City of Rock Island Preservation Commission met April 26.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
A. Voting Members
Linda Anderson
Robert Braun
John Daly
Addison Kimmel
Deb Kuntzi
Diane Oestreich
Bruce Peterson
Mark Schwiebert
B. Associate Members
Jeff Dismer
2. Public Comment
3. Opening Items
A. Approval of the Written Agenda for April 26, 2023
Recommended Motion: Move to approve the April 26, 2023 agenda.
B. Approval of the January 25, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Recommended Motion: Move to approve the March 29, 2023 meeting minutes.
4. Old Business
5. New Business
A. Election of Commission Chair and Vice Chair for 2023
Recommended Motion: Move to postpone the election until the Mayor appoints new members to the Commission.
B. Case 2023-01: Certificate of Appropriateness for the Sharpe House at 1611 21st Street
Recommended Motion: Move to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for the work as described with the exception of the two window closures on the south side of the porch.
C. Discussion on 2023 CLG Grant Opportunities
6. Other Business
7. Adjournment
Recommended Motion: Move to adjourn