
Rock Island Today

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Rock Island City Council met June 26

City of Rock Island City Council met June 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

Mayor Thoms called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. and welcomed everyone.

2. Roll Call

Mayor Thoms asked City Clerk Samantha Gange to call the roll.

Present: Mayor Mike Thoms, Alderpersons Moses Robinson, Randy Hurt, Judith Gilbert, Jenni Swanson, Dylan Parker, Mark Poulos, Bill Healy.

Absent: None.

Staff: City Manager Todd Thompson, Attorney Dave Morrison, City Clerk Samantha Gange, and other City Staff.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Thoms led in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Moment of Silence

Mayor Thoms requested a moment of silence. A moment of silence was observed.

5. Public Comment

Marty Chaney, President of the Inter-Tribal League of Native Americans, said the organization would like to preserve the Indian statue and place it in Rock Island to be used for educational and cultural purposes.

Trista Foster of the Backwater Gamlers thanked Council members for considering their organization for potential American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. She said the water ski shows are held on Sunday and Wednesday evenings and are free to attend.

Cody Eliff approached the podium and said he is the current Chair of the Police Community Relations Commission and wanted to provide Council members with a brief update. He said the commission has developed an online and paper complaint form, created a Facebook page, attended events and will be collaborating with Western Illinois University in the future for a community survey. He discussed some of the responsibilities the commission is charged with, including holding community events. Mr. Eliff indicated they would like to seek some financial support from the City for community events or other costs.

Rudy Vallejo addressed Council members and said the Indian statue should be preserved and kept in the City of Rock Island. He expressed his disappointment in other groups wanting to take down statues across the


6. Minutes

a. Minutes of the June 2, 2023 Special City Council Meeting.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the minutes as printed.

MOTION: Alderperson Gilbert moved to approve the minutes: Alderperson Robinson seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

b. Minutes of the June 12, 2023 Study Session and City Council Meeting.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the minutes as printed.

MOTION: Alderperson Gilbert moved to approve the minutes as printed; Alderperson Swanson seconded.

VOTE: Motion on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

7. Awards and Honor Presentations, Officer Swearing in Ceremony, and Proclamations

City Clerk Gange read the proclamation. Mayor THoms read his declaration. Bill Nelson, chairman of the Botanical Center board thanked the Council. A picture was taken with Mayor THoms.

a. Proclamation Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Quad City Botanical Center.

City Clerk Gange read the proclamation and Mayor Thoms read the declaration. Bill Nelson, President of the Botanical Center Board of Directors, thanked the City for the proclamation. A picture was taken with Mayor Thoms.

b. Proclamation declaring July 3rd, 2023 as Red, White and Boom & Military and Arsenal Appreciation Day.

City Clerk Gange read the proclamation and Mayor Thoms read the declaration. Kyle Carter, Executive Director Downtown Davenport Partnership and Rock Island Parks & Recreation Director John Gripp thanked the Council for the recognition and a picture was taken with Mayor Thoms.

8. Update Rock Island

The City wants your input on the downtown rebuilding project

Members of the public are invited to provide feedback on $7 million in proposed rebuilding plans for downtown Rock Island during a community meeting Tuesday, June 27. The meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, 226 17th Street, Rock Island. Hot and cold hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be provided.

Get a preview of streetscaping and placemaking improvements throughout the downtown Rock Island Historic District. Plans include reconstruction of the 2nd Avenue pedestrian mall, construction of a dog park on 21st Street, parklets for outdoor dining, public art installations, pop-up vendor stalls, landscaping, decorative lighting, and more.

You are invited to the Hauberg Estate carriage house grand opening

Come by the Hauberg Estate, 1300 24th Street, and help celebrate the grand opening of the newly renovated carriage house on Friday, June 30 from 1 to 7 p.m. The Friends of Hauberg board of directors has re-imagined the 8,000 square-foot Carriage House. The first floor is now complete and includes the Auto House event and classroom space, the Carriage Haus Bar and the Hauberg Stables Gift Shop.

Celebrate the 4th of July in Rock Island

The annual Red, White & Boom Independence Day festival and fireworks takes place July 3 at Schwiebert Riverfront Park. Gates open at 5 p.m. Enjoy music, food trucks and vendors until fireworks begin at 9:30 p.m. Fireworks will be shot in sync to music broadcast on 97X from two barges in the middle of the Mississippi River.

Do you know a person or organization that deserves recognition?

Nominations for the 36th annual Citizen of the Year awards are now open. Each year, people in the community have an opportunity to submit a nomination for those who have made selfless contributions of service to the City of Rock Island. There are eight categories available for nomination: Individual; Youth; City Employee; Professional; Education; Veteran; Organization, Church or Non-Profit; and Business.

Nomination forms can be accessed on the City's website at rigov.org or contact Community Engagement Manager Sarah Hayden at hayden.sarah@rigov.org. The deadline is July 10th.

9. Special Presentations

a. Finance Department Presentation of the Auditor's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for CY 2022.

Finance Director Linda Barnes presented the City's Financial Report for calendar year 2022. She noted that although this portion of the audit is complete, there are additional processes that need to be completed as required by state statute. She said they are still awaiting final actual valuations from the two Consolidated Fire and Police Pension Boards. Ms. Barnes thanked all the City staff for their time and hard work. Ms. Barnes introduced Tim Gavin of Lauterbach & Amen to explain the report. Mr. Gavin said the process went smoothly and praised staff for their hard work. He reported that the process resulted in an Unmodified Opinion, which is the highest level that the City could receive, as well as the receipt of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. He noted there were no internal control findings, which is also a great achievement.

Mr. Gavin said the main goal of an audit is to gain comfort with the transactions and the account balances that produce this report and ultimately result in the audit opinion. He discussed certain items of note from the report, including a transmittal letter. This letter provides a high level overview of the City in an economic context. Also included is the Independent Auditor's Report, which indicates the previously mentioned Unmodified Opinion as well as the certificate earned from last year's report.

Mr. Gavin said one of the most important items in the report includes the Management's Discussion and Analysis, also known as an Executive Summary. He noted this section describes in simple terms how the report is structured, key financial highlights, along with a comparison of the current year's numbers versus the previous year's. He said the final section contains ten years of analysis on financial results, debt information, revenue information, and operating, demographic, and economic statistics. He referenced a graph in the report that shows the unassigned fund balance for the general fund over the last five years, which has grown. and represents an important metric.

Alderperson Poulos remarked that actuarial assessments from both pension funds have been sent to the Illinois Department of Insurance and cities should be receiving the final actuarial valuation report very soon.

10. Ordinances

a. An ordinance regarding the sale of City-owned property located at 1423 6th Street (PIN

1603232007) to Christina & Giovanni Crouch for $421.25 plus closing costs. (Second Reading)

Motion: Motion whether or not to pass the ordinance.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Robinson moved to pass the ordinance; Alderperson Hurt seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

11. Consent Agenda

All items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by a single motion and subsequent roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless an Alderperson so requests, in which case, the item will be moved from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Consent Agenda.

a. Claims for the weeks of June 2 through June 8, 2023 in the amount of $524,748.65; for the weeks of June 9 through June 15, 2023 in the amount of $1,170,187.00; and payroll for the weeks of May 29 through June 11, 2023 in the amount of $1,719,544.02.

b. International City/County Management Association (ICMA) claims for the week of June 9 through June 15, 2023 in the amount of $33,834.20.

c. Report from the Human Resources Department regarding payment in the amount of $16,309.08 to David G. Morrison, City Attorney, for services rendered during the month of May 2023.

d. Report from the Fire Department regarding payment in the amount of $13,200.00 to Builders Sales & Service Company (BSSC) for the installation of a suspended ceiling at the Fire Department's Central House.

e. Report from the Public Works Department requesting approval to purchase a replacement backwash pump for the Southwest Wastewater Treatment Plant from Zimmer & Francescon, Moline, IL in the amount of $21,700.00.

Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment in the amount of $14,532.29 to Xylem Dewatering Solutions, Inc. Chicago, IL, for the rental of flood pumps.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve Consent Agenda items a through f.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Healy moved to approve claim items a through f; Alderperson Poulos seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

12. Contracts / Agreements

a. Report from the Public Works Department recommending city staff negotiate a contract with Hanson Professional Service, Springfield, IL, for the purpose of developing a Capital Asset Management Plan.

Motion: Motion whether or not to authorize staff to negotiate a contract with Hanson Professional Service.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Parker moved to authorize staff to negotiate a contract with Hanson Professional Service; Alderperson Swanson seconded.


Alderperson Parker asked if Public Works Director Mike Bartels could briefly describe the Capital Asset Management Plan. Mr. Bartels said creating this plan has been a long-term goal of the department and the City Manager, as the City has lots of assets to manage in various facilities, including mechanical structures, roofs, and boilers. This plan will allow the City to take a more proactive approach to budgeting and properly maintaining assets. Mr. Bartels said they would also like to have similar plans for the City's Capital Improvement Plan and water and sewer replacements.

In response to a question from Alderperson Parker regarding whether the plan considers other infrastructure like vehicles, Mr. Bartels responded that it depends on the cost. The hope is to include as much as they can, but the goal is to start with city facilities and then expend as budgets and funding allow.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

b. Report from the Community & Economic Development Department regarding an Amendment to the Sala Flats Redevelopment Agreement.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the amendment to the redevelopment agreement.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Parker moved to approve the amendment to the redevelopment agreement. Alderperson Healy seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

c. Report from the Community & Economic Development Department regarding the assignment of the LRC Redevelopment Agreement.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the assignment of the redevelopment agreement to LRC Equity, LLC.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Parker moved to approve the assignment of the redevelopment agreement to LRC Equity, LLC.; Alderperson Healy seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

d. Report from the Human Resources Department regarding bids for the former City Parks Office

Demolition Project, recommending the contract be awarded to H. Coopman Truck & Excavation, Moline, IL in the amount of $38,908.00.

Motion: Motion whether or not to award the bid and direct the City Manager to execute the contract documents.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Swanson moved to award the bid and direct the City Manager to execute the contract documents; Alderperson Robinson seconded.

Alderperson Parker abstained from the vote due to the nature of his employment.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 6-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

13. Ordinances with Reports from Departments

a. Report from the Community & Economic Development Department regarding the Rezoning of the Solomon Site properties from a B-3 (community business) district to PUD (planned unit development) district for four (4) parcels. (First Reading)


Motion whether or not to approve the rezoning of the Solomon Site properties and consider the ordinance.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Robinson moved to Approve the rezoning of the Solomon Site properties and consider the ordinance; Alderperson Hurt seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

b. Report from the Community & Economic Development Department regarding a Special Use Permit at 1325 30th Street for Skylight Luxury Lounge, LLC. (First Reading)


Motion whether or not to approve the Special Use Permit and consider the ordinance.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Poulos moved to approve the Special Use Permit, suspend the rules, consider and pass the ordinance; Alderperson Swanson seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

c. Report from the Community & Economic Development regarding amendments to the Nuisance, Weeds and Grass Penalties Ordinance. (First Reading)

Motion: Motion whether or not to consider the amendments to the ordinance.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Hurt moved to consider the amendments to the ordinance; Alderperson Swanson seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

14. Budget/Finance Items

a. Report from the Finance Department regarding a budget adjustment increasing the Special Service Area Fund revenue and expense by $310,613.00 for the approved property tax levy.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the budget adjustment.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Parker moved to approve the budget adjustment as recommended; Alderperson Poulos seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

b. Report from the Finance Department regarding an adjustment to the CY 2023 budget, decreasing the General Fund (101) expenses by $35,500.00 and increasing the Sunset Marina (541) revenue and expense funds by $35,500.00.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the budget adjustment as recommended.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Hurt moved to approve the budget adjustment as recommended; Alderperson Healy seconded.

VOTE: Motion on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

c. Report from the City Manager regarding the approval of the FY 2024 Rock Island Downtown Alliance (RIDA) budget.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the RIDA budget and authorize the RIDA Board to make amendments with the exception of changes to add full-time positions or increase the overhead expense.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed

MOTION: Alderperson Parker moved to approve the RIDA budget and authorize the RIDA Board to make amendments with the exception of changes to add full-time positions or increase the overhead expense; Alderperson Swanson seconded.


Alderperson Gilbert remarked that she had wished an agreement had been worked out with the Public Works Department, Parks & Recreation Department, Beautification Commission and RIDA on the responsibilities and duties of maintaining the downtown prior to a budget being prepared.

VOTE: Motion Passed on a 6-1-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: Gilbert. Absent: None.

d. Report from the Mayor's Office and General Administration recommending the allocation of $125,000.00 in ARPA funds (unrestricted) to the Botanical Center.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve $125,000.00 in ARPA funds for the Botanical Center and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Swanson moved to approve $125,000 in ARPA funds for the Botanical Center and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; Alderperson Poulos seconded.


Alderperson Robinson asked how the allocation of funding for these organizations got to this point without a formal process, as all nonprofits weren't given the opportunity to apply for funds. He noted his concerns about paying off the mortgage for the Botanical Center.

Alderperson Parker said there is specific tourism money set aside from ARPA funds and the City is still in the process of developing what these funds could be used for. He remarked that he meant no disrespect to the recipients as they are worthy of the funding, but he intended to vote no because the process was opaque.

Alderperson Swanson remarked the $250,000 tourism allocation is still intact and this allocation will not impact that amount. She said allocating funds to these 3 organizations allows the City to leverage ARPA dollars and bring people to the City and invest in the future and these entities are anchored in Rock Island.

Alderperson Parker said he preferred a more holistic approach and broader conversation about how to support tourism in Rock Island.

Alderperson Robinson said he wished the process was more transparent.

Alderperson Gilbert concurred with sentiments expressed by Alderperson Robinson and Parker and said the process was not open to all of the tourism entities. She noted the Botanical Center has other sources of revenue and has received City funds, totaling $163,000 plus funding from the culture trust.

Alderperson Swanson said all three of these organizations have presented to the Council in the past, as other nonprofits did as well. She said these 3 organizations are very well established in Rock Island and the funding is an investment in the community.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 4-3-0 roll call vote. Aye: Hurt, Swanson, Poulos, Healy. Nay: Robinson, Gilbert, Parker. Absent: None.

e. Report from the Mayor's Office and General Administration recommending the allocation of $125,000.00 in ARPA funds (unrestricted) to the Backwater Gamblers.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve $125,000.00 in ARPA funds for the Backwater Gamblers and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Swanson moved to approve $125,000 in ARPA funds (unrestricted) to the Backwater Gamblers; Alderperson Healy seconded.


Alderperson Hurt said he was in support of this organization receiving funds as they bring people to Rock Island and have never received City funding.

Alderperson Gilbert said she concurred with Alderperson Hurt and added they do not charge admission fees, it's only free will donations. She remarked this was one of the most impressive proposals she has seen as it provides a great length of detail on how the funds would be spent and the specific needs of the organization.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 6-1-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Poulos, Healy. Nay: Parker. Absent: None.

f. Report from the Mayor's Office and General Administration recommending the allocation of $50,000.00 in ARPA funds (unrestricted) to the Quad City Arts.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve $50,000.00 in ARPA funds for the Quad City Arts and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Swanson moved to approve the $50,000 in ARPA funds for the Quad City Arts and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; Alderperson Healy seconded.


Alderperson Swanson said the Quad City Arts is a gem in the community and the City was fortunate enough to keep them here. She commended them on their expanded programming as well as their partnership with Common Chords.

Alderperson Parker said there is a current contract with the Quad City Arts for the City's public arts plan and asked if the plan is being modified. Mayor Thoms responded that the contract was not modified and these funds are separate.

In response to a question from Alderperson Parker as to whether a formal agreement would be required for these organizations, City Manager Thompson responded affirmatively and said the agreements would include the standard language terms and reporting requirements.

VOTE: Motion Passed on a 5-2-0 roll call vote. Aye: Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Poulos, Healy. Nay: Robinson, Parker. Absent: None.

15. Department Reports

a. Report from the Community & Economic Development Department regarding a Lease Agreement with Mr. Scott Doxstader to farm the City-owned parcels in the Ridgewood Business Park area.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the lease agreement subject to minor attorney modifications and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Hurt moved to approve the lease agreement subject to minor attorney modifications and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents; Alderperson Poulos seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

b. Report from the Community & Economic Development Department regarding an Updated National Register of Historic Places (HRHP) Nomination for the Broadway Historic District.

Motion: Motion whether or not to endorse the updated NRHP nomination for the Broadway Historic District subject to minor consultant revisions.

RC: Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Parker moved to endorse the updated NRHP nomination for the Broadway Historic District subject to minor consultant revisions; Alderperson Healy seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

c. Report from the Community & Economic Development Department regarding a Zoning Code Variance Request at 3008 7th Avenue.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the Zoning Code Variance request with prescribed stipulations.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Poulos moved to approve the Zoning Code Variance request with prescribed stipulations; Alderperson Robinson seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

16. Traffic Engineering Requests

a. Report from the Traffic Engineering Committee regarding a request to place the parking lot for Inspiredesign Jewelry located at 1815 24th Street, under City ordinance control. (First Reading)

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the request and consider the ordinance.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Swanson moved to approve the request as recommended and consider the ordinance; Alderperson Robinson seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

b. Report from the Traffic Engineering Committee regarding a request to install a 2-way stop sign on 8th Street at its intersection with 16th Avenue and yield signs on 8th Street and 17th Avenue.

Motion: Motion whether or not to deny the request.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Robinson moved to approve the request and consider the ordinance; Alderperson Parker seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay:

None. Absent: None.

c. Report from the Traffic Engineering Committee regarding a request to install a handicapped parking space in front of 601 7th Avenue. (First Reading)

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the request as recommended and consider the ordinance.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Robinson moved to approve the request as recommended and consider the ordinance; Alderperson Hurt seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

d. Report from the Traffic Engineering Committee regarding a request to remove the handicapped parking space in front of 2049 46th Street. (First Reading)

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the request as recommended and consider the ordinance.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Healy moved to approve the request as recommended and consider the ordinance; Alderperson Swanson seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 roll call vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

17. Events/Misc Requests

a. Report from the Fire Marshal regarding a request from Cesar Benitez of Fire Alarm Fireworks for a pyrotechnic display permit for fireworks to be held on July 7, 2023 from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Bally's Quad Cities, 777 Bally Boulevard.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the request as recommended; temporarily waive Chapter 10, Article 1, Sec. 10-9(a) of the Code of Ordinances to allow for the issuance of the pyrotechnic display permit; and authorize the Fire Marshal to issue the permit.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Hurt moved to Approve the request as recommended; temporarily waive Chapter 10, Article 1, Sec. 10-9(a) of the Code of Ordinances to allow for the issuance of the pyrotechnic display permit; and authorize the Fire Marshal to issue the permit; Alderperson Robinson seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 voice vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.

18. Other Business/New Business

Alderperson Poulos said he received a call from a constituent regarding the upcoming fireworks and asked how the police and fire departments would handle the complaints. Deputy Chief McCloud addressed the Council and said there are some staffing issues with regards to responding to the calls and they are not overly aggressive in enforcement. However, they will give warnings and follow the City ordinance. He noted that often it is hard to enforce.

Alderperson Poulos asked how the City determines repair and replacement of sidewalks. Mr. Bartels said the list of sidewalk repairs is a lengthy one. He said they base the criteria on whether it meets the legal definition of a hazard, which is one inch horizontally or vertically. In response to another question from Alderperson Poulos regarding how many repairs were currently on the list, Mr. Bartels responded he hasn't reviewed the list lately, but estimated approximately 45 or 50.

Alderperson Robinson asked what the typical cost is to repair the sidewalks. Mr. Bartels responded it varies widely depending on the repair, but estimated at about $250 per panel.

Mayor Thoms said in the past the City had a 50/50 sidewalk repair program that consisted of the residents paying half of the costs and the City paying the other half. Mr.Bartels noted this program was discontinued based on little or no participation.

19. Closed Session

a. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(21) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.

Motion: Motion whether or not to go into Closed Session for the exception cited.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

This item was removed from the agenda.

20. Adjourn

a. Motion to Adjourn.

Motion: Motion to adjourn to July 10, 2023

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

MOTION: Alderperson Parker moved to Adjourn; Alderperson Healy seconded.

VOTE: Motion PASSED on a 7-0-0 voice vote. Aye: Robinson, Hurt, Gilbert, Swanson, Parker, Poulos, Healy. Nay: None. Absent: None.



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