City of Moline Commission on Youth met Oct. 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
1. Meeting Called to Order
The meeting began at 2:02 p.m.
2. Roll Call of Members
Commissioners Present: Krisann Bergo, Emily Cummings, Jan Erikson-Vroman, Liz Finch, Sara McLaughlin-Cross, Brian Prybil, and Janet Zam
Commissioners Absent: None
Staff: Elizabeth McKenzie
3. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Erikson-Vroman, seconded by Commissioner Cummings made a motion to approve the September 15, 2022 meeting minutes.
4. Miscellaneous
Commissioners discussed a variety of ideas on how to do more to support Moline’s youth and reach a broader age range of children in the community. The Commissioners requested Mayor Rayapati attend an upcoming meeting to share her ideas and plans for the Commission moving forward. More will be discussed at the November 17, 2022 meeting.
5. Public Comment—None
6. Adjournment
Commissioner Finch, seconded by Commissioner Zam made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:56 p.m.