
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Rock Island City Council met July 10

City of Rock Island City Council met July 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

Mayor Thoms called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. and welcomed everyone.

2. Roll Call

Mayor Thoms asked City Clerk Samantha Gange to call the roll.

Present: Mayor Mike Thoms, Alderpersons Randy Hurt, Judith Gilbert, Dylan Parker, Mark Poulos. Absent: Alderpersons Moses Robinson, Jenni Swanson and Bill Healy.

Staff: City Manager Todd Thompson, Attorney Dave Morrison, City Clerk Samantha Gange, and other City Staff.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Thoms led in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Moment of Silence

Mayor Thoms requested a moment of silence. A moment of silence was observed.

5. Public Comment

Mark Parr, President of the QC Fisherman’s Club at the QCCA Expo Center, addressed the Council. He expressed concern about the process of how the three organizations were chosen to receive ARPA funds. He said his organization brings tourism into the City as well and opined that all organizations in Rock Island should be given an opportunity to apply for ARPA funds.

Marty Chaney, President of the Internal Tribal League of American Indians, said they were still hoping to restore the Indian statue that was blown over recently by a storm. He said the statue should not be destroyed and instead be displayed for educational and cultural purposes.

Michelle Veasey addressed the Council and said she was the owner of Playmaker's Sports Bar and Grill in Rock Island. Ms. Veasey said she has had open communication with the City since opening her bar and has tried to work with the City on numerous occasions. However, she feels she is being singled out and targeted, as demonstrated by the recent revocation of her liquor license. Ms. Veasey opined she wasn't being treated fairly and indicated she will be legally challenging the revocation and how the City has responded.

Dominque Blanks approached the Council and said he was a representative of Playmaker's Sports Bar and Grill. He spoke about their recent liquor license revocation and claimed they were treated unfairly. He provided examples of other bars in the Quad Cities that have been or are being shut down or forced to close early. He claimed the police do not assist them with making the people and cars sitting outside their establishment leave. Mr. Blanks said this was their last attempt to work with the City. He indicated they would be pursuing legal action against the City.

Rudy Vallejo approached Council and said he is a member of the Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas and he would like to preserve the Indian statue that was blown down in the storm in April. He said the statue should be restored and used for education purposes and to remember and honor Native Americans. He opined the statue demonstrates pride in the community and should be preserved and put up in the City of Rock Island.

Mayor Thoms announced that agenda items 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 would not be considered until the next Council meeting due to a technicality.

6. Minutes

a. Minutes from the June 26, 2023 Study Session and regular City Council Meeting. Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the minutes as printed. (Voice Vote)


Alderperson Hurt moved to approve the minutes as printed; seconded by Alderperson Parker.


Alderperson Gilbert noted the corrections she had requested for the Study Session minutes were not reflected in the attachment. Clerk Gange said she would ensure the requested corrections were reflected in the final minutes.


Alderperson Parker moved to approve the minutes with the amendments; Alderperson Poulos seconded.


Motion Passed on a 4-0-3 roll call vote. Aye: Hurt, Gilbert, Parker, Poulos. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson, Swanson, Healy.

7. Awards and Honor Presentations, Officer Swearing in Ceremony, and Proclamations a. Proclamation introducing a City-wide plastic reduction campaign.

City Clerk Gange read the proclamation. Mayor Thoms read the declaration. Nicolina Pappas of Nicolina's Turtle Co. came forward and thanked the Council for their support. A picture was taken with Mayor Thoms.

8. Update Rock Island

The City wants your feedback on downtown reconstruction plans

Members of the public are invited to provide feedback through an online survey on more than $7 million in proposed improvements to downtown Rock Island in the historic district between 1st and 4th Avenues and 15th and 21st Streets. Plans include reconstruction of the 2nd Avenue pedestrian mall; the addition of a gateway between the downtown business district and Schwiebert Riverfront Park; construction of a dog park; parklets for outdoor dining; as well as public art installations, pop-up vendor stalls, landscaping, decorative lighting and more.

To take the survey, go to rigov.org. Responses will be accepted until midnight on Wednesday, July 12.

Tell on your neighbors!

Each year, residents of Rock Island are encouraged to tell on their neighbor by nominating the yards in their neighborhood they find to be the most appealing or the most improved.

The City of Rock Island’s Beautification Commission will review all entries. Nominations can be made through August 14th. Send a digital photo and address of the nominated property to the Community & Economic Development Department at douglass.kathryn@rigov.org. For questions call 309-732-2905.

Come watch a free waterski show!

The Backwater Gamblers perform free waterski shows every Sunday and Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at Ben Williamson Park, 5000 44th Street in Rock Island. This nationally recognized team performs stunts, jumps, flips and amazing pyramids, complete with costumes, music and comedy skits.

9. Consent Agenda - Second Reading Ordinances

a. An ordinance regarding the rezoning of the Solomon Site properties from a B-3 (community business) district to PUD (planned unit development) district for four (4) parcels.

b. An ordinance regarding amendments to the Nuisance, Weeds and Grass Penalties Ordinance. 

c. An ordinance regarding a request to place the parking lot for Inspiredesign Jewelry located at 1815 24th Street, under City ordinance control.

d. An ordinance regarding a request to install a handicapped parking space in front of 601 7th Avenue. (Second Reading)

e. An ordinance regarding a request to remove the handicapped parking space in front of 2049 46th Street. (Second Reading)

Motion: Motion whether or not to pass ordinances a through e.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

Items a through e were not considered due to a technicality.

10. Consent Agenda

All items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by a single motion and subsequent roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless an Alderperson so requests, in which case, the item will be moved from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Consent Agenda.

a. Claims for the weeks of June 16 through June 22, 2023 in the amount of $1,010,690.36; for the weeks of June 23rd through June 29, 2023 in the amount of $772,700.42; and payroll for the weeks of June 12 through June 25, 2023 in the amount of $1,734,561.95.

b. International City/County Management Association (ICMA) claims for the week of June 23 through June 29, 2023, in the amount of $34,107.11.

c. ACH Report - ACH payments for the month of May 2023 in the amount of $2,101,653.46

d. Purchase Card Claims for the period of April 27, 2023 through May 26, 2023 in the amount of $83,928.26.

e. Report from the Human Resources Department regarding payment in the amount of $29,933.53 to David G. Morrison, City Attorney, for services rendered during the month of June 2023.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve Consent Agenda items a through e. RC Roll Call vote is needed.

Items a through e were not considered due to a technicality.

11. Claims

a. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment in the amount of $12,635.62 to Langman Construction, Inc., Rock Island, IL, for an emergency water main repair at 2100 6th Avenue.

b. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #6 in the amount of $279,178.20 to Langman Construction, Inc., Rock Island, IL, for the downtown parking garage and parking lot.

Motion: Motion whether or not to allow claims a and b.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

Items a and b were not considered due to a technicality.

12. Contracts / Agreements

a. Report from the Public Works Department to award a contract to Walter D. Laud, Inc., East Moline, IL in the amount of $563,304.40 for the 28th Street from 20th to 21st Avenue Storm Sewer Upgrade Project.

Motion: Motion whether or not to award the contract as recommended.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

This agenda item was not considered due to a technicality.

13. Budget/Finance Items

a. Report from the Finance Department regarding an adjustment to the CY 2023 budget, increasing expenses in the Stormwater Fund (507) by $295,000.00.

b. Report from the Finance Department regarding an adjustment to the CY 2023 budget, increasing revenues and expenditures in MLK Activity Fund (901) by $20,000.00.

c. Report from the Finance Department regarding an adjustment to the CY 2023 budget increasing revenues and expenditures in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund (242) by $35,749.43.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve budget adjustments a through c. RC Roll Call vote is needed.

Items a through c were not considered due to a technicality.

14. Department Reports

a. Report from the Police Department regarding an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGSA) to administer radio maintenance service for the Rock Island Arsenal under the City's radio service agreement with RACOM Corp.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the IGSA and authorize the City Manager to execute the documents, subject to any minor attorney modifications.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Parker moved to approve the IGSA and authorize the City Manager to execute the documents, subject to any minor attorney modifications; Alderperson Gilbert seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 4-0-3 roll call vote. Aye: Hurt, Gilbert, Parker, Poulos. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson, Swanson, Healy.

15. Traffic Engineering Requests

a. An ordinance regarding a request to install a 2-way stop sign on 8th Street at its intersection with 16th Avenue and yield signs on 8th Street and 17th Avenue. (First Reading)

Motion: Motion whether or not to consider the ordinances.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

This agenda item was not considered due to a technicality.

b. Report from the Traffic Engineering Committee regarding a request from Unity Point/Robert Young Center to place their parking lot at 2200 3rd Avenue under City ordinance control. (First Reading)

Motion: Motion whether or not to consider the ordinance.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

This agenda item was not considered due to a technicality.

c. Report from the Traffic Engineering Committee regarding a request from Bobbie Grave to install a handicapped parking space at 3524 12th Avenue. (First Reading)

Motion: Motion whether or not to consider the ordinance.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

The agenda item was not considered due to a technicality.

d. Report from the Traffic and Engineering Committee regarding a request from Ostrom Painting and Sandblasting, Inc. to ban parking on the north side of 8th Avenue between 11th and 12th Street. (First Reading)

Motion: Motion whether or not to consider the ordinance.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.

This agenda item was not considered due to a technicality.

16. Events/Misc Requests

a. Report from the City Clerk's office regarding a request from Sunset Marina at 10 31st Avenue to use sound amplification on July 15, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. as part of a party for marina patrons and their guests.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the request as recommended.

RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Hurt moved to approve the request as recommended; Alderperson Gilbert seconded. 


Motion PASSED on a 4-0-3 roll call vote. Aye: Hurt, Gilbert, Parker, Poulos. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson, Swanson, Healy.

b. Report from the City Clerk's office regarding a request from the Martin Luther King Jr. Center, 630 9th Street, to hold their annual Family Fun Day on Friday, August 18, 2023 from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Saturday, August 19, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., with street closures at 9th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues; and a request for sound amplification.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the event and requests as recommended. RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Poulos moved to approve the event and requests as recommended; Alderperson Hurt seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 4-0-3 roll call vote. Aye: Hurt, Gilbert, Parker, Poulos. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson, Swanson, Healy.

c. Report from the City Clerk's office regarding a request from Gabby Grueber of Hy-Vee at 2930 18th Avenue to use sound amplification in their parking lot on Thursday, July 20, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m as part of a bourbon raffle and tasting.

Motion: Motion whether or not to approve the request as recommended. RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Gilbert moved to approve the request as recommended; Alderperson Poulos seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 4-0-3 roll call vote. Aye: Hurt, Gilbert, Parker, Poulos. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson, Swanson, Healy.

17. Other Business/New Business

Alderperson Gilbert suggested that for future agenda items related to the sale of City-owned property of vacant lots, Council utilize the motion to suspend the rules, consider, and pass the ordinance. City Attorney Dave Morrison confirmed that Council could utilize this motion if there were enough votes. Community and Economic Development Director Miles Brainard said the department would coordinate with the City Clerk on submitting the sale of City-owned property items with the recommendation to suspend the rules, consider, and pass the ordinance.

Alderperson Hurt thanked the Parks and Recreation Department for the great job they did with the Red, White and Boom event last week and how quickly they were able to clean up.

Mayor Thoms said the Rock Island Port District bill that was recently passed by the Illinois Legislature was just signed into law by Governor Pritzker. He noted this was exciting for the City and said he is in the process of determining what the next steps are in terms of the format of the meetings, rules and regulations, and bylaws.

18. Closed Session

a. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding must be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.

b. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(21) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.

Motion: Motion whether or not to go into Closed Session for the exceptions cited. RC Roll Call vote is needed.


Alderperson Gilbert moved to go into Closed Session for the exceptions cited; Alderperson Poulos seconded.


Motion PASSED on a 4-0-3 roll call vote. Aye: Hurt, Gilbert, Parker, Poulos. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson, Swanson, Healy.

19. Adjourn

a. Motion to adjourn.

Motion: Motion whether or not to adjourn to July 24, 2023. (Voice Vote)


Alderperson Parker moved to adjourn the meeting; Alderperson Poulos seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.


Motion PASSED on a 4-0-3 roll call vote. Aye: Hurt, Gilbert, Parker, Poulos. Nay: None. Absent: Robinson, Swanson, Healy.
