
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Colona Finance Committee met Aug. 9

City of Colona Finance Committee met Aug. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order: 3:41pm

Roll Call: Jen Legare, Deb Shady-Dahl, Amanda Stablein, Larry Swemline, Barb Winegar

Public Comments: 

● Don Ropp: Looking forward to economic development, but wants to make sure that all steps are being completed and protocols are being followed. He asked if we had any questions about what he had said at the city council meeting last night because he rushed to say all of his information in 3 minutes. He appreciates the time we put into this as a part-time job and is willing to answer any further questions if we have them.

Old Business: 

1. Code Red: This is an alert system to alert residents about weather, Amber alerts, texts about sewer systems. Our original quote was $5,100. They are now quoting $3,500. Barb will be checking with a few questions and will report back.

New Business: 

1. Employee Handbook: A copy with suggested edits has been given to us. We will take these home, look at them and report back at our next meeting. One recurring topic of discussion has been if seasonal employees should or should not receive holiday pay.

2. CD Rates: Rates have been received from Black Hawk Bank, Bank Orion and Farmer’s in Geneseo. Jen will continue to watch these rates in hopes they will jump before moving these funds.

3. Express Employment Professionals (Temp agency): We were given pricing for hiring associates through this temp agency. These employees would be hired to replace the approximately 120 water meters. Once we are established with this company, we can also use this temp agency in the future for big projects, office staff, extra coverage, etc.

4. COVID pay: A seasonal employee has tested positive for COVID and would like to be paid for the time off. This will be placed on the agenda for the Committee of the Whole to be discussed.

5. Tree quotes: There are three quotes to look at from all different companies to remove trees from the campground. A plan will be discussed at the next public works meeting. This will need a budget amendment as it is a significant expense.

6. Conditional Resignation: Illinois Municipal Handbook Chapter 4.II.1-2 It was suggested that we review this as well as the minutes from the last few meetings in regards to the conditional resignation that has been made.

Adjournment: 4:24pm
