
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Kewanee City Council met June 26

City of Kewanee City Council met June 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The June 26th, 2023 Council Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm. Councilmembers Faber, Baker, and Komnick were present. Councilmember Colomer and Mayor Moore were absent. City Manager Gary Bradley, City Clerk Kasey Mitchell, and City Attorney Justin Raver were also present. Councilmember Faber presided over the meeting in Mayor Moore’s absence.

A motion to go into closed session to discuss Sale or Lease of Real Estate Section 2(c)(6), and Discussion of Closed Session Minutes Section 2(c)(21) was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Motion passed 3-0.

A motion to adjourn to regular session was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Motion passed 3-0 and the Closed Session was adjourned at 6:51pm.

The June 26th, 2023 Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Councilmembers Faber, Baker, and Komnick were present. Councilmember Colomer and Mayor Moore were absent. City Manager Gary Bradley, City Clerk Kasey Mitchell, and City Attorney Justin Raver were also present. Councilmember Faber presided over the meeting in Mayor Moore’s absence.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence for our troops.

The Consent Agenda included:

A. Minutes from the Council Meeting on June 12th

B. Payroll for the pay period ending June 17th in the amount of $221,704.74.

C. Staff Reports

D. Bock Report

E. Fireworks Display Permit – Chamber/Northeast Park

A motion to approve the consent agenda items was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0.

Bills for the Council Meeting of June 26th were presented in the amount of $204,100.10. A motion to approve payment of the bills was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0.

Public Comments: None

New Business:

A. Presentation by Grace Clucas. Ms. Clucas is an elementary school teacher in the area. After she completed her degree, and before she started as a teacher, she worked with AmeriCorps as a fellow and worked for an organization called Lead for America. During this time, she was focused in the Peoria area where she worked with Broadband and getting affordable internet access to the community. When he came back to Kewanee, she felt the need to do this digital equity type of service here. She contacted Lead for America as well as the City of Kewanee and was able to work it out. She has been working with local entities which include the Library and Black Hawk College. Their goal is to get affordable internet and computers into the hands of those that need them. She stated that the recent Pandemic showed us how vital technology is and how many community members don’t have access to the services and devices needed. There is a lot of Federal grant money that will be coming to the State of Illinois that will then be given to communities for purposes just like this. Her goal is to make sure that we can get the money and put it to good use. She is organizing an event with PCs for People that will help get these services and devises to those who need them. During her presentation, she gave the Council three maps. They show the service levels of broadband in and around Kewanee, underserved areas, as well as the Affordable Connectivity Program’s map showing Kewanee as a “lowest performer.” These maps are attached. She is grateful for the opportunity to work with the City and bring this service.

B. Consideration of Bill 23-14 Ordinance amending Section 155.107 Permitted Accessory Uses established in the City of Kewanee Code of Ordinances. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0.

C. Consideration of Bill 23-15: Resolution authorizing the purchase of a used sewer inspection camera system to be used in the Public Works Sewer Division from Brown Equipment Company. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: Public Works Director Kevin Newton stated that the City has been searching for this equipment for a while. It is normally expensive equipment but since this is a year old, there is better value. Councilmember Komnick asks how often it gets used. Mr. Newton stated that it goes in waves. It will get used often then not for a while. However, he hopes to start doing some preemptive discovery work on the sewers that would save the City money on the front end. Motion passed 3-0.

D. Consideration of Bill 23-16: Resolution to affirm the Mayor’s recommendation for appointments to various commissions and boards. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0.

E. Consideration of Bill 23-17: Resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement with Henry and Stark County Health Department for mental health response and services associated with the Kewanee Police Department’s DAART program. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Councilmember Baker asked Police Chief Welgat if this had to do with the agreement that had been made with the schools. Chief Welgat stated that is part of the grant that we received for the DAART program. The grant cannot be paid to other entities so the money will be paid to the City and we will pay the for the Mental Health Therapists to come out as needed for certain calls. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0.

F. Consideration of Bill 23-18: Ordinance fixing the budget for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2023 and ending April 30, 2024. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: Councilmember Komnick said he was approached by members of the public wanting to know what was being fixed with the budget. The wording of the consideration made it seem like something was wrong, but he assured them that it was just approving the budget. Motion passed 3-0.

Council Communications:

Komnick: The 4th of July Car Show is coming up next week. He is happy to see Francis Park being utilized again and that this event is shaping up to be like it was in the past. They will now have food and sales vendors.

Baker: Councilmember asked if we would be allowing fireworks. Fire Chief Welgat said there is still a ban on fireworks. However, he is keeping a close eye on the weather and the forecast. He will decide when it gets closer. A press release will be made to update the community. Also, a resident approached him about a house on the corner of Columbus and 5th Ave. Community Development Director Keith Edwards said he does have an open case of the property and has orders for cleanup. He is working with Kevin Newton to arrange details. Baker also asked whose responsibility it is to paint the parking lines at Wethersfield School. City Manager Bradley stated that there is usually some sort of agreement with the schools on how this is handled. While it is the City’s road, the parking is for a specific purpose for the schools. Mr. Bradley will reach out to the Superintendent to discuss the matter.

Faber: He stated there have been a lot of fireworks going off in his neighborhood. Police Chief Welgat stated that all of the officers are aware of the order given by the Fire Chief. They do try to patrol the areas when fireworks are used. It can be hard to catch someone but they will continue to do what they can.


• Due to the continuing severe drought conditions in and around the City of Kewanee, the Kewanee Fire Department is imposing a ban on open burning and fireworks, effective immediately. This ban includes backyard fire pits and all fireworks. There are NO REGULAR BURN DAYS in July and August.

• City Hall and the Transfer Station will be CLOSED Tuesday July 4th for the Holiday. Tuesday trash and recycling will be moved to Friday July 7th and there is no change for Wednesday/Thursday pick up.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: None. Motion passed 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 pm.
