
Rock Island Today

Friday, January 24, 2025

Village of Milan Board of Trustees Met August 3

Webp meeting 07

Village of Milan Board of Trustees met Aug. 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Roll call showed Trustees Jay Zimmerman, Harry Stuart, Jerry Wilson, Bruce Stickell and Jim Flannery present. Trustee Karen Wilson was absent.

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Dawson led the Pledge of Allegiance.


There being no corrections to the minutes of July 20, 2020, Mayor Dawson asked for a motion to accept them as presented. Trustee Flannery so moved and Trustee Stuart seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.


Administrator Seiver stated he has been working with FEMA on reimbursement for extra labor and supplies the village paid for concerning the 2019 flood. They are asking for intricate locations and times of each employee for all work we want reimbursed for. This is impossible. We will lose any reimbursement for removal of sediment from Mill Creek in the Fontenoy Addition. We have always steered away from keeping up the maintenance of Mill Creek because of the cost. We will probably not get any more money from FEMA.

We are also working on reimbursement for March from the Federal Government for COVID-19 expenses. The Police Department put in extra hours of patrol at different businesses. They were reimbursed by the HY-VEE store were they spent time patrolling.

I am working with Joe Proctor owner of Pro Repair on a contract to use the property behind his business for a staging area for work on the canal.

The AFSCME contract is in its 4th year of the contract in which only the wage portion is negotiated. We have arrived at a memorandum of understanding with them, the same as FOP, stating they would get a $500 increase in the eye and dental benefit with a cap of $4,500 and negotiations on wages would be negotiated in January 2021. If this is the consensus of the Board he would like to sign the memorandum.

Mayor Dawson asked if there was a consensus of the memorandum.

Trustee Flannery moved to have Administrator Seiver sign the memorandum of understanding as he presented it. Trustee Stuart seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Mayor Dawson asked for a motion to approve the Administrator’s report.

Trustee Stickell moved to approve the Administrator’s report as presented and Trustee Flannery seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.


Inspector Moller stated the Planning Commission met with Tom Steele of Tom Steele Development regarding his building going up south of the Rock Island Arsenal Credit Union. Mr. Steel stated he has had inquiries regarding leasing the spaces in his five unit building already, so he is anxious to get it done. He would like to have it occupied by January 2021 and get another building started.

Mr. Moller also announced the opening of Save More grocery store at 113-121 West 3rd Ave. Milan.

Trustee Stickell stated he has found it difficult to find lumber at either Lowe’s or Menards. People must be doing a lot of home improvements during the COVID-19 pandemic. There being no further discussion, Trustee Stickell moved to approve the report as presented. Trustee Wilson seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.


Chief Shawn Johnson introduced Mr. Dillon Weckerly who will be the replacement for retiring Officer Mark Rumley. Mr. Weckerly served as an officer on the Rock Island Police Department for the previous five years.

Mr. and Mrs. Rich Stout are in the audience. Mr. Stout sits on the Police Commission.

Mayor Dawson welcomed Mr. Weckerly and then administered the oath of office to him. The Council welcomed Officer Weckerly into the Milan Police Department.


Mayor Dawson asked Chief Johnson how things were going in his Department.

Chief Johnson stated fine. He stated he attended several meetings this month and Officers responded to 1,263 9-1-1 calls. Administrator Seiver stated Superintendent Farrell reported there was a major water main break on 4th Street West between 11th and 12th Avenue. They spent several hours Saturday and Sunday working on it. They had to order an E-Z valve to install and they should have it done tomorrow. In July there was another water break at West 3rd Ave and RT 67. It was fixed rather quickly.

Trustee Stickell moved to accept the Department Heads Reports as presented and Trustee Flannery seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.


Trustee Zimmerman stated there is one Semi-Monthly packet in the amount of $91,244.32 and two miscellaneous checks, one in the amount of $34,044.32 for health insurance claims and one in the amount of $2,500 for a forgivable CBALP loan to Glamour Nails. The total bills will be $127,788.64. The larger bills will be for payment on the P25 Radio System, Public Works garage doors and openers, body cameras for Police Department, Blick & Blick for gasoline and diesel, and electricity to KPH Solar Farms.

There being no discussion on the bills, Trustee Zimmerman moved to pay the bills in the amount of $127,788.64. Trustee Wilson seconded the motion. Roll call vote showed Trustees Stuart, Wilson, Stickell, Flannery and Zimmerman voted “Aye”. Motion carried. The bills will be paid from the following accounts.

General $101,833.67

Garbage 3,244.21

Camden Centre 136.29

Water/Sewer 22,574.47

TOTAL $127,788.64


Mayor Dawson stated twice a year the Council must review the minutes of closed sessions and decide which ones can be opened to the public and which ones should be held confidential. Tonight we have four sets of minutes to examine of which you have each received a copy. Attorney Scott has reviewed the minutes and advises the minutes of March 4, 2019, April 1, 2019 and July 20, 2020 be released and the minutes of September 3, 2019 be held in confidence.

Mayor Dawson stated Resolution 20-3 reflects the minutes that should be released or held in confidence as Attorney Scott recommended.

Trustee Zimmerman moved to accept Attorney Scott’s recommendation by passing Resolution 20-3. Trustee Stickell seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.


Mayor Dawson asked that the amending Ordinance be tabled until next meeting.

Trustee Stuart moved to table item #10 until the August 17th Council Meeting. Trustee Stickell seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.


Trustee Flannery stated the mesh steel steps and platforms on some of the playground equipment next to the Camden Park lodge is eroded. Public Works Superintendent Pannell stated they will fabricate replacement parts and install them.

Administrator Seiver spoke with the Brissman Foundation Board and they have decided to give $50,000 to the Milan Commercial Business Assistance Loan Program for repayable loans. The repaid money will go into the CBALP Account so it can continue to assist business endangered by the COVID-19 pandemic. They would like to have the money used up by the end of this year. They stated they would be agreeable to loan more than the maximum $2,500 set by the Milan program. Mr. Seiver stated there is still interest from Milan businesses in the program. He stated Milan started with $50,000 in the loan program and still has enough to make three more loans. The Brissman Foundation will give us their donation of $50,000 in advance so nothing over our original $50,000 will come out of our revenue.

Trustee Zimmerman moved to direct Administrator Seiver to pursue the idea with the Brissman Foundation Board. Trustee Stickell seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Mayor Dawson asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Trustee Wilson so moved and Trustee Zimmerman seconded the motion.

All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m.
