
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Kewanee City Council met April 24

City of Kewanee City Council met April 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The April 24th, 2023, Council Meeting began with a budget work session.

The official April 24th, 2023, Council Meeting was called to order at 7pm in the Council Chambers. Councilmembers Colomer, Faber, Baker, and Mayor Moore were present. Councilmember Komnick was absent.

The Consent Agenda included the following items:

A. Minutes from the Council Meeting on April 10th.

B. Payroll for the pay period ending April 8th in the amount of $211,007.55. 

C. Staff Reports.

D. Bock, Inc. Report

A motion to approve the consent agenda items was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Faber. Discussion: None. Motion passed 4-0.

Bills for the Council Meeting of April 24th were presented in the amount of $615,465.11. A motion to approve the bills was made by Councilmember Faber and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Discussion: None. Motion passed 4-0.

Public Comments: None

New Business:

A. Consideration of Ordinance #4129 granting a rezoning request for land located in the 700 block of West South Street, parcel number 25-04-351-003. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Faber. Discussion: The Development Coordinator Ben LeRoy and Owner Tony Grilo were present to answer questions from the Council. They provided updated plans for the property which included suggestions and input from neighboring residents as well as the Council. They feel that the project would be revenue positive for the City. They would still like to have a storage facility with a large solar array. There is also a Phase 2 plan for the site that includes a small strip building that would be available to retailers and restaurants. Multiple residents were present to speak in opposition to the project or to voice their concerns:

* Nick Humphry of 920 W South St is concerned about drainage from this property towards his. Mr. LeRoy and Mr. Grilo stated that they are aware of the topographical concerns and would be held accountable for all the water drainage of the property. With developing the site, the water flows may change and be made better. Without development, nothing will change and there could still be issues.

* Pam Camey of 609 Midland Dr. wondered if any excess energy produced by the solar field could be sold to the school districts or municipality. She did voice concerns about the B3 zoning which does not allow for hazardous material to be stored on the site. If patrons are storing campers/motorhomes and boats on the property, there is a possibility for propane etc. Who will be monitoring that? Her other concern was about glare from the solar array affecting the local airport and/or the hospital’s helicopters. Mr. Grilo stated that they have done feasibility studies in the past when their solar fields may affect air traffic and that he would do the study for this property too.

* Paul Estes of 476 Val Mar Dr presented his concerns about property values in the neighborhood decreasing due to being adjacent to a property with these facilities. He also feels that the proposed second phase would be done by the owner as a tax write off and never finished. Mr. Grilo stated that it would not benefit him to not complete the project.

* Thomas Goodwin of 555 Midland Dr thanked the Council for having so many meetings on this property and taking the time to hear the concerns of the residents. He does agree with Mr. Estes that property values would decrease and that the project will take longer than what is being proposed.

* Jodi Looney of 460 Midland Dr is a local real estate agent, and she feels that property values will in fact decrease if this is allowed to happen as the properties immediately adjacent to the property in question will lose the view they have currently.

* Councilmember Colomer talked about the proposed monetary valuations. He said the numbers aren’t adding up and he wondered if there was something he was missing. He and Mr. Grilo discussed the wattage being produced and how much would be used by the proposed buildings. Councilmember Colomer feels as though things still don’t match up and he would like more precise information.

Councilmembers Baker and Faber rescinded their motions. Councilmember Colomer made a motion to table the discussion until more information could be gathered. Councilmember Baker seconded. Motion to table passed 4-0.

B. Consideration of Ordinance #4133 approving and authorizing the execution of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District Redevelopment agreement by and between the City of Kewanee and JSKL Management, LLC. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Faber. Discussion: Councilmember Colomer asked for clarification on what the money would be used for. The owner of the property, a laundromat, stated that it was to replace the roof and change the pitch. They have been able to rehab much of the property and keep it as a service for the community. Motion passed 4-0.

C. Consideration of Resolution #5395 affirming the Mayor’s recommendation for appointments to various commissions and boards. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: None. Motion Passed 4-0.

Council Communications:

Councilmember Baker asked Keith Edwards if the City has a trapping license. Mr. Edwards stated that we used to have a trapping license, but we no longer do. If someone has an issue, they need to contact someone who does wildlife control.

Councilmember Colomer stated that we need to put a plan in place for future issues like what happened recently with the water main break. We need to investigate options for getting residents drinking water and such. Mayor Moore said that someone suggested contacting the armory about water services.

Councilmember Faber wanted an update on the road program. City Manager Gary Bradley stated that he had been in contact with multiple people regarding this and he planned to have a discussion on the next agenda. He then asked about a sidewalk program that the City used to have where when a house demolished, the contractor was also required to replace the sidewalk if needed. The City Manager stated that the Council just needed to ask for it to come back and discuss it during budget times. The Council would need to figure out what they would like to see and how to pay for it.

Mayor’s Communications:

The Mayor offered condolences to the family of Sharon Deihl who recently passed. She was part of the League of Women Voters, and her presence will be greatly missed. He also asked the City Manager if we knew when the street stripping would be done. Mr. Bradley has been in

touch with the company and project manager to discuss the project, but we do not yet have a timeline of when it will take place. Councilmember Colomer asked that if and when we do get an update, that they be informed immediately.


• We want to remind residents of the upcoming City Wide Clean Up Day on Saturday May 13 from 7am – noon at the old hospital site. For details on what can and cannot be taken, please visit our website, Facebook page, or get a copy of the paper at City Hall. We are always looking for volunteers to help as well.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Faber. Discussion None. Motion passed 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22pm.
