
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met Sept. 19

City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met Sept. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Committee-of-the-Whole Call to Order

PRESENT: Mayor Sangeetha Rayapati (Chair)

Alderperson Debbie Murphy (Ward 1)

Alderperson Alvaro Macias (Ward 2)

Alderperson Matt Timion (Ward 4)

Alderperson Jessica Finch (Ward 5)

Alderperson Pat O’Brien (Ward 6)

Alderperson Anna Castro (Ward 7)

Alderperson James Patrick Schmidt (Alderperson At-Large)

ABSENT: Alderperson Abdur Razzaque (Ward 3)

STAFF: Bob Vitas, City Administrator

Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator

Stephanie Murphy, City Clerk

Carol Barnes, Finance Director

Lori Ulloa, Assistant Finance Director

David Dryer, Director of Engineering

Eric Griffith, Parks & Recreation Director

Chris Mathias, Community and Economic Development Director

Tony Loete, Director of Utilities

Leah Miller, Human Resources Director

Steve Regenwether, Fire Chief

Mike Davis, System Administrator

Steve VenHuizen, Deputy Chief of Police

K.J. Whitley, Community Development Program Manager ~electronically

Rodd Schick, Municipal Services General Manager

OTHERS: Margaret Kostopulos, Corporation Counsel

Jason Estes, Senior Associate, FGM Architects

Kirk Marske, Moline Centre Program Manager

Jinnel Choiniere, Executive Director, Moline Community Development

Alexandra Elias, CEO/Present, Renew Moline

Mayor Rayapati called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Committee-of-the-Whole Conference Room.

Council Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance


Alderperson O’Brien gave an Invocation.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Murphy, Macias, Timion, Finch, O’Brien, Castro and Schmidt present. Absent: Razzaque.

Public Comment


Roundtable Discussion – 2024-2026 Budget

8.1 Enterprise Fund Finances Discussion. Mayor Rayapati offered opening remarks, reminding City Council that although they may have varying ideas, everyone is coming at this work from a helpful place. Mayor Rayapati then turned the discussion to Carol Barnes, Director of Finance. Barnes shared there were four large open items Finance would like direction on prior to finalizing the budget in October. Barnes requested input and priorities from Council. The four main open items are as follows: 1) A complete review of all fees in the four enterprise funds: Barnes noted that as those fees are reviewed, there is a fee schedule that would be used throughout the evening as a reference. 2) Unfunded projects: Barnes shared that over the last three to four years, there have been discussions of projects, and collectively, the City has been seeking revenue sources. Barnes stated that viable revenue streams, which Finance would like the City Council to consider, would be reviewed. 3) A brief review of the ARPA allocation: Barnes stated that Quarter Three will be submitted at the end of October, 2023. 4) Review of payments to agencies that are completed annually: Barnes declared this as an official budget work session. If City Council gives direction to staff, those items will be added to the agenda appropriately. Tony Loete, Director of Utilities, requested a consensus from the City Council for items recommended by the Utilities Department. Loete then reviewed the challenges presented, which included, but were not limited to, large scale improvement needed at the water waste treatment plant and the aging equipment, challenges at South Slope, and challenges in the River Drive Interceptor Improvements. Alderperson Timion asked Loete about principle being forgiven and what the conditions are for that. Loete noted the State has a scoring system based, in part, on the median household income. Mayor Rayapati asked for more information on how the census tracts work. Loete will follow-up on this.

Bob Vitas, City Administrator, noted for future reference that City Council ultimately approved the Lakeshore Recycling System (LRS) project in terms of meeting criteria, which is yet to be determined by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). This project will create a sizeable revenue stream. Those funds should go towards repayment of the debt in TIF 7. Vitas stated that is the top priority to get TIF 7 off the General Fund obligation. Once that debt is retired, Vitas suggested that revenue be dedicated back to the sanitation fund, and used for capital equipment as well, to reduce the user rates to citizens in Moline.

8.2 Competing Budget Pressures. Carol Barnes, Director of Finance, stated that back in June of 2023, Bob Vitas, City Administrator, shared the City had a lot of competing budget pressures. Over the past few months, four of those budget pressures have been addressed. Nine issues were set to be addressed at the September 19, 2023 meeting and two issues were set to be deferred. Barnes shared the 10-year plan for funding all projects discussed on page one of the Competing Budget Pressures presentation document.

Barnes noted Finance is looking for City Council to prioritize those funds. David Dryer, Director of Engineering, reviewed the CIP 2024-2026+ handout. Mayor Rayapati stated that in the past, a common question has been whether or not the Engineering Department was going to get to all the projects. Mayor Rayapati stated it sounds like Engineering has taken the time, cost, etc. to engineer and arrange a schedule so these items can be accomplished. Dryer replied stating there are three engineers in design and the department is going to do everything they can to get the projects checked off and complete. Dryer stated that if necessary, the department will seek assistance from outside design consultants. Dryer noted that delays in projects are more often due to State and Federal requirements rather than things that within the City’s control. Barnes continued reviewing the updated project list and reviewed potential new revenues.

Alderperson Timion asked if the City has reevaluated the price of renovating the Central Fire Station versus new construction. Vitas stated administration could try to complete a cost estimate, but noted that costs are higher than when the firehouse was first discussed in early 2022. Jason Estes, Project Manager for FMG Architects, approached the podium and shared that when FMG Architects was brought on to the project, they did look at a full facility location. Estes stated that the firehouse is not currently in the correct location. In terms of the existing facility, the infrastructure is aged, there are a lot of issues pertaining to clearance, access, and the area is short of about 12,000 square feet for an ideal programmatic space. Estes noted that the cost to build new would be around $8,000,000 to $9,000,000 and there would be additional costs as well. The cost does not include gaining any additional square footage. Discussion was held. Alderperson Castro inquired about bonds the City needs to pay off. Barnes stated there are several, and most are retiring in about eight years. Discussion was held regarding which projects should take priority. Vitas suggested approving funding sources and then deciding which projects to move forward with.

Alderperson Timion made a motion to remove the Green Valley Turf Project. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Discussion held. Motion failed on roll call with the following vote: Ayes: Alderpersons Castro, Timion, and Finch. Nays: Alderpersons O’Brien, Schmidt, Murphy, and Macias.

City Council took a five minute recess at 8:40 p.m.

City Council reconvened at 8:46 p.m.

Alderperson Timion made a motion to set the franchise fees for 2024 and 2025 to 1.5%, with the fee being 3% in 2026. Seconded by Alderperson Murphy. Further discussion was held. The motion passed unanimously.

Alderperson Timion made a motion to set the amusement tax to 5%. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. The motion passed unanimously.

Carol Barnes, Finance Director, asked if the City Council would like the Finance Department to prepare a resolution for the franchise fee and an ordinance for the amusement tax fee, as soon as the September 26, 2023 City Council meeting, to have it effective January 1, 2024. Mayor Rayapati mentioned that this should not be rushed, noting that there is a place for caution and the City Council should use the weeks available to discuss the budget before making final votes. The consensus was reached to hold off on approving a resolution and ordinance.

8.3 Outside Agencies Budget Requests 2024. Bob Vitas, City Administrator, stated that the City has historically provided funding to various outside organizations. Vitas reviewed those organizations and the amount of money budgeted for each. Partners include Renew Moline, Moline Community Development Corporation (MCDC), Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce, and Visit Quad Cities. Visit Quad Cities is requesting a greater rate of funding at 25% of the hotel motel tax collected, as compared to their previous funding of around 18%. Vitas stated that Dave Herrell, President and CEO of Visit Quad Cities, would be invited to the September 26, 2023 City Council meeting to provide an update. Renew Moline has made a request and they are looking for an increase in their sustaining support by an extra $25,000. Discussion held. Alexandra Elias, President and CEO of Renew Moline, thanked Council for their confidence in the Renew Moline team. City Council reached consensus to remain open to the idea of supporting the outside agencies, but more information from the agencies was requested. Alderperson Schmidt made a motion to move $185,000 from the 2024 Child Care Program into the Redevelopment Opportunities category to address flooding near Parr Instrument Company. Seconded by Alderperson O’Brien. The motion passed unanimously. These items are listed on Page 49 of the Competing Budget Pressures report.

Alderperson Timion made a motion to move $50,000 from the Bike Lanes Project in 2024 and allocate those funds to the Center for Youth and Family Solutions adult program. Seconded Alderperson O’Brien. The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Rayapati requested information regarding the funds for purchasing the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) parcels. Mayor Rayapati asked if the cost is still unknown and whether or not it is not in the budget. Vitas stated that he has not heard any updates from the State of Illinois. Mayor Rayapati asked that administration bring an update back to City Council regarding the aforementioned item.

Miscellaneous Business

Mayor Rayapati shared she had a great time attending an event for Junior Achievement of the Heartland (JA). Mayor Rayapati also noted Junior Achievement is building an Inspiration Center in Moline.

Adjournment of City Council

Upon motion of Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Castro, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:42 p.m. Motion passed unanimously.
