
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Rock Island County Board Committee of the Whole met Feb. 9

Rock Island County Board Committee of the Whole met Feb. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Committee of the Whole of the Rock Island County Board met at the above date and time in the County Board Chambers on the third floor of the County Building; 1504 Third Avenue, Rock Island, IL. Per section 7(e) of the State of Illinois Open Meetings Act, Members of the County Board may attend the meeting remotely, if they prefer.

Minutes as follow:

Call to order and roll call at 5:33 p.m. 

Members present: R. Morthland, M. Burns, M. Moreno, L. Burns, L. Moreno, C. Enburg, B. Vyncke, J. Deppe, P. McNeil, L. Thompson, D. Adams, Chairman Brunk, A. Normoyle, E. Sowards, K. Swanson, E. Langdon, R. Simmer, L. Boswell-Loftin, J. Woods, D. Beck, D. Mielke, K. Bogdonas, B. Westpfahl

Members absent: D. Cremeens, D. Clevenger

Public Comments 

Chairman Vyncke inquired three times for public comment. No response.

Approval of the minutes from the January 12th, 2022 Committee of the Whole Meeting 

Motion to approve by L. Moreno, seconded by K. Swanson

Roll call established, R. Morthland, B. Burns, M. Moreno, L. Burns, L. Moreno, C. Enburg, J. Deppe, P. McNeil, D. Adams, A., Normoyle, E. Sowards, K. Swanson, R. Simmer, L. Bosewell-Loftin, J. Woods, D. Beck, D. Mielke, K. Bogdonas, B. Westpfahl

Condition of Funds Report 

Auditor Ms. Palmer shared she has consolidated all of her reports into one. The first three pages represent the Progress of the ARPA funds. The regular schedules are also included in her packet. She reported from Schedule H, the revenue from tax categories is up about $630,100 compared to January 2021. Months of April 2021- January 2022 are higher by about $4.1 million. Member L. Boswell-Loftin asked why the Animal Control is highlighted in red, inquired is this something the board needs to address at this time. Ms. Palmer responded “not at this time”. She has met with the administrative team as well as Chairman Brunk, they are making sure they are giving that fund attention as needed. She stated she wants to make sure that they are aware that this is one of the funds that we have to take care of, fund balance wise. We are often needing to supplement the cash balance so that Ms. Wiley (the director) can do the job that is needed there.

Staff Reports 

Treasurer Ms. Ewert shared that the interest received in January was $889,063.00, this represents the interest from penalties for delinquent taxes throughout the year. The final tax distribution of the 2020 taxes payable in 2021 were distributed on January 24th, 2022 in the amount of $8,013,604.10. Total amount collected and distributed to all Districts in 2021 was $273,307,299.94. She also reported that another $500,000.00 was paid On the principal of the Hope Creek Tax Anticipation Warrant, as well as $19,503.16 in accrued interest.

Finance & Personnel Committee Report 

Given by Chairman L. Moreno

Member B. Westpfahl asked if it is possible for the ARPA Program Director to include the duties of the Finance Director rather than hiring someone else. Chairman Brunk responded, if we already had a finance director established that could be a possibility. But since the Finance Director will have to lay the foundation for that role with Rock Island County. The program manager needs to focus to make sure that we have the reporting data accurate for the quarterly reporting requirements for the ARPA funds. Anytime there’s ARPA funds spent there’s Certain documentation and information that has to be included in the quarterly reporting, in order to stay in compliance. Chairman Vyncke added that Ryan was hired to be the ARPA funds manager. We really need him to focus on the reporting, because if he makes an error it is going to reflect very badly on Rock Island County. Ms. Boswell-Loftin asked if having that position would duplicate duties with the administrator, the program manager, and or the auditor. K. Swanson commented his understanding is that the ARPA Program Manager position is temporary and is being paid for with the ARPA funds. The County Administrator is not a financial position. This person is taking strategic position from this Board and implementing it. The opportunity that we have is the Finance Director looking at the budget, as a strategic document 24/7/365. The county administrator has a lot on their plate. During the budget process, you get down to the last month and all department heads are making very good cases. The Finance Director would be looking at that budget from day one, their job is to watch the budget and not much else. It was also shared that counties the size of ours have someone in a position like this.

Governance, Health and Administration Committee Report 

Given by Chairman J. Deppe

Public Works & Facilities Committee Report 

Given by Chairman L. Burns

Approval of the County Board Agenda 

Motion to approve by D. Adams, seconded by J. Deppe

Motion to adopt previous roll call by D. Mielke, seconded by K. Swanson

Motion carries

The Committee of the Whole may entire into Closed Session for the following:

• 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1) – The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body todetermine its validity.

• 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (2) – Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

• 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (11) – Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probably or imminent, in which case the basisfor the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.

Committee Member opportunity for brief comment (no decisions will be made) 

Adjourn at 6:10 p.m. 

Motion to adjourn by D. Adams, seconded by K. Swanson and L. Moreno.
