
Rock Island Today

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

City of Colona City Council met Feb. 27

City of Colona City Council met Feb. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm

ROLL CALL: Acting Mayor Painter, Attorney Wright, City Clerk Hergert, Aldermen Feliksiak, Swemline, Shady-Dahl, Barrett, Lack, and Stablein were present. Alderman Cole was attending by phone (came in during public comments).

STAFF PRESENT: Chief Mike Swemline (Police Chief), Jen Legare (Finance Director), Rich Holman (Economic Development Administrator) and Mike Stephens (Public Works Director) were present.



1. Don Ropp- 1) Would like a recording copy of the closed meeting minutes. 2) Reminding the council about the subdivision ordinance.

2. Tom Peck (720 Chestnut Dr.)- Here to support the Chestnut Dr. Resolution R-22-11.

3. Mike Shamsey- (Referring Resolution R-22-11) Revenue will be added to the city from the homes. He has no interest in building the subdivision out, if the road is built, he is selling the development. He has no interest in selling in Illinois. He is here to support the project.

4. Jessica Teichman- Asking permission to have the city spring yard sale April 27th-30th, and have the yard sale fees waived.

5. Becky Dooley- A friend rented the Activity Center, she paid extra to set up. They had to clean themselves. The City said the center was cleaned. Asking who is responsible to clean? It needs to be addressed.

6. Ken Bencroft- Asking for noise update. We are still looking into other city ordinances before our ordinance gets put together.

CLOSED SESSION: Alderman Lack made a motion to go into closed session pursuant to Section 2-C-21 for discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the act whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semiannual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06 of the Open Meetings Act. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded the motion. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Cole, Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett. Motion passed 8 yes.

RETURN FROM CLOSED SESSION- 6:35pm. Roll Call: Acting Mayor Mick Painter, Attorney Jeff Wright, City Clerk Hergert, Aldermen Feliksiak, Swemline, Shady-Dahl, Barrett, Lack, and Stablein were present. Alderman Cole was absent. All staff present.




1. Alderman Feliksiak made a motion to approve the minutes of the Monday, February 13, 2023 City Council Meeting. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett voted yes. Alderman Cole was absent. Motion passed with 7 yes, 1 absent.

2. Alderman Stablein made a motion to approve closed session minutes from City Council meetings for 10/22/2022, 9/12/2022, 8/31/2022, 8/22/2022, 8/8/2022, 7/25/2022, and 6/13/2022. Alderman Feliksiak seconded the motion. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett voted yes. Alderman Cole was absent. Motion passed with 7 yes, 1 absent.

3. Council in closed session reviewed the closed session minutes for the past few years.

There are certain minutes that will need to be kept closed: 3/14/2022, 7/12/2021, 6/22/2020, 5/11/2020, and a portion of 8/22/2022. No motion needed, just a report to the public.

4. Alderman Shady-Dahl made a motion to approve opening and making available for public inspection the closed session meeting minutes for the following dates: 10/10/22, 9/12/22, 8/31/22, 8/22/22 (a portion), 8/8/22, 7/25/22, 6/13/22, 1/24/22, 4/22/19, and 2/12/18. Alderman Feliksiak seconded the motion. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett voted yes. Alderman Cole was absent. Motion passed with 7 yes, 1 absent.

CONSENT AGENDA: Alderman Stabein made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 1-2 as follows: (1) Approve payment of bills for the period of February 17, 2023- February 27, 2023; (2) Approve payroll for the period of February 11, 2023- February 25, 2023. Alderman Lack seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Cole (came back on phone), Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett voted yes. Motion passed with 8 yes.


1. Alderman Shady-Dahl made a Renewed motion to approve Resolution R-22-11- A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Colona, Henry County, IL- Allocation of the Rebuild IL Funds of $336,044.16 to Chestnut Dr. Road Project. Attorney Wright wanted to clarify for the council- it passed by a majority of votes present during the last meeting.

Because we are appropriating the use of funds, it would require a majority of all holding office, it would require at least 5 to approve. That is why it is on the agenda as a renewed motion. Holman wanted to add that he reached out to IMEG, they are ready for him to take over everything and make sure all of the engineering and bids are done appropriately. Attorney Wright looked at papers and confirmed we own the property and the funds may be used. Alderman Lack seconded the motion. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Painter, Shady-Dahl, Barrett, Stablein, Lack voted yes. Aldermen Cole, Swemline, and Feliksiak voted no. Motion passed with 5 yes, 3 no.


1. Alderman Stablein made a motion to Approve the updated employee handbook. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded the motion. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Cole, Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett voted yes. Motion passed with 8 yes.

2. Alderman Stablein made a motion to Approve Ordinance O-22-14- Abolishing/ Repealing Article I, City Hall Office Manager. Alderman Lack seconded the motion. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Cole, Stablein, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett voted yes. Alderman Swemline voted no. Motion passed with 7 yes, 1 no.

3. Alderman Lack made a motion to Approve changes made to Ordinance O-23-01- An Ordinance of the City of Colona, Henry County, Illinois, Amend Article I., Sections 1-7-2(B)(1) and Add Sections 1-7-2 (B)(6)(7) and Amend Sections 1-7-3 (A) Under Title 1 Administration, Chapter 7, City Officers and Employees, Within the City of Colona City Code/Ordinances. Alderman Stablein seconded the motion. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Cole, Stablein, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett voted yes. Alderman Swemline voted no. Motion passed with 7 yes, 1 no.

4. Alderman Stablein made a motion to Approve Ordinance O-23-02- Amend Ordinance O-17-01 Section 3 Regarding Travel, Meal, and Lodging Expenses for the City of Colona, Illinois in the County of Henry. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded the motion. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Cole, Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett voted yes. Motion passed with 8 yes.

5. Alderman Lack made a motion to Approve the Temporary Liquor License for Colona Memorial day Parade LTD. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded the motion. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Cole, Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett voted yes. Motion passed with 8 yes.

6. Alderman Lack made a motion to Approve Resolution R-23-03- Memorial Day Parade. Alderman Swemline seconded the motion. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Aldermen Cole, Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Feliksiak, Painter, Shady-Dahl, and Barrett voted yes. Motion passed with 8 yes.

ADJOURNMENT: Alderman Cole made a motion to adjourn the City Council meeting; Alderman Stablein seconded. All aldermen present voted in favor of adjourning. Meeting adjourned at 6:53pm.
