City of Rock Island Park Board met Aug. 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
President Fred Dasso called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
2. Attendance
Members Present: Fred Dasso, Bill Anderson, Moses Robinson, Don Deleu
Members Absent: Kate Hotle, John McEvoy
Staff Present: John Gripp, Parks Director; Todd Winter, Assistant Director
Staff Absent: Kimberly Kruse, Parks Administrative Office Manager
Audience: none
3. Move to Item 11A, City Audit Presentation
Mr. Anderson motion to approve; Mr. Deleu seconded. All voted yes.
4. City Audit
Stephanie Masson, Finance Director and Linda Barnes presented the finding from the City Audit.
5. July Park Board Minutes
Mr. Anderson motion to approve the minutes as written; Mr. Robinson seconded.
6. Monthly Report from Finance Department as of June
John reviewed the Financial Report. Whitewater and seasonal facilities will be reflected in next report. Mr. Robinson asked about budget cuts.
Financials were reported to the board with a summary explanation of changes and discrepancies. There is a two month lag that will ensure that all revenues and expenditures are reported to give a more accurate look at the department financially.
7. Approval of the Bills for the Month of July
Mr. Dasso: Aye Mr. Deleu: Aye Mr. McEvoy: Absent Mr. Robinson: Aye Ms. Hotle: Absent Mr. Anderson: Aye
8. Director’s Report and other reports
Starlight Review has been well received. Thursday Night Groove started up last week. Preschool will be starting and limited to 15 kids. Grants for the King Center and RIFAC are being looked at for eLearning. Sunset Park Eagle Scout project underway. The reseeding of Douglas will be this fall. The Community Foundation and Day Foundation have donated to the Scholarship Fund. Ashley Woodward Trust is an estimated $8- 10K in donations as well.
Field Reports were giving for each area. Full notes can be found in the park board packet.
9. New Business
Douglas Park Project Donor Steps
Discussion of how naming rights would work. John will work with Friends of Douglas Park on details. Mr. Anderson motioned to approve. Mr. Robinson seconded.
Special Event Application: The House Sunday Service Staff recommends approval of application which is includes amplified sound. Mr. Robinson motioned to approve; Mr. Deleu seconded. All said yes.
Special Event Application: MOPARS
Staff recommendation for the MOPARS event. Mr. Anderson motioned to approve; Mr. Robinson seconded. All said yes.
10. Old Business
Mr. Robinson motioned to adjourn. Mr. Anderson seconded. All voted yes.
The meeting adjourned at 6:29 pm.