
Rock Island Today

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Rock Island City Council met Feb. 24

City of Rock Island City Council met Feb. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

Mayor Thoms called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. and welcomed everyone.

2. This meeting will also be conducted by audio and video conference without the requirement of a physically present quorum of the Rock Island City Council due to the disaster declaration issued by Governor Pritzker.

3. Roll Call

Mayor Thoms asked City Clerk Samantha Gange to call the roll.

Present: Mayor Mike Thoms, Alderpersons Randy Hurt, Judith Gilbert, Jenni Swanson, Dylan Parker (virtual), Mark Poulos, and Bill Healy.

Absent: Alderperson Moses Robinson.

Staff: City Manager Todd Thompson, City Attorney Dave Morrison, City Clerk Samantha Gange, and other City Staff.

4. Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Thoms led in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.

5. Moment of Silence

Mayor Thoms requested a moment of silence. A moment of silence was observed.

6. Public Comment

Mayor Thoms asked if anyone in the public would like to speak. No one volunteered in person or virtually.

7. Minutes from the January 23, 2023 City Council Meeting Closed Session. .


Alderperson Hurt moved to approve the minutes; Alderperson Swanson seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

8. Minutes from the February 1, 2023 Best Building Tour Study Session.


Alderperson Healy moved to approve the minutes as printed; Alderperson Hurt seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

9. Minutes from the February 13, 2023 Study Session and City Council Meeting. 9.


Alderperson Swanson moved to approve the minutes as printed; Alderperson Healy seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

10. Minutes from the February 13, 2023 City Council Closed Session.


Alderperson Healy moved to approve the minutes; Alderperson Swanson seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

11. Update Rock Island

Your participation is needed The City is seeking residents to serve on the newly formed Rock Island Downtown Alliance board of directors. The board was created to help manage the Special Service Area, formed as a means of improving the downtown district and surrounding areas. Board members will consist of two downtown residents; three downtown business owners; six downtown property owners; and one downtown non-profit owner, director or leader.

The City is also seeking two residents to serve on the Beautification Commission, one resident to serve on the Arts Commission and several residents to serve on the newly created Community Development Commission. Contact City Hall if interested in any of these roles.

Calling all antique and vintage decorators and collectors The annual Spring Antique Spectacular is this weekend from Friday through Sunday at the QCCA Expo Center, 2621 4th Avenue in Rock Island. This is a great opportunity to find a wide range of quality antiques and vintage collectibles as you shop among dozens of vendors selling items from around the world.

Join us at the Grand Opening Celebration of the Watts-Midtown Library Branch Both the Rock Island Public Library and the Rock Island YMCA will host open houses from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 11. The Rock Island Public Library invites the public to drop in during event hours for refreshments, fun activities, tours and a complimentary giveaway. Meet the staff or renew your library card, sign up for the library’s PALS volunteer corps and enjoy activities for the family.

Are you interested in learning about historic preservation? A regional workshop for the Statewide Historic Preservation Plan will be held at Hauberg Estate on March 7th from 3 to 5 pm. The Illinois State Historic Preservation Office and the planning team are hosting the workshop to meet with stakeholders face-to-face and have discussion regarding current preservation needs and issues. The workshop will help inform planning for Illinois’ historic and cultural resources over the next 10 years. To register for the workshop, go to thelakotagroup.com.

12. Consent Agenda.

a. Claims for the week of February 3 through February 9, 2023 in the amount of $416,442.03; week of February 11 through February 16, 2023 in the amount of $1,068,065.70; and payroll for the weeks of January 23 through February 5, 2023 in the amount of $1,680,413.27.

b. International City/County Management Association (ICMA) claims for the week of February 3 through February 10, 2023 in the amount of $32,516.28

c. ACH payments for the month of January 2023 in the amount of $1,989,935.77. c.

d. Purchase Card claims for the period of December 27, 2022 through January 26, 2023 in the amount of $71,812.86.

e. Report from the Finance Department regarding a budget adjustment for the Community and Economic Development Department, increasing the CED Department Fund (207) expense budgets for CY 2022 by $6,300 and CY 2023 by $4,700, and the CY 2023 revenue budget by $11,000.

f. Report from the Finance Department regarding a budget adjustment for the Community and Economic Development Department, increasing the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund (242) expenditure budget by $58,136.29 for the Hauberg Civic Center Carriage House renovation project.

g. Report from the Finance Department regarding a budget adjustment for the Community and Economic Development Department, increasing the North 11th Street TIF Fund (204) expenditures by $155,862.78 for the redevelopment agreement with Wholly Grinds Coffee House.

h. Report from the Finance Department regarding a budget adjustment for the Community and Economic Development Department, increasing the CDBG Fund (242) expenditure budget by $4,929.00 for legal services.

i. Report from the Finance Department regarding an adjustment to the CY 2023 budget, increasing the Community and Economic Development Fund (207) revenue and expense budgets by $54,999.70, covering the remaining balance available from a grant being used to establish an Illinois Quad Cities Regional Film Office.

j. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment in the amount of $24,266.54 to Toter LLC, Statesville, NC for the purchase of refuse and yard waste carts.

k. Report from the Finance Department regarding an adjustment to the CY 2023 budget for the Community & Economic Development Department, increasing CDBG Fund (242) expenditures by $362,174.91 to cover costs for 2022 projects still in progress.


Alderperson Swanson moved to approve consent agenda items a through k; Alderperson Healy seconded.


Alderperson Gilbert said she did not receive requested information for items i and k therefore, she was unable to vote for those items. Mayor Thoms asked if Alderperson Gilbert would like to ask questions during the discussion. Clerk Gange asked if Alderperson Gilbert would like the items to be moved from the consent agenda and considered immediately following the consent agenda.

Economic Development Manager Tarah Sipes addressed Council to provide information regarding item i. She said it was a grant rewarded in 2022 and she recently became aware that these funds need to be brought forward to the new budget year to continue expending funds. Alderperson Gilbert asked for a progress report for the film office. Ms. Sipes responded affirmatively and said a few initiatives are funded by this grant including a consultant having conversations with community members and website development.

City Manager Todd Thompson said an RFP would be issued to address the services and provisions of the grant that are not encompassed in the current consultant agreement. Ms. Sipes said they are continuing to work to meet the benchmarks set out in the plan with the state.

Ms. Sipes explained that item k encompasses carrying forward funds that were allocated in 2022 for projects that are still in progress which includes CDBG items that are not ready to be paid out. Alderperson Gilbert said she was seeking additional information as she was not familiar with the codes and there was mention of infrastructure.

Mr. Thompson apologized to Alderperson Gilbert for being unable to gather the information to address her questions due to Mr. Brainard being out of the office because of illness. Mayor Thoms confirmed that Alderpersons were ready to vote.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

13. Claims

a. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #3 to General Constructors, Inc, Davenport, IA in the amount of $253,294.06 for work performed on the Schwiebert Park Marina Dock renovations.

b. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #2 to Langman Construction, Rock Island, IL in the amount of $35,387.49 for the 2022 Asphalt Street Milling and Patching Program, Project 2434.

c. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment in the amount of $31,450.11 to McClintock Trucking & Excavation, Inc. of Silvis, IL for various repairs as part of the Water Service Repair Program (WSRP) and Sewer Lateral Repair Program (SLRP).

d. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #1 to Langman Construction, Rock Island, IL in the amount of $548,354.26 for the Downtown Parking Garage and Parking Lot, Project 2847.

e. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment in the amount of $11,382.51 to Langman Construction, Rock Island, IL for an emergency water main repair at 21st Avenue and 10th Street.


Alderperson Healy moved to allow the claims; Alderperson Poulos seconded.


Alderperson Parker recused himself from the vote due to the nature of his employment.

Alderperson Healy remarked about the expedient work with the downtown parking garage as a downtown business owner.


Motion PASSED on a 5-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

14. Report from the Public Works Department regarding the purchase of a roll-off container truck from Kilburg Equipment, Sabula, IA in the amount of $186,000.00.


Alderperson Hurt moved to approve the purchase as recommended; Alderperson Swanson seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

15. Report from the Public Works Department regarding a request to extend the contract for the 2022 Asphalt Street Milling and Patching Program contract through 2023 in the amount of $100,000.00.


Alderperson Swanson moved to extend the contract through 2023 as recommended; Alderperson Hurt seconded.


Alderperson Parker recused himself from the vote due to the nature of his employment.


Motion PASSED on a 5-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

16. Report from the Public Works Department regarding bids for the purchase of various utility supplies, recommending the bids be awarded to Core & Main, Washington, IL for fire hydrants in the amount of $84,155.02 and MJ restraining glands in the amount of $10,543.46, Zimmer & Francescon, Moline, IL for two-bolt wide range couplings in the amount of $22,294.70, and Ferguson Waterworks, Aurora, IL for cut-in valves in the amount of $57,698.00.


Alderperson Healy moved to approve the bids for utility supplies and authorize the purchases; Alderperson Swanson seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

17. Report from the Rock Island Police Department requesting approval of $120,950.00 of ARPA funds ($65,950.00 in CY23, $55,000.00 in CY24) for an agreement with Flock Group, Inc., Atlanta, GA to provide an automated license plate reader (ALPR) system.


Alderperson Poulos moved to approve the allocation of $120, 950.00 of ARPA funds for the ALPR system, and authorize the Chief of Police to execute the agreement; Alderperson Hurt seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

18. Report from the Martin Luther King Jr. Center requesting approval to allocate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in the amount of $100,000.00 for the West End Revitalization project.


Alderperson Swanson moved to approve the allocation of $100,000.00 of ARPA funds for the West End Revitalization; Alderperson Poulos seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 4-2-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, and Hurt. Nay: Healy and Gilbert. Absent: Robinson.

19. Report from the Finance Department regarding an adjustment to the CY 2023 budget, increasing the ARPA Fund (248) revenue and expenditure budget by $100,000 for the West End Revitalization project.


Alderperson Swanson moved to approve the budget adjustment as recommended; Alderperson Poulos seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 4-2-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, and Hurt. Nay: Healy and Gilbert. Absent: Robinson.

20. Report from the Community and Economic Development Department regarding bids for Real Estate Brokerage Services, recommending the bid be awarded to Jones Lange LaSalle (JLL) of Chicago, IL in the form of a 6 percent commission fee for any sold properties and a flat $6,000 fee for City-owned properties offered to developers for free.


Alderperson Healy moved to approve the bid and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents subject to minor attorney modifications; Alderperson Swanson seconded.


Alderperson Gilbert asked if a description of the parcels or an aerial map was available. Mr. Thompson said Alderperson Gilbert was seeking more detailed aerial maps than what was provided. Ms. Sipes said aerial maps of each individual site are available including the Watchtower site, roughly six acres on 31st Street, 90 acres on Big Island, a parcel on 44th Street just north of Ben Williamson Park, parcel on corner of Centennial Expressway and Andalusia Road, and a parcel on Ridgewood Road. She said these properties were acquired for various reasons and staff would like assistance from an outside entity for their client connects, knowledge of the real estate market to assist staff in fine-tuning their pitches, and to identify what would be commercially viable.

Alderperson Gilbert asked if one of the referenced properties was purchased by the City for one million dollars. Mayor Thoms said that purchase included Big Island. Mr. Sipes responded affirmatively and explained that it was previously several parcels that have since been combined for ease of management. She said a representative of JLL was present if Council had specific questions.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

21. Report from the Community and Economic Development department regarding a third amendment to the development agreement with LRC Developers, Inc. for redevelopment of the Quad Cities Industrial Center property. (First Reading)


Alderperson Poulos moved to approve the amendment, suspend the rules, consider and pass the ordinance; Alderperson Swanson seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

22. Report from the Community and Economic Development Department regarding a resolution for a 12-year extension of the North 11th Street Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District.


Alderperson Swanson moved to adopt the resolution as recommended; Alderperson Healy seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

23. Report from the Parks & Recreation Department regarding a shared use agreement with Augustana College to construct six tennis courts and refurbish a bathroom facility at Lincoln Park.


Alderperson Poulos moved to approve the agreement as recommended; Alderperson Healy seconded.


Alderperson Healy asked if the public would be notified of this project as it will be great for the area. Alderperson Poulos said he has received several questions from residents regarding surveying at Lincoln Park. He said he shared what was being planned and that residents are happy about the project.

Community Engagement Manager Sarah Hayden said Augustana Public Relations and Marketing Specialist Nicole Lauer had taken the lead and would send out a press release tomorrow which includes a quote from Mayor Thoms. Parks and Recreation Director John Gripp said staff have been working on this project for a while and Augustana requested information be shared after financing and support for the project were in place. He said their board met at the end of January and an agreement has been negotiated since then. Alderperson Poulos said this project is mutually beneficial for the City and Augustana College.

Alderperson Parker asked if addressing concerns from residents about the basketball courts not returning to Lincoln Park and mentioning other full-sized courts in the City. Mr. Gripp said he could collaborate with Ms. Hayden to share details of other basketball opportunities and the has already met with groups and individuals to discuss the investment in Denkmann Park in terms of basketball. Alderperson Parker encouraged staff to be proactive and mindful that the elimination of the basketball courts could upset some residents.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

24. Report from the City Clerk's office regarding a Plaza Activity/Event application from The Smoking Dog for an outdoor tented event for the annual Gamma Alpha Beta Fraternity Buckethead fundraiser benefitting Camp Kesem on Saturday, April 22, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., recommending approval of the permit fee waiver and the outdoor consumption of alcohol.


Alderperson Healy moved to approve the event and requests; subject to complying with all Plaza and liquor regulations, contacting the Fire Department for fire and safety considerations; and subject to being closed down early is complaints are received; Alderperson Poulos seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

25. Other Business

Alderperson Swanson made a clarification of misinformation shared about ARPA funds that was allocated to the library regarding HVAC services. She corrected misconceptions that the Council misused ARPA funds by expending them to an entity in direct competition with one of the City’s facilities. She said she sent a letter to the Tri-Chairs of the combined project letting them know that the funds were specifically allocated from City Council to be used for the library HVAC services.

Alderperson Gilbert said she would provide an update with the information Alderperson Swanson shared.

26. Closed Session


Alderperson Poulos moved to go into Closed Session for the exceptions cited; Alderperson Healy seconded.


Alderperson Gilbert asked if adding an additional exception for a closed session must be read during the open meeting. City Attorney David Morrison responded affirmatively and added that it would be repeated during the conclusion of the closed session. Alderperson Gilbert said she did not wish to add to the current closed session.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

27. Motion to Adjourn.


Alderperson Swanson moved to adjourn until March 13, 2023; Alderperson Hurt seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy, Hurt, and Gilbert. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson.

Meeting ended at 7:31 p.m.



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