
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Keithsburg City Council met Sept. 12

City of Keithsburg City Council met Sept. 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Reason opens the Meeting at 6:30 PM

Alderman Present: Donnie Cox; Melonie McLaughlin; Chad Weeks; Ronnie Brock; Don Truitt; Shaun Tippie;

Others Present: Kayla Hillman; Cindy Diehl; Eric Long;

Public Comments: Donnie mentioned that Donna Pinger has done a wonderful job with the flower garden over the years, council decided that the city would take over the flower garden and Donna can take any of the flowers she would like out of the bed before the city downsizes it.

Thank you: Skyler, Mike, and Josh for all the work getting ready for 185th Celebration. Also, Jeremy for filling in for Josh. Tim McGehee and Shaun Tippie for the playground.

1. Cash Receipts: Donnie made a motion to approve, Ronnie seconded; Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.

2. Cash Disbursement: Donnie Made a motion to approve, Ron seconded; Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.

3. Minutes from last Month’s Meeting: Melonie made a motion to approve, Donnie seconded; Motion carried with all "Yes” votes.

4. Water and Sewer:

• Ion Solutions is going to start maintenance on the lagoon for the sewer treatment area. Brian is bringing a pump truck in to clean the lagoon out, should cost around $5,000 to pump. Lagoon is going to be mowed, sprayed, and covered with rip rap.

5. Maintenance:

• Maintenance would like for the city to help pay for boots and jackets; a 50/50 match was agreed upon for boot’s for Skyler and Josh. Jacket is 50/50 match for Skyler. Melonie made a motion to approve, Donnie seconded; Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.

6. Fire Department: Bingo Night will be November 5th. Three cameras are going to be installed at the fire station.

City is going to pay for a battery for the fire department. Ronnie motioned to approve, Don seconded; Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.

Fire Department had a good turn out for the bags tournament and horseshoes making around $250.00.

7. Police: Nothing to Report

8. Campground: Light poles will be repositioned to point towards the bathrooms at the campground, lights currently on the outside of the bathrooms will be taken out to try to control the bugs from gathering in the bathrooms. Donnie motioned to approve, Ronnie seconded; motion carried with all “Yes” votes.

Auntie M Ice Cream shake, send a bill to Pat Wilson. Melonie motioned to approve, Donnie seconded; Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.

9. Zoning: Nothing to Report

10. Resolution and Ordinance: Nothing to Report

11. Other:

• Bi state presented the Council with a packet of grants that are available or are going to be available soon. Melonie and the Community development committee are going to brainstorm ideas and get back to Gena McCullough about the next step.

• William Happ has two lots for sale across from off the hook bar. Melonie motioned we offer $500.00 for each lot, Shaun seconded; Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.

• Jason Martin would like to buy 304 Main Street he offered $5,000, His plan is to make the upstairs his living quarters with his shop and office on the lower level for his business. Chad motioned to sell, Melonie- no, Donnie- no, Shaun- sell, Don-sell, Ron-sell; Motion approved with 4 votes to sell to Jason Martin, and 2 votes for no. Motion carried to sell.

• Fall Clean up: City is going to wait till spring to have clean-up day.

• 185th Celebration helped generate $4,000!

• Eric Long is going to proceed with buying the lots from Cargill and presented a purchase agreement. Donnie motioned to approve, Chad seconded; Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.

Donnie motioned to adjourn the meeting, Ronnie seconded; Carried with all “Yes” votes. Time: 8:15
