
Rock Island Today

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Lewistown City Council met Jan. 23

City of Lewistown City Council met Jan. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Lewistown City Council met in regular session in the council chambers. Mayor Douglas Lafary called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Invocation: Pastor Walmsly

ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Alderperson Sally Clark, Jim Long, Brad Ward, Kendall Miller, David Levingston, John Spotloe and Mayor Doug Lafary. Also present: City Clerk Cindy Goddard, City Treasurer Debby Brown, Administrative Assistant Levi Peitzmeimer, Public Works Director Evinn Palmer, Police Chief Chris Ford and City Attorney Nathan Collins.




Alderperson Clark made a motion to approve the minutes of January 23, 2024 second by Alderperson Long, the motion carried all ayes.

Report- Applied for 3rd round of grant money for the Leal Line Location and got it, amount is $40,000.00 again. Evinn Palmer, Public Works Director needs a GIS mapping system (geographic information system) it will locate water mains, wastewater lines, fire hydrants, anything that can be mapped. So called and they said it was approved to spend the grant money for it.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Debbie Brown. Nothing

ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Nathan Collins. Comcast is ok to approve later in meeting.

ENGINEER'S REPORT: Keith Plavec. No Engineer present.



Finance/Insurance/Zoning - Alderperson Clark: Nothing to report.

Sewer- Alderperson Spotloe: Nothing to report.

Streets & Allies - Alderperson Levingston: Nothing to report.

Police/ESDA - Alderperson Ward: $2100.00 to repair Durango. Discussion later in meeting.

Water - Alderperson Miller: Nothing,

Utilities/Publications - Alderperson Long: Nothing to report.

Public Buildings & Grounds - Alderperson Long: working hard on streets

Tourism - Alderman Miller: Nothing.

Tax Increment Financing - Alderperson Spotloe: Nothing to report.

Citizens Committee - Amanda Sutphen not present at meeting but sent information to Cindy approving for waiver of the $150,000.00 for the city's matching portion for the $600,000.00 from Community Project Funding Water Infrastructure Project grant.

Christmas Committee - Kenny Haacke meeting tomorrow night at Visitor's Center, to discuss fund raiser at VFW.


Evinn Palmer Director, have been plowing, have

one truck broke down, with cold have had 6 or 7 meters freeze. Update soon regarding new software, hope to get different meters at that time that don't freeze, will let us know for sure what is compatable. North Chestnut had water main break, it was fixed.


1. Discuss/Act Upon Comcast Franchise Agreement - Agreement for next 10 years between the City of Lewistown and Comcast. Motion by Alderperson Ward, to approve the Comcast Franchise Agreement, second by Alderperson Spotloe, motion carried all ayes.


1. Discuss/Act Upon approving Levi Peitzmeier as authorized Administrative Assistant to sign checks - Have to have this approved in a meeting. Cindy Goddard retiring from position of Administrative Assistant, bank needs approved minutes to allow Levi Peitzmeier to be an authorized signer on checks. Motion by Alderperson Long to be authorized to sign checks, second by Alderperson Ward, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.

2. Discuss/Act Upon GFL Proposal – Eric Shangraw, offering city contract, garbage pick up has gone up with all companies, he was here several years ago offering a contract for the city, the city would get free service, all town clean up is included, and they do all billing. Ordinance is needed to say that it is a service of the city and that everyone has to have the garbage pick-up. Alderperson Miller has a problem telling everyone that they have to use the same service. This is an agreement between the GFL and the City. Everyone pays the same this way per Mr. Shangraw. The price is $19.50 a month, additional cart for $4.50, with 4% increase each year for the 5 year contract. Will pick up such items as mattresses at an extra fee of $35.00, they would be furnished a 95 gallon trash cart. At this time they have 72 city contracts with cities. Most aldermen agree they do not want to be told who to use. They told him is they decide to look into this contract then they would let him know.

3. Discuss/Act Upon Acquiring New Police Vehicle - Chief Ford, Durango broke down, would not shift, transmission out, had to have towed. Almost 8 years old, in town driving is hard on the cars. Want to look at purchasing a new vehicle. No state contract with the city. Not in budget right now but can put in FY 2025 budget. Chief does not want to invest a lot of money in this Durango. $48,000.00 for Explorer would like to move money from budget in salary to pay for new vehicle. Alderperson Ward would like some specks and maybe have committee meeting before next meeting. Could maybe put used transmission in the Durango to get it running. Motion by Alderperson Levingston to repair the Durango with a used transmission and if can't get used install a new one, second by Alderperson Spotloe, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes. Table at this time to purchase new vehicle.

4. Discuss/Act Upon Renewing CD's at Ipava and Havana Banks - These are 3 month CD's that are up for renewing on the 25th. Havana Bank's present renewal rate is 4.9% for 3 months and Ipava Bank is 5.3% for 3 months, 5% for 6 months, 4.5% for 12 months and 4.35% for 18 months. Discussion if to leave each at the two different banks or not. Alderperson Levingston said if it was his money he would put all at the bank with the highest interest rate. Alderperson Ward made a motion to move the CD from the Havana Bank to Ipava State Bank and leave for another 3 months at the rate of 5.3%, second by Alderperson Clark, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.


Alderperson Miller made a motion to approve all bills properly endorsed; Seconded by Alderperson Clark roll call vote, the motion carried with all ayes.

CLOSED SESSION: No closed session


Alderperson Spotloe made a motion to adjourn at 7:10 p.m.; Seconded by Alderperson Miller motion carried all ayes.
