
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Rock Island Labor Day Parade Advisory Committee met June 26

City of Rock Island Labor Day Parade Advisory Committee met June 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Board Members present: David Diaz, Kathy Garrison, Vicki Hess, Grace Shirk, Bill Sowards, Edna Sowards, KJ Whitley, and Mary Chappell

Board Members absent: Art Milton

City Staff present: Dan Gleason, Nathan Berthoud, and Sarah Hayden

The fifth meeting to plan the 39th annual Rock Island Labor Day parade was called to order by G. Shirk at 12:03 p.m. The meeting was held in the conference room at the South Rock Island Township Office Building.

I. Introductions

2. Additions to the Agenda

There were no additions to the agenda.

3. Approval of the June 12, 2023 Minutes

Motion was made by B. Sowards and seconded by E. Sowards to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed.

4. Treasurer’s Report

D. Gleason relayed there were no changes to report.

5. Review of the 2023 Parade Planning

Members took a moment to review the list of parade planning items. The promotional schedule was discussed. S. Hayden will add the parade information and map to the city’s website in the next week. The next mailing will be the entry deadline reminder postcard. D. Gleason reported that two musical groups have responded. G. Shirk confirmed that Phyllis/Shark will participate in the parade. Members were encouraged to look for unique attractions or entries. E. Sowards has not received a response (yet) from the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile contact. M. Chappell reported the Golf Carts have been reserved with the order based on last year’s event. Will relay final numbers closer to the date.

M. Chappell shared details of her conversation with the Mid American contact regarding this year’s parade dedication. Contact/team overwhelmed by the invitation and honor. Their tentative plan is to place a vehicle and mascot in parade. S. Hayden will reach out to the local (media) weather teams to discuss dedication and their participation. K. Whitley suggested we include the City’s public works department given their efforts following the early April storm.

S. Hayden provided an update on the Citizen of the Year program. There was discussion regarding process. S. Hayden encouraged members to return their nominations by July 10th.

6. #40 Parade Ideas

Board members discussed ideas for next year’s 40th annual event. When school starts, B. Sowards and K. Whitley will contact the art teachers at Alleman and RIHS to discuss a new logo for the RI LDP. There was discussion regarding the participation of past marshals and what type of vehicle they would ride in or on.

7. Misc. Items of Concern

There were no items of concern. Next meeting is scheduled on July 10th.

8. Public Comments

No one from the public was present at the meeting.

9. Adjournment

With nothing further to discuss, a motion was made by G. Shirk and seconded by D. Gleason to adjourn. Motions passed with no objections. The meeting ended at 12:43 p.m.
