Village of Orion Village Board met December 7.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
I. Call to order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call
IV. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held November 16, 2020
V. Discussion from the floor
VI. Committees:
a. Streets
i. Approve agreement for an engineering study to install ornamental street lights along a portion of Rt. 150 – pay for with TIF revenue
b. Sewer
c. Water
i. Adopt financing plan to replace a portion of the 11th Avenue water main and hire an engineer to draw construction plans
d. Recreation
e. Finance
i. Tom Engelmann, present FY 2020 audit
ii. Set tax levy hearing date for Dec. 21, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
f. Police
g. Bldgs. & Grounds
VII. President’s agenda
a. Discuss proposed adoption of Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax
b. Approve Ordinance #2020-5, Adopting a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment
VIII. Adjourn.