
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Colona City Council met Aug. 28

City of Colona City Council met Aug. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Call to Order: 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call:

Pledge of Allegiance:

Public Comments:

Mayor’s Report:

Clerk’s Report;

Committee Reports:

Consent Agenda:

1. Approve minutes from council meeting of: August 14, 2023

2. Approve minutes from closed session of: August 14, 2023

3. Approve minutes from the committee of the whole session: August 14, 2023

4. Approve payment of bills for period: August 15-28, 2023

5. Approve payroll for: August 11-25, 2023

Old Business:

1. Approve the purchase of new water meters to be installed at Willowhaven Mobile Home Park, estimated cost $50,000 with the following budget amendments: Water Department – Meter Purchase 540-531-4960, original budget $50,000, increase $15,000 new amended budget $65,000; Sewer Department – Meter Purchase 530-532-4960, original budget $0, increase $35,000, new amended budget $35,000. The meters will be paid out of O&M Depreciation Cash Reserves: Water 530-000-1044 and Sewer 530-000-1045.

New Business:

1. Approve Liquor License for Karnal Inc., d/b/a BJ’s Wine & Spirits, located at 526 1st Street

2. Approve WaterWorth/Muniworth Annual Subscription, unlimited service areas (water, sewer, general, storm water) professional support package. A 20-month subscription at a total cost of $20,000 (term of contract NTE Mayor’s term)

3. Approve the following budget amendments for the payment of WaterWorth prorated 20-Month Term Contract $20,000: Water Department – Other Professional Services 530-531-4380, original budget $30,000, increase $6,667, new amended budget $36,667; Sewer Department – Other Professional Services 530-532-4380, original budget $8,000, increase $6,667, new amended budget $14,667; WWTP – Other Professional Services 530-533-4380, original budget $280,000, increase $6,667, new amended budget $286,667. The WaterWorth Contract will be paid out of O&M cash 530-000-1000

4. Approve IMEG proposal for engineering services for WWTP updates (IMEG #23000425.04) total project fee (hourly, not to exceed) $30,800.00.

5. Discussion – request City of Moline to prepare a proposal and amendment to our current agreement for operation of Colona’s WWTP to include assuming the operation and maintenance of the City of Colona’s sewage collection system. This would include all piping, sewer mains, man holes, lift stations, pumps, force mains and any other infrastructure associated with the collection system

6. Approve authorizing the Mayor to request Moline to prepare a proposal and contract amendment for assuming operation and maintenance of Colona’s wastewater collection system for council’s consideration.

7. Approve to waive bidding requirements for roof repairs at the Animal Control Building and WWTP Press Building – insurance claims on both buildings, two (2) separate jobs (O&M and general fund) will get RFQ authority to proceed with lowest responsible quote.

8. Discuss and approve the purchase of two (2) male swans to provide a non-lethal control of the infestation of geese at CSFP. Geese at the park are creating a nuisance and health concerns for children and patrons of the park as well as polluting the park’s pond. Estimated cost ($1,000/per swan) total of $2,000, $500 for transportation to the site and $1,000 for feed and a feeder for a total cost of $3,500.

9. Authorize Mayor to sign 2023 MFT Engineer Agreement, BLR05520 – Consulting Engineer IMEG total estimated cost of $6,417.72 to be paid from MFT funds.

10.Approve accepting donation of Lot #13, Greenwood Sub-Division which is vacant in lieu of payment of monies owed to the City of Colona, PIN #06-11-453-001.

11.Discuss 1st Ave water tower tripod roof safety issues – Verizon cables, ladder, liability concerns, controlled access!

12.Discuss Chestnut Dr status – resolution issues, engineering contract amendment, construction cost estimate.

13.Status of lead service line inventory grant.

14.Discussion and Explanation of TIF Assistance Procedures – Questions? 

Closed Session:

