjourn. Motion passed.
